Keep exploring to find out more about international Scouting and some fun ways you can get involved right now!
Jamboree on the Air – Jamboree on the Internet
(JOTA-JOTI) is a fun and exciting annual experience for all young people in Scouting using the widest range of technology communication channels to educate, promote cultural awareness, develop tolerance, as well as enhance sharing, collaboration and teamwork, along with building a sense of belonging to the worldwide Scout Movement. It is a “travel-free” Jamboree that takes place wherever you are in the world.
The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is a confederation of 172 national Scout organizations (NSO). WOSM was formed to encourage the Scouting movement throughout the world by promoting unity and understanding of its purpose and principles and by supporting its expansion and development. Three main bodies make up the WOSM: the World Scout Conference, the World Scout Committee, and the World Scout Bureau. In addition to the three main divisions, six regional conferences and committees of the WOSM meet regularly to implement decisions and policies locally. Scouting America is a member of the InterAmerican Region that includes the 34 NSOs of the North and Scout Americas. More information and a brief explanation of WOSM can be found at
Be sure to check out the LEC’s International Scouting Events and Opportunities page ( for up-to-date info on international scouting opportunities and how to get involved!
26th World Scout Jamboree July 30 - August 8, 2027, 2027 in Poland
A World Scout Jamboree is the World Organization of the Scouting Movement’s largest event, with regular attendance of over 40,000 scouts and Scouters from all around the world and 172 different countries. It’s a place for friendship, fellowship, and adventure! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a Scout to get engaged with the global Scouting community; this is truly something you won’t want to miss.
International Jamborees and Opportunities
Contact LEC International Committee: Message us on social media Facebook @LECBSAinternatonal
International Recognitions
Several uniform insignia and awards are available to show a Scout’s involvement in the world Scouting movement:
An emblem of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the World Crest may be worn by all registered youth members and adult leaders as a symbol of their membership in a worldwide Scouting brotherhood. A small amount from the sale of each emblem is sent to the World Scout Foundation to help extend Scouting in developing nations throughout the world. This adds an opportunity for each Scout to personally share indirectly in the activities of brother Scouts in other lands.
Over the years, each member national Scout organization has made use of the badge in a different manner. In 1988 the World Organization of the Scout Movement requested that every national Scout association authorize this emblem to be worn by all members to signify membership in a worldwide movement.
The emblem is worn as a permanent patch centered horizontally over the left pocket and vertically between the left shoulder seam and the top of the pocket.
For youth and adult leaders, the International Spirit Award emblem is worn as a temporary patch centered on the right uniform pocket. The award seeks to broaden knowledge of international Scouting and increase appreciation and awareness of different cultures and countries.
The International Scouter’s Award encourages Scouters to broaden their involvement in Scouting through participation in world Scouting activities and recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting.
A Scout wearing the interpreter strip must be able to carry on a conversation in a foreign language or in sign language, write a letter in the foreign language (not required for signing), and translate orally and in writing from one language to another.
Scouts are eligible to receive the World Conservation Award after completing the requirements for the following merit badges: Environmental Science, Citizenship in the World, and either Soil and Water Conservation or Fish and Wildlife Management.
Messengers Of Peace
Scouts are already doing great things in their community. Through good turns and community service, scouts are making the world a better place and spreading a culture of peace. The Messengers of Peace program aims to highlight this work by supporting scouts’ community service and encouraging Scouts to share their actions with others to help build a global network of service. If a scout does a service action and shares it with other, they can earn a Messengers of Peace badge. The main goal is to inspire Scouts to continue their community service or to join efforts with other scouts from around the globe. You can earn the Messengers of Peace badge in 4 steps:
Inspire: Explore and research about local problems, people in action and good practices.
Learn and decide: Identify your motivation and talents. Choose a field of action. Select useful knowledge, skills and ideas to apply.
Do: Plan your actions, execute, monitor, evaluate and report.
Share: Share what you did, your experiences, outcomes and learnt lessons.
*information from
Launched in September 2011, Messengers of Peace is a global initiative designed to inspire millions of young men and women in more than 220 countries and territories to work toward peace. Using state-of-the-art social media, the initiative lets Scouts from around the world share what they’ve done and inspire fellow Scouts to undertake similar efforts in their own communities. The initiative is inspired by the World Scout Committee, administered by the World Scout Bureau, and driven by youth volunteers worldwide.
Defining Peace
In terms of the MOP initiative, peace encompasses three dimensions:
The personal dimension: harmony, justice, and equality
The community dimension: peace as opposed to hostility or violent conflict
Relationships between humankind and its environment: security, social and economic welfare, and relationship with the environment
Any Scout or Scouter who participates in a project that has had a significant impact on the community in any one of the three dimensions above can qualify as a Messenger of Peace.
Submitting MOP-related projects is easy for Scouting America units. All they need to do is check the Messengers of Peace box when entering a service project through the Journey to Excellence website (
Any Scout or Scouter who participates in a qualifying project is eligible to wear a Messengers of Peace ring patch around the World Crest on his or her uniform. A unit representative can purchase these ring patches at a local Scout shop, council service center, or .
Messengers of Peace Frequently Asked Questions
Messengers of Peace Service Project Ideas
HELPFUL International Scouting Links:
World Scouting Website (
Scouting International (
Scouting International Insignia (
World Friendship Fund and Other Ways to Support World Scouting
Connect with Scouts Around The World Online
Unit Guide to World Scouting – Program Ideas for Bringing World Scouting to Units