...be forgot, and days of auld lang syne! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hello, Lake Erie Council, I'm Jake Brown, and I gotta tell ya: it feels fantastic to say goodbye to 2021! It was real, it was fun, and it's done. We hope you had a great time over the holiday spent with family and friends, and we welcome you back to what I hope is your favorite part of your week in Scouting: the 3-minute update. Here's what's up: roundtable, Firelands Scout Shop sales, RSO training, summer camp staff applications, Klondikes, a note from our Development department, the WB/NYLT Scholarship Breakfast, the this week's pro tip, and this week's fun fact.
But first, a quick shoutout to my colleague Matt Feehley who delivered Toyota Rav4's-worth of popcorn to the Northeast Ohio USO headquarters in Youngstown, Ohio! We salute the men and women of the armed forces everywhere who defend our nation, and we hope that those who will spend any time at the USO over the next few months will enjoy some of our delicious Scout's Own popcorn!
The weather is finally getting colder, and that means it's a great time to go camping at one of our premier camps! Check out the council calendar with all the most up-to-date Klondike information there is! Send questions to Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org.
Range Safety Officer Training is upcoming at Beaumont Scout Reservation on February 19th. See the calendar for details, and contact Julia.Hearne@scouting.org with any questions you have.
Early Bird registration ends on February 6th for the annual Wood Badge and NYLT Scholarship breakfast. Please attend if you have participated in either course in the past, or have family members attending this year's course offerings! Send questions to Linda.Gray@scouting.org.
The Firelands Scout Store and Trading Post has some swingin' deals on Christmas Scouting decorations and holiday Wood Badge themed cards. Stop in and see the ladies to get the scoop, and to say hello!
Need a job this summer? We got you covered! Change the lives of thousands of Scouts for the better at Beaumont Scout Reservation's resident camp. Contact Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org with questions. Apply today!
Roundtable is full-steam ahead! Be sure to attend one of our in-person sessions, or tune in virtually. Dates and details are on the Council calendar.
And now, a note from Bill Roloff, our Sportsman Adventures director: "In addition to some of our old favorite experiences, we promise some new, exciting, and lively adventures from our Development Department in 2022. Stay tuned, and we hope you'll join us this year for some great fun, and great support of Scouting!"
Thanks Bill!
Here's this week's pro tip, straight from the desk of Heather McMillan:
So you've got an Eagle Scout who has completed their Board of Review. That's it, they're now done and considered Eagles, right? Not so fast. The system won't recognize them as such until we receive the Eagle Scout application. This can be dropped off, or mailed to our office at PO Box 93388, Cleveland, OH, 44101.
And lastly, here's this week's fun fact: what happened after an iPhone and a firework were arrested on New Year's Eve? One was charged, but the other was let off!
Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you, folks! See ya next week!