Lake Erie Council Camperships Available

The Lake Erie Council believes that no Scout should be denied access to the great programs due to financial need. A Scout is Thrifty, so we do encourage Scouts to show that they are working to earn their way to camp, a training, or activity, but sometimes it's not quite enough.

Through the generous donations from supporters of Scouting, we are proud to offer camperships and scholarships to Scouts* in need to attend summer camp, trainings, and High Adventure programs.

Campership applications require Unit Leader approval, so make sure you communicate with them that you will be requesting funds. We reach out to Unit Leaders prior to the Campership Committee's deliberation to get more information about Unit needs.

Camperships are awarded based upon need, full completion of the application, and timeliness. The committee will review the applications and set award amounts. Once approved, the Council will notify families, and apply the award amount to the Scout’s event registration.

*The Scout must be registered for the event that a request for a campership is for in order for the award amount to be matched and applied to the balance. The Scout must stay current with the payment schedule for the event. In the case that a campership award is greater than the balance due when approved, the difference will be refunded.

Check out each campership and scholarship application below: