2020 Fall Recruitment Training

The best things in Scouting happen at the unit level. It’s true for life-changing experiences that happen in every pack meeting, and it’s true for recruiting as well. When packs and dens get involved, more boys and girls are introduced to the adventure of Scouting than through any other recruiting campaign or method. We can’t do it without you!

Its time to think about fall recruitment! Lake Erie Council is holding virtual recruitment training sessions.

  • July 28, 2020 - 6:00 PM

  • Aug 1, 2020 - 10:00 AM

  • Aug 5, 2020 - 6:00 PM

Stay tuned for more details! Please contact your USE with questions. We look forward to helping grow your amazing programs!

Reopening Safeguards

As the summer months approach, the Scouting program is alive and well in Northeast Ohio. We have been receiving questions and requests for guidance about when our units can start meeting again. We are happy to announce that we have received guidance from the CDC as well as the State of Ohio to release guidelines for units to begin meeting and to participate in non-camping activities.   


Safeguards for restarting: 

1.  If the unit is not yet ready to meet, we continue to encourage virtual meetings. There are several free media platforms that accommodate virtual meetings. You must follow all youth protection policies and guidelines for online meetings including having multiple adults over the age of 21 present the entire time. If both male and female youth are on the same conferencing event, one adult of each gender must also actively participate. As a reminder, make sure youth are never being recorded or filmed.   

2.  It is important that your unit committee develops its own COVID-19 safety plan and it is shared with your Chartered Organization in order to receive further guidance and permission to begin meeting in person. Your Chartered Organization may have its own policies and requirements on meetings. At a minimum, this plan should address the guidelines listed below including but not limited to transportation, maintaining social distancing, wearing face coverings, taking attendance, and sanitization. It is important this plan is communicated to each of your Scouting families. Although not required, it may be an excellent learning opportunity for the Patrol Leaders Council, Crew Officers or Ship Officers to participate in drafting and preparing the plan.    

3.  Be sensitive to all families and consider offering a hybrid (both in-person and virtual) program opportunities to ensure all Scouts can participate. Parents should only resume Scouting when they are comfortable. Scouts must be able to continue to be members in good standing and accrue tenure by participating in-person or virtually with the unit if parents state they are not yet comfortable having their youth participate in-person. Parents are highly encouraged to ask their unit leadership questions about the unit's plan to restart in-person Scouting safely and a unit should ONLY begin meeting if social distancing can be ensured.

4.  The plan should include a COVID-19 communication strategy. It should include a plan for if a member of the unit or their family tests positive for COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive and also a contact tracing plan. Despite all precautionary measures, there is always a risk of exposure to communicable diseases. For guidance, please refer to  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/open-america/contact-tracing/index.html

5.  Please follow local, state, and federal guidelines as it pertains to participation in activities. There are specific guidelines that continue to be set for activities such as museum visits, national, county, municipal, and state parks, zoos, and amusement parks. These guidelines can quickly change, so always check local, state, and federal guidelines before you participate in activities.      

6.  When transporting Scouts, carpooling is not yet allowed as only families can travel together. If a unit is planning an activity outside the State of Ohio, please also be aware of certain travel restrictions other states may have including the need for self-quarantining. Learn more about travel guidelines here.

7.  While non-camping activities and meetings can resume, there is NO overnight camping allowed outside of Beaumont Scout Reservation Resident Camp or other BSA Camps authorized to be open by the rules of their State or other jurisdiction.  We will communicate with our families with procedures and guidelines once those restrictions are lifted. Unit's who choose to camp independently when it is not permitted by the State, will not be covered by liability insurance that normally covers leaders and the supplement health insurance that covers leaders and Scouts will not be in effect during those camping activities.

8.  Units may not provide homecooked meals or serve commercially purchased food. Outside of resident camp, food for activities should be purchased and prepared by the Scout's individual family.

9.  When meeting as a group please remember: 

·     To maintain social distancing and limit group sizes to 10 or fewer. As with summer camp, we encourage troops to follow the patrol method and split large groups into patrols of under ten people and maintain social distancing between patrols. Packs can split into smaller dens of 10 or under while meeting in large groups. With summer approaching, large outdoor spaces are a more ideal place to meet. Again, please make sure there are no restrictions with your desired meeting venue. 

·     To wear face coverings.  

·     To sanitize the meeting area as well as the equipment used for each activity. 

·     To keep attendance for both youth and adults in case contact tracing is needed. 

·     To adhere to Youth Protection Policies.  

·     To ensure hand sanitizer is available (either supplied by the unit or requiring each person to bring their own) with unit and youth leaders encouraging regular use.

·     To encourage everyone to wash their hands with soap and water if available for at least 20 seconds.  


There is also additional guidance that can be found at:

·     https://www.scouting.org/coronavirus

·     COVID-19 FAQ


While we know these guidelines make Scouting look a little different than normal, we must adhere to these changes for everyone's safety. We look forward to helping our units begin to meet and participate in activities again. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you need any help. As more updates become available, we will continue to update you accordingly.


Yours in Scouting, 


Greg Voyzey

Director of Field Services

Lake Erie Council

Don Groszek

 Council Commissioner

Lake Erie Council

News from Beaumont Scout Reservation

Summer Camp 2020 Update

We are excited to share good news today! This morning the Lake Erie Council Executive Board with the approval of the state voted to commence operations at Beaumont Scout Reservation for Scouts BSA Resident camp. This means that we will be operating summer camp this summer!

Yesterday, we were all waiting in anticipation of an announcement about resident camps during the daily press conference of Governor Dewine. Between 3:00 PM and 5:18 PM, it seemed that all hope was extinguished for offering summer camp this year. However, at 5:19 PM we received a signed order from Dr. Amy Acton with opening procedures giving resident camps permission to open immediately. Our operations plan, which was submitted to the Ashtabula County Board of Health, mimics the opening procedures provided to us by the state.

All of this being said, we are excited to get started this summer. If your troop hasn't registered for Beaumont Scout Reservation BSA Resident camp yet, you can do so by contacting Philip Williams or Noah BoksanskyThere are a couple of notes below that you should keep in mind.

  1. Please make sure that you and your Scouts are checking temperatures 14-days before arrival. Attached below is the form for tracking temperatures before arrival.

  2. The program that was released last week will be closely followed, however, patrols of 8 or less must stay consistent throughout the week. Additionally, patrols camping at the campsite will need to be separated to follow the procedures outlined in the letter from the state.

  3. Troops using troop lodges will need to use room separators for separating campers. Up to 10 campers can stay in each room.

More information will be coming, but I am so excited to be able to offer Summer Camp this year! 

Tonight at 8:00 PM, the LEC team will be hosting a Facebook live on the LEC Facebook page to give further details.

Temperature Recording Form

Directors Form

Membership Fees Update

Dear Lake Erie Council Scouts and Scouters, 

As many of you have seen, the National Council has increased membership fees. Despite premature information, the National Council officially released this information today and Lake Erie Council chose to wait until the official announcement to ensure our Scouting families have the most accurate information.

To ensure the resources to fulfill the promise of Scouting are available, the updated national membership fee is:

  • $66 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts participants

  • $42 for Exploring participants

  • $30 for council-paid memberships

  • $42 for all adult volunteers (includes cost of background check)

  • $75 for a unit charter fee

The membership fees will take effect August 1, 2020, for new members in the 2020-2021 program year. For renewing members, the new fee will take effect on October 1, 2020. The updated unit charter fee will take effect August 1, 2020, for all new and rechartering units.

Starting August 1, 2020, there will also be a one-time $25 joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts; however, there is no joining fee for Exploring participants, participants previously registered in any BSA program, those transferring from one program to another, council-paid memberships, or adult volunteers.

We understand these changes may come with some potential hardship for our units and Lake Erie Council has also done everything in our power to ensure the success of our units including covering the increased membership fee in 2020. We want to emphasize that the Lake Erie Council service area volunteers and professional staff are here to help and there are several ways to counter the increased fees. 

Over the next couple of months, each of our units will be receiving help to review your unit budget and develop a fundraising plan. We, along with Trails End, are developing new resources and strategies to help our units have a successful popcorn sale in the midst of COVID-19. Additionally, units may still participate in our Scout’s Own online sales while supplies last. Our service area volunteers and professional staff will be discussing these options with you. Each unit should take advantage of the resources we will be providing as we work through this together. 

As always, know that we are here to help our Lake Erie Council Scouting family through the good times and the bad times. While 2020 has not been the year many of us had hoped for, Scouting continues to help our Northeast Ohio community. Whether it has been participating in a “social distance” service project, the Lake Erie Council Blood Drive, or placing flags on Memorial Day for our fallen heroes, Scouting continues to be a beacon of hope and helpfulness to our community in need. The value of Scouting is undeniable for those within the program and the greater public, and we are committed to continuing to offer this unmatched opportunity to young people and families nationwide. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions. 

Yours in Scouting, 

Greg Voyzey Don Groszek

Director of Field Services Council Commissioner

Lake Erie Council Lake Erie Council

Click here to view the FAQ’s

Updates on Scouts BSA Resident Camp and Camp Stigwandish

Dear LEC Family, 

This is the first of two updates this week. You can expect the second one on Wednesday.

This update includes important information on:

  1. SBSA Resident Camp at Beaumont

  2. The Legacy of Camp Stigwandish

SBSA Resident Camp at Beaumont

In my last email dated May 22, I shared that the ONLY “decision” about SBSA resident camp that we could have made at this point is to CANCEL. While it has always been our hope to create a path forward to safely operate camp this summer, we realize that we cannot reasonably expect everyone to hang on indefinitely as we await approval from the state to operate. Therefore, the following has been determined:

  • Week 1 of Scouts BSA Resident Camp at Beaumont Scout Reservation (June 14-20) will not operate.  

  • Prior to making this decision, our camp leadership reached out to all our Week 1 units and are currently assisting them with choosing another week.

  • If the Governor/State does NOT lay out plans for resident camp tomorrow, we will no longer pursue our plans to offer SBSA resident camp this summer.

  • I encourage you to tune-in to his daily COVID-19 update at 2:00 pm so you can hear it for yourself.

  • If resident camps ARE addressed, then we will determine with our board on Wednesday if we can meet the requirements as laid out AND a formal announcement will come sometime on Wednesday.

  • As a reminder, we will follow all state and CDC guidelines.

I want to thank you for your patience as we have navigated this journey together. The trail has been arduous, but we are close to the end.

The Legacy of Camp Stigwandish

Ninety years ago, community leaders of Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula Counties established a camp to provide outdoor adventures for the young men of their communities.  Camp Stigwandish served that purpose for 90 years creating a lifetime of memories and countess Scouting stories.  As you know, following a comprehensive study of occupancy and needed improvements of all LEC properties, the Board of Director’s made the difficult decision to divest Camp Stigwandish.  They chose to auction the property as they felt they could realize the best return for the future of Scouting.  This past Saturday, May 30, 2020, Kiko Auctioneers held that auction on behalf of the Lake Erie Council.  

The auction resulted in $1,649,700 which was designated by the board to be invested into the remaining council properties or to fund significant programs in the future.  

These funds ensure that that the goal of those visionary leaders from ninety years ago will continue to live on.  Funding future projects is not the only legacy that Stigwandish will leave.  Over the past months, groups of volunteers and staff have been dismantling, packing, and moving program equipment, shelters, and memorabilia from Camp Stigwandish to Beaumont Scout Reservation.  Many thanks to Jeff Olree, Terri and Larry Andrews, John and Lisa Shrock, Kim Wheatly, Chris Fortunato, Brian Belfi, Muffy Wheatly, David Metzger, Frank Dworning, Anthony Dworning, Jacob Brown, Bear Roloff and many more for the hard work that made this task happen.

There is an old saying in the outdoors to “leave only footprints and take only memories.”  Over the last ninety years, thousands of Scouts have left their footprints on the trails at Camp Stigwandish. Now it is up to those that left the footprints, to take the memories, and to share the spirit of Scouting and Camp Stigwandish with future generations, to ensure that the legacy is remembered.

Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate these unforeseen circumstances. Again, we will send another update on Wednesday with the final decisions. 

Yours in service to youth and families,

Marc J. Ryan

Scout Executive
Lake Erie Council

LEC Operations Guidebook

Dear LEC Family,

Following the release of my earlier email, I received some questions about the operations guidebook I referenced.  It is understandable that families are looking for more information about what the safety precautions and procedures might look like. As a parent, I certainly understand and respect that. It has always been my goal to be transparent, but sometimes timing is an issue with being able to share information as quickly as possible. The only reason that we did not post it yet is because the guidebook is not approved and is subject to change.. That said, I have decided to share it with you now to give you a full look at the work being done to prepare for a safe open. This is all contingent on it getting approved. 

This guidebook was built with current recommendations and best practices from the American Camping Association, the CDC, the State of Ohio, and BSA National. It considers the current reopening standards issued by the State of Ohio regarding campgrounds, pools, and youth activities and combines them with the recommenced practices of the ACA. However, this version does NOT include the program/ activities schedule and logistics or food service details as initial conversations with the board of health have led to some immediate revisions which are now underway. I will gladly share that next week as we make more inroads. Rest assured that they too have undergone significant changes and will be very different from what you have experienced at camp in the past. Again, I share this as a glimpse into a currently under review DRAFT of submitted procedures so you can begin to get a better idea of how camp would take shape this summer.

Other feedback received suggested that it would be best if we could just have a decision, so folks aren’t being “strung along”. Unlike other things where the Governor or CDC has weighed in, the ONLY “decision” about SBSA resident camp that we could have made at this point is to CANCEL. We are hoping and working to avoid that outcome, but we realize that it is not completely in our control. So, our plan is to “Be Prepared” and be proactive. That is why we created this manual and submitted it as a plan to operate.  

In the past two months, I have read email after email that starts off with something along the lines of “in this uncertain time”. Dealing with a pandemic is not a perfect science and we are doing everything we can to try and make summer camping a viable option. Simply put, we will cease and desist if told we must or if the evidence is clear that we can’t run camp safely. Until then, it remains our intent to put the time and effort into moving forward. I hope the information shared here will help you to move forward with us. But this is your personal choice. Each of us must feel confident that we are ready to take whatever step is confronting our family whether that be school, camp, or even simply gathering with members outside of our family. They are all tough decisions and I pray for each of us to have the clarity we seek in making the one that is best for our own family.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or comments. I will do my best to get back to you ASAP. I hope whatever you do this weekend, that we can all take a few minutes to remember those who have made sacrifices for this great nation that are allowing us to even consider taking part in these kinds of activities.  

Thanks for all you do for Scouting,

Marc Ryan

Scout Executive/CEO
Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America

Operations Guidebook DRAFT