Summer Family Camping Opportunities

The Lake Erie Council is your home for family camping experiences! Start and end your summer by reserving a spot at Beaumont Scout Reservation for our Family Camping Bookend Weekends during Memorial Day and Labor Day. If that does fit your schedule, Family Camps will be offered all summer long. If you are you looking to stay close to home this summer while still doing something completely different, we have four themed weekends of outdoor family adventures at Camp Stigwandish .

Activities include aquatics, boating, swimming, shooting sports, wrist rockets, crafts and projects, nature, sports, theme night, campfires. Register today to join in on the fun!

  Register today to join in on the fun!

Red, White, and BOOM!

Who is ready to have some Fourth of July fun? Join us on Friday, July 5, 2019 at Camp Stigwandish for Red, White, and Boom! 

Events include: rock climbing, water rockets, shooting sports, Scouting games, GAGA, crafts and so much more!

Dinner will be provided at the dining hall. After enjoying a meal with family and friends, the Lake Erie Council invites you to continue the celebration at Beaumont Scout Reservation for even more programming and a state-of-the-art fireworks display. Register today for this free Fourth of July event that you will never forget!

LEC Staffing Changes

The Lake Erie Council Spring Staff Changes:

 Congratulations to Matt Feehley who has been promoted to Senior Unit Serving Executive. In this new role, Matt will continue serving our Scouters in Cub Scout Service Area 7 and take on some additional leadership responsibility.

 In the past, Matt has served as the district executive (DE) for the Grand River district for 2 1/2 years. Matt has grown Cub Scouting in his district now service area for the past two years.

Congratulations to Julia Hearne who has also been promoted to Senior Unit Serving Executive. Julia will continue to serve our Scouts in Inclusive Scouting ​while taking on some additional leadership responsibilities.

In the past, Julia has served on camp staff at Beaumont Scout Reservation and has helped with all major council events. Julia has also helped grow our inclusive Scouting program over the past few years! 

 Finally we would like to thank and wish Erica Henkin, Unit Serving Executive on the Young Adult Impact Team, good luck in her future endeavors. Erica will be leaving the Lake Erie Council on May 10th to start a new and exciting career at Cleveland State University as the Coordinator, IoT Innovations and IoT Collaborative Center. 

Youth Executive Council

The executive board of the Lake Erie Council is spearheading the formation of a Youth Executive Council which will provide regular input directly to the council’s key leadership, champion key initiatives like council-wide service projects, and serve to inspire the community.

Being a member of the council involves a commitment to a monthly virtual or in-person meeting, working on an initiative team as projects arise, and a quarterly meeting with council leadership.

If you would like to join the council, send an email to describing what would make you an ideal member.

Youth Executive Council Vision

A diverse, representative team of older scouts (age 16-20) who are willing to share feedback with council leadership, who share a passion for the difference Scouting can make in our communities, and who commit to making that difference.

Adult Leader Development Conference

The training conference is a morning event geared toward Cub Scouts & Scouts BSA Leaders. Participants will have a general session followed by 3 breakout sessions of their choosing. Through a coordinated effort with the Program Department, there will be scouting activities available onsite for scout-aged children of development conference attendees. We will also have a midway of additional program resources related to our properties & upcoming events.

Each session will be well-structured and engaging, with participants receiving relevant materials that can be immediately utilized to improve unit health. Each session will provide leaders with a call-to-action and timeline for success.

General Session (everyone will attend this session)

Scoutbook: Saving You Time & Energy

Learn the fundamentals of Scoutbook and how to utilize this free service to serve your unit better. The session will include information on creating a profile for your unit and logging advancements/service hours.

Breakout Sessions (choose three sessions to attend)

Better Budgets Create Better Program:

Budgeting made easy for both Scouts BSA Troops and Cub Scout Packs. Learn how to coordinate your fundraising and plan to make your scouting adventure the best it can be.

Calendar Planning and Your Unit’s Ideal Year of Scouting

Planning a year with a focus on fun. This calendar program will give you the skills to prepare your unit’s calendar 18 months out and provide you with council event and activity details to fill the void.

Engaging New Leaders & Parents

Learn how to recruit and engage new parents. Perfect for transitioning that Webelos leader to your troop or getting a new cub parent on the committee or running a den with ease.

21st Century Communication: Connecting to Families and the Community

Communication is key to running a scouting unit. Scoutbook, email, social media and mass text can all play a key role in connecting your families to the pulse of the group and council.

365 Days of Recruiting New Scouts

How does your unit continue to reach new families? Learn best practices, so your unit can be successful during Fall and Spring recruitment while also utilizing peer to peer outreach and Webelos crossover.

Scouts BSA and Cub Scout Panel Discussions

Talk to your local Scouts BSA, and Cub Scout Team Leads to know what is happening in the council. Bring your questions and get the inside scoop from your top staff and volunteers.

Activities for Kids!

We know that attending training often means finding supervision for kids. No need at this development conference! Parents attending the conference can bring their scout-aged kids for a fun-filled morning of adventure. Note that this is not a program activity for your Unit, but instead a convenience for parents.

Duty to God in Action

If you wish to help Scouts (all levels of Scouting) develop and deepen their own faith, there is a place for you to serve in the Scouting program.

Religious Emblem Coordinators are needed for each of the Lake Erie Council Service Areas. (Some areas already have Religious Emblem Coordinators)

Please contact Jim Hickey, the Council Religious Emblem Coordinator if you are interested in learning more about how you could help Scouts and their families live out their Scouting Duty To God.

2019 Saint Patrick's Day Parade


Join the Lake Erie Council as we march in the Cleveland Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. We encourage all Scouts from all five programs to come out and show Cleveland what Scouting is like in the Lake Erie Council. Register for the free event today and march in the famous St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday, March 17, 2019.

All Scouts are asked to wear their full uniform. It will be a busy day in downtown Cleveland, so plan your travels accordingly. For more information contact Brittany Dunne.

Scouts Own Second Order Deadline!


The Scout’s Own program allows Scouts to raise funds to pay for their summer Scouting program in a new and entrepreneurial way. Scout's Own products are locally produced. Our syrup comes from our very own trees at Beaumont Scout Reservation. In case you missed our first order date, second round of orders can be placed until Monday, March 18, 2019. Be sure to create an account at our Scout's Own website to place your unit order.

If you need assistance with your order please email Heather McMillan or John Fabsits.

Council Impact Meeting Three


Our third council impact meeting is quickly approaching. Leaders who want to be apart of where our council is heading are encouraged to attend. Join us on April 6, 2019, at the Lake Erie Council, Unit Service Center in Cleveland. Our program calendar will be released and will cover from April 2019 - August 2020. To learn more about the council impact meetings and to register to click here and hope to see you there.