Membership Renewal and Unit Renewal are brand new for 2024. Unlike the previous annual “rechartering” process, these two new processes are completely separate and serve different purposes. Membership of youth and adults is now a handled on an individual twelve-month cycle and no longer directly linked to a unit charter.

The processes for Membership Renewal and Unit Renewal are explained below.

Click here to skip to the Unit Renewal Section.


All members, both youth and adults, will renew their membership based on their individual membership expiration dates. The membership period is from the first day of the month in which the member originally joined to the last day of the month twelve months later.

Members will get renewal notices by email starting 60 days prior to expiration date. The next notification email messages will occur 45 days and then 30 days before the membership expiration date.

Membership Renewal notices are sent to the parents of youth members and directly to adult members. The email addresses in the members’ profile will be used for these notices. Having a correct, active email address in your My.Scouting profile or in your child’s profile is critical.

Members must renew their membership on or before their expiration date!

Units are also able to complete an individual’s membership renewal on their behalf.


renewal methods

FAMILY/SELF-paid (Members pay for their own membership)

  1. Receive notifications: Members will receive a renewal notification 60 days prior to their membership expiration dates (or their Scouts). Members will be notified by email (from and will see alerts in and Scoutbook.

  2. Access the Membership Renewal portal:

    • Click the link in the email or the system alert to be directed to the online Membership Renewal portal, login, and following the instructions.

    • The portal can also be accessed by logging in to > My Application > My Renewals.

  3. Complete your online renewal:

    1. Review all positions to be renews.

    2. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.

    3. Review the fees. Uncheck the box for Scout Life magazine if you do not want to receive it.

    4. Enter credit/debit information (there is a 3% admin fee).

    5. Submit the request.

    6. Check your email for the confirmation message and receipt.

NOTE: Adult membership renewals require approval from the unit’s Chartered Organization Representative (COR) or COR Delegate, or their Council Unit Representative (CUR).

NOTE: Youth memberships require approval from a member of the unit’s Key 3 (Unit Leader, Unit Committee Chair, COR/CUR).


UNIT PAY (Unit pays for their members)

  1. Access the online roster: A member of the Key 3 or their delegate(s) can access the Membership Renewal portal by logging in to > Menu > Select Unit > Organization Manager > Roster.

  2. Create renewal order:

    1. Opt Out members that will NOT be returning.
      Note: This option cannot be reversed! If a mistake is made, then please contact the Lake Erie Council Member Care for assistance.

    2. Check the boxes next to the members that you would like to renew and click the Renew button in the menu bar at the top of the list.

      Note: Only members that are Eligible to Renew can be selected. Any member not renewed either by the unit or by the member will automatically drop from the roster three months after their membership expiration date.

    3. Add or remove Scout Life magazine subscriptions for each member.
      ⚠ Note: The subscription is selected by default for all members!

    4. Mark member(s) as Multiple if their primary membership is in another unit.
      Note: Older youth members, between the ages of 18-20, that are registered in a Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship, but who retain a registered position with their Scouts Troop, should have their primary registrations in their Crew or Ship.

      A secondary registration in their Scouts Troop can be any of the registered adult Troop positions such as College Scouter Reserve, for example.

      Any member who is 18 or older must complete and adult application and Youth Protection Training (YPT).

    5. Click Create Renewal Order button at the bottom of the page.

  3. Pay for the renewal order:

    1. Review the fees breakdown at the top of the Payment Summary page.

    2. Select payment method:

      • Credit/debit Card: 3% fee.

      • Bank transfer (ACH): $1.00 fee per order (not member).

    3. Submit payment.

  4. Approve renewals: Units need to approve adults for those members to show as registered with the unit.

Units also have the option to pay at the Lake Erie Council’s Service Center by following these steps in the Organization Manager section:

  1. Check the boxes next to the members that you would like to renew and then click on the Print > Unit Payment of Membership Renewal option from the report menu bar (see screenshot).


2. Download and save the Unit Payment of Membership Renewal Paperwork from the pop-up box.

3. Print the Membership Renewal paperwork and make any necessary updates such as Scout Life’s Subscriptions.

4. Bring the updated paperwork and a check (payable to Lake Erie Council) to the Unit Service Center.

Unit Renewal

Unit Renewal is the new process for 2024, to renew agreement with your Chartering Organization to operate the Unit for another year and notify Lake Erie Council and the National Council of your intent to continue operating as a Unit.

This process was previously called “Recharter” or “Charter Renewal.” Unlike the old process, youth and adult members are no longer renewed with the unit. Membership fees are also separated from the unit charter. Memberships are a set twelve-month term from the time each member registers regardless of when the unit renews. Therefore, Unit Renewal and Membership Renewal are new and separate processes.

unit renewal PROCEDURE

IF THE unit pays online

  1. Access the online Unit Renewal portal: starting on November 1st, log in to > select unit > Organization Manager > Unit Renewal.

  2. Unit Validation:

    • Review the Unit Leadership section. The COR/COR Delegate can Edit Positions, if necessary, and then return to the Unit Renewal page to continue.

      • Note: A minimum number of leaders must be listed for the renewal validation to pass:

        • Packs (6) = COR, Pack Committee Chair, Cubmaster, at least two Committee Members, and at least one Den Leader.

        • Troops, Crews, Ships, and Posts (5) = COR, Unit Committee Chair, unit leader (e.g., Scoutmaster), and at least two Committee Members.

    • Any Key 3 member or their delegates can enter their name in the Unit Renewal and Leadership Approval section.

      Note: Any validation errors must be resolved before the system will allow the Unit Renewal process to proceed.

  3. Payment:

    1. Select the appropriate Payment option (e.g., Credit Card or Bank Transfer) and enter the necessary Billing Information.

    2. Review the Unit Renewal Fees section and then click the Submit Payment button in the bottom right. 

    3. Review Renewal Order Status page and print a copy of this page as your receipt. Click the Go To Confirmation button in the lower right.

    4. The system will show that the payment is being processed and that the Unit Renewal order has been submitted.

  4. Annual Unit Charter Agreement

    1. Download, fill out, and print the appropriate Annual Charter Agreement.

    2. Review the Agreement and have it signed by the following people:

      • Charter Organization: Executive Officer/Institutional Head—this is the current Head of your charter organization (Pastor, Priest, Principal, etc). The Executive Officer must be the same on the unit’s roster and the organization’s website.

      • Charter Organization Representative (COR) or Council Unit Representative (CUR)

      • Unit Committee Chair 

      • Local Council

    3. Submit the signed Annual Unit Charter Agreement to your Unit Serving Executive, by email to, or in person at the Unit Service Center.


IF THE unit pays at the lec service center

  1. Access the online Unit Renewal portal: starting on November 1st, log in to > select unit > Organization Manager > Unit Renewal.

  2. Unit Validation:

    • Review the Unit Leadership section. The COR/COR Delegate can Edit Positions, if necessary, and then return to the Unit Renewal page to continue.

      • Note: A minimum number of leaders must be listed for the renewal validation to pass:

        • Packs (6) = COR, Pack Committee Chair, Cubmaster, at least two Committee Members, and at least one Den Leader.

        • Troops, Crews, Ships, and Posts (5) = COR, Unit Committee Chair, unit leader (e.g., Scoutmaster), and at least two Committee Members.

    • Any Key 3 member or their delegates can enter their name in the Unit Renewal and Leadership Approval section.

      Note: Any validation errors must be resolved before the system will allow the Unit Renewal process to proceed.

  3. Complete the Unit Renewal and Leadership Approval section and then click on the Click here for Pay at the Council Office Option button at the bottom of the page.

  4. Print the next page for reference.

  5. STOP HERE with the online portion.

  6. Download, fill out, print the appropriate Annual Charter Agreement, and collect the required signatures.

  7. Submit payment at the Unit Service Center: make checks payable to Lake Erie Council.

    • Bring a copy of the renewal order and the Annual Charter Agreement.

    • Please note that debit/credit card transactions (over the phone and in person) will incur a 3% administrative fee.


To ensure on-time submission of your unit’s renewal, follow the following timeline:

  • October 2024 – Units verify that the email addresses for the Charter Organization Representative (COR) or Council Unit Representative (CUR), Unit Committee Chair, and Unit Leader are correct in

  • November 2024

    • 11/01/24 – Unit Renewal opens.

    • Unit Key 3 Leadership Team verifies that:

      • youth and adult members with November and December expiration dates have submitted their renewals (a minimum of 5 youth and 5 adults are required to renew a unit).

        • From the “Roster” tab, run and export the “Members Due to Renew Report” to verify which memberships are due to expire in the next 60 days.

      • leaders and any youth over the age of 18 have a current Youth Protection Training (or is valid through 1/31/25).

    • Units print, review, and begin collecting signatures for the Annual Charter Agreement (download the document below).

  • December 2024

    • 12/13/24  – Deadline to submit Unit Renewals AND Annual Charter Agreement.

      • A $100 late-filing fee will be added to the Unit Charter Fee (which is $100) to any units that submit a renewal after this date

      • A $100 late-filing fee will be charged if an incomplete Unit Renewal is submitted (unless the missing items are submitted before the deadline).

      • A renewal is complete when the following three items have been received:

        1. Unit Renewal request/order (through 

        2. Unit Renewal fee payment by credit/debit card, Bank Transfer, or check.

        3. Fully signed Annual Charter Agreement.

Note: Late-filing fees will not be greater than $100 per renewing Unit.

Note: Any renewals submitted on or before 12/13/24 WITHOUT the Annual Charter Agreement will incur the $100 late-filing fee.


Use the resources below to assist you with new process. You can also visit Scouting America’s Unit and Membership Renewal Website for more information.


membership Fees (effective April 1, 2024)

Exploring (youth & Adult):

  • Membership: $50/person

  • Insurance: $12/person

  • Unit Renewal Fee: $100

  • Scout Life: $15/subscriber (optional)

cub scouts, scouts bsa, venturing, sea scouts:

  • Youth Membership: $85/youth

  • Adult Membership: $65/adult

  • Insurance: $12/person

  • Unit Renewal Fee: $100

  • Scout Life: $15/subscriber (optional)