Dear Lake Erie Council Families,
Today I am writing to give you the most up to date information on several aspects of our operation including:
Cleveland Scout Shop/ Unit Service Center
Cub Scout Summer Programs
Scouts BSA Summer Programs
Medical Forms
Eagle Scout Celebration Event
Wood Badge and NYLT
While long, this email contains important information and a look into the process behind how we arrived at certain decisions and what next steps look like.
Cleveland Scout Shop/ Unit Service Center
As shared on Monday, we are pleased to announce that the Scout Shop and Unit Service Center will reopen this coming Tuesday, May 26 at 10:00 AM.
We have been working hard to implement enhanced safety measures to ensure you and our teams safety is the top priority!
Here are some things you can expect when visiting the either the shop or the service center.
The Cleveland Scout Shop will be open Tuesday – Friday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Saturday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
The Unit Service Center will be open Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Plans for the reopening of the Firelands Scout Shop will be communicated soon.
Hand sanitizer is available for your use.
Rigorous cleaning routines will be implemented throughout the day.
Fitting rooms in the shop have been temporarily closed.
Prior to beginning every shift in the shop, team members must complete an Employee Health Screening to ensure they are ready and able to work safely.
Every team member is provided with facial coverings to use during their shifts and are asked to frequently wash their hands throughout their shifts.
Social distancing markers have been put into place.
All product returns are being disinfected or quarantined for five business days before returning to the sales floor.
Cash will NOT be accepted as a form of payment until further notice to limit the risk of spreading germs. Credit/debit cards and checks will be accepted.
Payment systems in the shop have been updated to need fewer signatures and to accept contactless pay to include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.
Limited occupancy regulations will be in place.
We respectfully request you to follow social distancing and safety protocols recommended by public health officials, including wearing a facial covering when visiting to help protect yourself and our team members.
Scouts BSA Summer Programs
Since the early onset of COVID-19 and the disruption to our normal operations, I have shared that it was our plan and intention to open camps if we could do so safely and sustainably, meaning Scouts and families would attend. This mindset allowed us to marshal needed resources to be prepared all along so that if we were given the “green light” we would be able to move forward. As you know, the situation and virus continue to evolve. Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine, has now announced plans to reopen campsites, day camps, youth sports, and swimming pools to name a few. We have been anticipating an announcement specific to resident camps, but that announcement has yet to arrive. Therefore, we have taken the months of work and effort put forth by our team and complied a 30 plus page operations guidebook, specific to COVID precautions and protocols and submitted it to the local department of health seeking their approval to operate based on our well-informed and carefully constructed plan. Once approved, this guidebook will be made public and will be part of a multi-pronged communications strategy with virtual meetings to share what we will be doing to make Scouts BSA summer camping as safe as possible for participants this summer. We are anticipating feedback and hopefully approval on our plan next week. An informational meeting will be held this coming Tuesday to discuss programmatic changes for the 2020 season. You can register here. As of today, all Scouts BSA summer programs are on based on our added precautions in addition to the rigorous standards we exceed from the BSA and department of health.
Cub Scout Summer Programs
It is with a heavy heart that we cancel Adventure Camp and Webelos Exploration Camp for this summer. While we looked forward to summer camp, it is clear from both our conversations with pack leadership, survey results, and registrations for our summer programs, that our Cub families are not ready to return to traditional camp this summer. The health and safety of our campers is, and always will be, our number one priority and we understand the concerns amid a pandemic, particularly with camping programs for younger Scouts in a large group capacity. We also have a duty to be good financial stewards for our Scouts, families, and dedicated donors who expect us to be around for the long haul. Without the interest necessary for our traditional programs, we have to pause for this summer.
We understand that while the majority of our Cub Scout families were not planning to attend Adventure Camp or Webelos Exploration Camp this summer, this announcement will hit hardest with the Scouts who were already signed up to attend. Our hearts are heavy alongside yours. We eat and breathe summer camp too. Rest assured that any payment made toward Adventure Camp and Webelos Exploration Camp will be refunded in full. See below for an FAQ on how refunds will be made, and how the announcement will affect camp operations. Know this: Pausing traditional Cub Scout Summer Camps does not indicate any discussion of selling Firelands, nor any less commitment to offering great programs for Cub Scouts throughout the rest of the year and in summers to come.
Summer camp for pack and dens will return, but in the meantime we are excited to offer an alternative for families to continue their Scouting journey in a remote way while incorporating much of what we love about summer camp! Introducing Adventure Camp at Home!
Adventure Camp at Home
Program Highlights:
At-home kits with fun activities (pick up, or delivered)!
Campers complete activities on their own time with access to both written and video instructions!
Earn advancement for Cub Scout ranks!
Campers are part of small group dens to interact virtually with other campers and two adult camp staff!
Don’t miss out on favorite camp traditions with streamed flag ceremonies, mealtime entertainment, and campfires!
Come outside and camp on the weekends with your family and reserve programs to complete the camp experience!
All of this, starting at just $75 per camper!
As a camper with Adventure Camp at Home (ACAH), your Cub Scout will be put into a Virtual Den and receive an age-appropriate kit with fun projects and activities to do at home, complete with written and video instructions produced by our camp staff! Not only will campers complete advancement requirements, but the ACAH activities will take campers outside into their own backyards and neighborhoods to complete challenges, keeping the “outing" in Scouting.
However, without the camp staff, camp is just a pile of rocks and activity instructions. It’s the people that bring summer camp to life, and that’s why every ACAH camper will get to interact with the other members of their small den and their dedicated camp staff through virtual Campfire Chats each evening. These (optional) virtual get-togethers will be perfect for campers to share the activities they completed with one another, to be goofy with our camp staff by singing camp songs, and much more. All live video calls and streams are optional, and will follow youth protection guidelines with two-deep adult leadership.
Here’s the best part: By being an ACAH camper, you’ll be able to participate in Family Camping Weekends! After participating in the at-home program throughout the weekdays, you can complete the adventure by coming out to camp on the weekend with the whole family. Reserve a campsite for your family to enjoy a peaceful weekend by the campfire, or reserve select programs areas for your family to participate in together. You’ll get private access to camp favorites like the mobile climbing wall, shooting sports, nature area, and more. Rigorous cleaning routines will be implemented between uses of the program areas.
While we are disappointed by the necessity to pause traditional Cub Scout Summer Camps this year, we think that Adventure Camp at Home will be an engaging, fun, and safe alternative for all our Cub Scout families this summer. Even during a normal summer, not every Pack can attend camp. With ACAH we have the potential to reach even more Cub Scouts to stay engaged with Scouting throughout the summer.
Medical Forms
The BSA’s annual health and medical record (AHMR) currently requires completion / update annually for all participants, in all Scouting events.
Parts A and B are a consent, authorization / risk acknowledgement and a detailed health history. Part C, the pre-participation physical is recommended for all participants but required for any event lasting over 72 hours, including traditional resident camping.
The following one-time exceptions will only apply to BSA Accredited Council Camps and BSA High Adventure Bases:
Participants with a Part C completed on or after February 1, 2019.
Validity of any Part C completed on or after February 1, 2019 is extended until August 31, 2020.
Update Parts A and B of the AHMR within two weeks of your departure to camp.
Participants with no Part C or one prior to February 1, 2019, including new members.
Attach a completed alternate exam (sports, school, annual well exam at pediatrician) completed on or after February 1, 2019. This will be accepted as a valid Part C until August 31, 2020.
Update Parts A and B of the AHMR within two weeks of your departure to camp.
There will be no other exceptions outside these parameters.
Download the form:
Eagle Scout Celebration Event
Lake Erie Council‘s Annual Eagle Scout Celebration is an important part of both our history and a testament to the hard work of countless volunteers, family members and others to help our youth achieve the highest rank in Scouting. As many as 800 guests come together to celebrate the achievements of the year’s Eagle Scout class. This year, we have been faced with an uncertain future for events of this magnitude and size. Lake Erie Council has arrived at the decision to transition this year‘s event to a virtual event. We want to make sure everyone who wants to be a part of this event or able to do so safely and without concern for their health. We also know how important it is to recognize our youth for their hard work.
Our Virtual Eagle Scout Celebration for the Class of 2019 will broadcast live on Sunday August 9, 1:00 - 2:30 PM as a Facebook Live, hosted on the Lake Erie Council Facebook Page.
As part of the event, we will honor the 282 members of the class by announcing our scholarship recipients, the best Eagle Scout projects of the year as well as include the Class of 2019 Eagle Scout Roll of Honor. This year, in recognition of every Eagle Scout in the class, we will mail every member the Eagle Scout Neckerchief as well as the Eagle Scout slide. Both tokens of recognition have been a longstanding part of the event, and this year, it will be no different.
For the families, guests and Scoutmasters of our Eagle Scouts who registered for the live event scheduled this past March 15th, we will extend full refunds for your registration. For those guests who can do so, we ask you to consider converting your registration fee to a donation to Lake Erie Council to cover the unrecovered costs in preparation of our live event.
For this year’s registered Career Guides, we will also extend a refund, but ask for those who are able and plan on participating in next year’s event, to allow us to keep the fee and apply it to next year’s event, Scheduled to be held in March 2021. We do hope that you have had the chance to meet or connect with your paired Eagle Scout.
For additional information regarding the event itself, refunds or any other questions, email
Wood Badge and NYLT
Wood Badge
Chrissy Edgehouse, Course Director
Registration for Wood Badge is open until June 15, 2020. If you are interested and have not yet registered, please do so by June 15, 2020. There are still a few slots available.
The course takes place the weekends of July 31-August 2 and August 15-16 at Firelands Scout Reservation. Come learn leadership skills that can help make a difference to the youth you serve. Adventure awaits you in Wood Badge.
John Zastawnik, Course Director
The date for this year’s National Youth Leadership Training was moved to July 19 – July 24, 2020 at Firelands Scout Reservation.This change of date is to ensure that we conduct the safest course possible for participants and staff. All safety protocols will be followed including screening, masking, cleaning, and social distancing as defined by the State, Council, and BSA. Registration is open until June 30, 2020 and space is filling up – be sure to register soon to secure your place for this premier youth leadership training course!
While Scouting may look a little different in the summer of 2020, together we can ensure that every young person in our Council benefits from the valuable lessons we teach. Our team remains committed to providing the best program possible whether it be via the campsite or, when necessary, a website. Let’s keep focused on delivering the best experiences we can. Our Scouts deserve and are looking forward to it!
Stay tuned as we continue to respond to the evolving landscape.
Cub Scout Summer Camp FAQ
Wood Badge Registration
NYLT Registration
Yours in Scouting,
Marc J. Ryan
Scout Executive / CEO