Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas in July, Lake Erie Council! Yes, its that time again: when the good people of the world hang up their lights, set up a tree, and participate in a gift exchange to celebrate the fact we are halfway to real Christmas. Its such a great time, full of cheer and a generous spirit!
And in honor of the best pseudo-holiday of the year, Jim has some big news to share: the Cybersecurity boot camp in August is now $2.50! Thats right, $2.50!! What a Swingin Deal to get in the Christmas Spirit! Register now at this link: https://scoutingevent.com/440-48050-128605
There's another gift to share with the Council: the 2021 New Family Engagement Playbook is here. Go to the Council website to find this recruitment planner. Its a fantastic and quick read with a simple goal: to make sure your Pack (or other scouting unit) has access to every good idea about recruitment we've ever heard of, and lay it out in a way that makes planning your recruitment this year extra easy! So check it out and start planning your 12-star plan today! The link is in the script: https://lecbsa.org/membership-resources
The Firelands store still has Christmas in July sales while supplies last: stop by and say hi to learn more!
At the cleveland scout shop: you can save 25% off uniform bottoms by buying them with their matching tops in the same transaction. That deal begins August 2nd!
Lastly, the bricks available for purchase for the 75th camporall can now be paid for online. Heres that link: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/BoyScoutsofAmerica-Cleveland/Beaumont75.html. 4x8 bricks can accommodate up to 3 lines of text, 14 characters maximum, including spaces. 8x8 bricks can have up to 6 lines. No logos or images are able to be engraved on them.
And that is it! Thanks for all you do, keeping the scouting flame burning bright, and we'll see you next week!