Top of the mornin' to you this beautiful St. Patrick's Day! We're filming from the Cliffs of Mohr, and they are amazing to look over. I'm Jake Brown, and this is your 3 minute update!
This week we have:
Scout Shop Sales, Spring Recruitment Drive Updates, the Religious Relationships Committee, this week's pro tip (Unit Money Earning Application), this week's fun fact,
The Religious Relationships Committee is being formed to help further the presence of The highest power in the lives of Scouts, and their relationship to said Highest Power. This is open to folks practicing any faith who represent a certain body of faith. Contact with any questions or to join.
The Cleveland Scout Shop has 25% off select camping gear thru March 26th: stop in today!
Don't forget about BALOO, SM Basic, Rangemaster, Or Archery Level 1 Trainings happening in April. Register today, check the council calendar for details.
And also don't forget about the Trailblazer, Tough Cubber, and S'More Cub Scout Adventures happening for Cub Scouts from May through July. It's the best time to get outside and make the most of what activities Scouting has to offer, so check out the Council calendar and register today!
This Spring is a bee-autiful time to get bee-zy with adventure! Scouts will swarm the great outdoors all over Northeast Ohio, and this is a great opportunity to invite new folks to join your Units!
Here's what's up: in April, we're encouraging all Scouting units to go hiking on Earth Day Weekend. In May, every unit can participate in Scouts Trash the Trash Day anywhere, and they can register to do so at this link. Also, there's Scout Swim Days at your local YMCA's on May 14th. (List Y's). Finally, in June, Ohio has Free Fishing Weekend for everyone, no licenses required. And any Scouting Unit can organize an outing accordingly!
So, here's the deal: we need every Pack, Troop, and Crew to participate in these Spring time activities. And we need you to tell us where you're going to do these activities, and at what time. We, in turn, will provide sample pictures and captions for social media posts: those can be found in our unit leader portal for membership,
We will also fully update our new-family oriented website,, to reflect your unit's plans. That way, interested families can all go to, find your unit's information, and get in touch with you if they have any questions. It's genius! To recap this: make a plan to participate in these springtime activities, share the plan with us, and promote your plan using! We know that Packs 3208, 3236, 3303, 28, 988, 677, 3072, and 3075, as well as Troops 207, 223, and 71G are already participating in Trash the Trash. Great job folks! But we still don't know where or when you're meeting, and that's why you need to email that info over to so we can update our website for you! It's a lot easier than catching bees, I promise!
And that's a wrap for this week's 3 minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We'll see you next time!