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Growing the Scouting Movement is one of the most important things we can do.  The more young people that can be impacted by the character building and personal growth found in our Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships, & Posts, the better our country and world will be.  As a Scouting volunteer, you play a vital role in engaging new youth (and their parents/families) in the adventure we call Scouting!


Get ready to grow your Scouting community locally by doing THREE easy things:


Recruiting is a COMMUNITY EFFORT! Your Unit grows when the WHOLE COMMUNITY is involved.


Your growth is Scouting’s growth! Make sure you share the story of Scouting and help the Movement spread!


Recruiting new families into your awesome Scouting program can be challenging.

That’s why the Lake Erie Council, working with volunteers in our area and borrowing successful ideas from around the country, has put together a complete Membership Growth Guide that you can use as a roadmap to growth!

Click on the image to download the playbook.


Every Scouting unit is encouraged to create a public Facebook page. This provides a simple platform for communicating with the local community as well as current and prospective families. Check out our recommendations below:

Pro tip: Every unit has unique QR Codes and URLs that are specific to them. They provide links to your unit’s online application so make sure you use them on handouts, flyers, emails, social media, and beyond. Use this document to find your unit’s QR Code and unique application link.

Click on the button below to see some sample captions you can use on your own Facebook page. Post them along with your own pictures or any of the ones below. You can also navigate the BSA’s Brand Center for more options!

additional SCOUTS assets

Additional CUB SCOUT assets


Geofencing an event on Facebook allows you to target a specific audience located around a physical location. Check out the guide below to learn how to advertise your events!


Nothing is more powerful than a personal invitation. Plus, Scouts can earn the Recruiter Strip when a friend joins Scouting.

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Use the join cards below to invite others to start their Scouting adventure!


Every unit can create and edit a BeAScout Pin. This is where prospective families who visit will be able to learn more about your Scouting program, request more information, and apply online.

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When a new family requests more information through, a new Lead is created in your unit’s Invitation Manager on A member of the unit’s key-3 or a designee can access and interact with these leads. Every parent who requests information should receive a phone call from the unit within 48 hours of submitting their request.

Families can also complete and submit online applications through These applications must be accepted through your unit’s Application Manager portal on A member of the unit’s key-3 or their designee can accept youth applications. Only the Chartering Organization Representative or their designee can accept adult applications.

Parents and Unit leaders can transfer members between units through the website. This is especially useful for Arrow of Light Scouts who are transferring to a Scouts BSA Troop.


For more information on, visit their resource website or download the Online Registration Unit Guidebook

If you have any questions or if you would like assistance with Membership & New Family Engagement, please contact the Lake Erie Council Member Care department