Submit Hours - Map - Project Ideas - Events
Campers helping out during a Service Outpost.
To Help other people at all times…
Service is an important part of the Scouting program. It’s not all about rank advancement, or Eagle Scout projects. Volunteers across the Lake Erie Council spend hundreds of hours giving back to their communities, camps, and charter organizations every year.
Logging Service Hours
Service hours are logged on Scoutbook. Please login to to Scoutbook at to log your service hours.
Service Map
Below is a map of organizations and projects that have been requested. Projects can be completed as a Pack, Troop or Crew and some would that make wonderful Summit or Eagle Scout projects. Many locations have a need for multiple service projects.
If you know of an organization within our Council that would like to partner with the BSA on Service Projects, please submit the idea so that it can be added to our map!
Project Ideas
Many ranks for both Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA include community service as part of their requirements. You can log these hours for your Unit! Download an info sheet of all the requirements that include rank advancement.
The Conservation Good Turn Award is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs, Scout troops and Venturing crews to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities.
Looking for some inspiration? Check out some projects other awesome Scouts have done around the Lake Erie Council.