Hello, and welcome to this week's 3-minute update. I'm Jake Brown!
Things coming up: Wood Badge, Silver Screen Overnighter, the Eagle Banquet, popcorn, the religious meeting, final reminder for recruitment zooms, and sales galore at the Scout Stores. Let's dive right in!
This is the last call for Woodbadge participants to register for the course. Registration closes at midnight tomorrow, Thursday, 7/15. Call me if you want to register right now!
On July 31st, we're bringing the overnighter BACK to the silver screen overnighter in Elyria! Watch movies, eat popcorn, and stay up ALL NIGHT LONG! Contact Jim Vanderpool with questions.
It's recruitment time! Cubmasters, hop on zoom tonite at 7, and committee chairs tomorrow at 7, to learn about strategies, plans, and resources for recruitment. Links are in the script. Also, please check out lecbsa.org slash membership dash resources. It's a great spot to find social media assets, online resources, and sample copy for digital posts!
Den Leaders:
Tuesday, July 6 at 7PM
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83998405200?pwd=KzFaMHN3MXBLakJ1T3ZpUC96bzhEdz09
Wednesday, July 7 at 7PM
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87274459152?pwd=NWdtSXRhWEM0NE1BaVhqY3hhQldmZz09
Thursday, July 8 at 7PM
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84278269619?pwd=cnVlTWwxNzRZZWE1VUhmbm5VcWp2dz09
Can’t make it next week? We’ll have them again (same topic) the week after:
o Den Leaders:
§ Tuesday, July 13 at 7PM
§ Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88571406028?pwd=dzBxbE5oOUxRV2ZCU0lkVVI1RlBZZz09
o Committees:
§ Wednesday, July 14 at 7PM
§ Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81766999915?pwd=eFRNNDV4OHI1Z0hCamQ5eW45Ni9Mdz09
o Cubmasters:
§ Thursday, July 15 at 7PM
§ Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89175864495?pwd=QzVJV2IwbmtyTytHS3lEbHA0NnhwZz09
Membership Tip of the week: Updating your BeAScout Pin.
Make sure you have as much information as possible
Make sure the right person is listed
If you have a website, make sure it still works. If it doesn’t, remove it!
Don’t know how to update it? Go to https://lecbsa.org/membership-resources (lecbsa.org > resources > membership resources) or contact us at LECMemberCare@Scouting.org
Now, here's a quick song from Trail's End:
What the world... needs now...
is... popcorn...
sign up today for our
online sales trainings... yeah"
They're coming up July 27th at 7pm and 29th at noon. Go to this first link to sign up for the sale: https://www.trails-end.com/unit-registration. And go to this second link to sign up for the zoom trainings: https://lecbsa.org/popcorn. Send Heather your questions!
Was my singing scary, but also kind of fun? Well Cub Haunted is about the same level of scary and even more fun for the whole family. There are three weekends to choose from in October. Registration is now open, sign up today, or contact Brittany Dunne!
Eagle Scouts from 2020: you need to "fly like an eagle to the link" to register for the banquet. The deadline is July 25th. Send questions to Todd Gaydosh.
Here's a quick message from the OA: don't forget about the summer induction weekend at Beaumont from August 20-22. Be there, win a medal, make new friends, and learn cheerful service. That is all. No go, OA!
Friendly reminder that our Faith in Scouting open house will be at Beaumont Thursday, July 29 from 11 to 2. If your faith-based organization currently hosts a Scouting program, or is considering doing so, you are invited! Contact Jason Setser with questions.
Lastly, here's our Scout Shop sale updates:
Firelands has swingin' deals on in-stock Venturing uniforms. Get 'em while they last, call the store with questions.
And in Cleveland, buying 3 or more select camping items saves you 25% thru July 17th.
That's a wrap for this week's update! Thanks for all you do, thanks for being you! We'll see you next week!