3 Minute Update
Thanks for tuning in to this week's 3 minute update: I'm Jake Brown. STILL on the hunt for Santa! (I heard he was at Firelands on Saturday, but I missed him! And I never had any luck finding Kevin. Silly Texans.)
This week, you should know: today is the on-time turn-in deadline for recharter, award nominations, a Faith in Scouting zoom meeting, Firelands store hours, Cleveland Scout Shop sales, Office Quiet Time, and a save the date for the Wood Badge and NYLT Scholarship breakfast.
Unit Scouter Award Nominations, Silver Beaver Award Nominations, and Division Award of Merit Award nominations are due to Paula Swiner via email (paula.swiner@scouting.org) by December 15th. Don't delay!
Recharters are due today. Either you've worked something out with us at Council, or you're late. Submit it today if you can!
The annual Wood Badge and NYLT scholarship breakfast will be March 12th at Lakewood High School. Watch the Council calendar for details and registration to open.
The Firelands Trading Post and Scout Shop will be open this Saturday from 8:30-5:30. That's the last chance to catch the ladies in the store until 2022!
The Cleveland Scout Shop has Blitzen's bargains available for 25-30% off thru December 12th. Stop in for details!
There will be a Faith in Scouting and Duty to Country zoom session for organizations interested in hosting Scouting units on December 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Email Jason Setser (Jason.setser@scouting.org) with questions and to get the link!
Lastly, the Unit Service Center in Cleveland will be closed from 5:00 p.m. on December 22nd, and won't reopen until 9:00 a.m. on January 3rd. The only way to get in touch with any council staff during this time will be via lecmembercare@scouting.org. Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to all the joys 2022 has to offer us!
Alright, back to my hunt for Santa!