Mornin' all! Thanks for watching this week's 3-minute update. I'm Jake Brown, and here's what you need to know.
We've got Scout shop updates for Cleveland and Firelands, a popcorn update, Roundtable, the OA winter banquet, sap camp, The NYLT/ WB scholarship breakfast, training dates, Trash the trash day, an RSO course update, this week's pro tip, and, of course, this week's fun fact.
The Cleveland and Firelands Scout shops are your two single pit-stop shops for your Pack’s upcoming Pinewood Derbies. Need cars? Decals? The slicky-spinny-powder for the wheels? We got ‘em! Stop by either one and get everything you need today!
Masks are now required at in-person roundtables, but in-person remains an option! Check out the council calendar for dates, times, and zoom links as applicable.
And now, it’s time for this week’s fun fact: What does the Pope put on his pancakes? Papal syrup! Speaking of which, you won’t see the Pope at sap camp, but you will get the whole syrup experience! Sap camp is March 5th at Beaumont, the early bird ends on February 5th, so sign up today! Send your questions!
Calling all Wood Badgers and previous NYLT participants: the annual NYLT and WB Scholarship breakfast is March 12th at Lakewood High School. Register online today and send your questions!
And since we’re on that topic, keep in mind that Wood Badge 2022 will happen July 29th-31st AND August 6th-7th at Firelands Scout Reservation. Wood Badge is for adult leaders, and is a training course focused on seeing through your vision to reality, and working with many personalities along the way. There’s also an emphasis on Scout skills. You should go! Send any questions you have to Joel Bussman.
Additionally, NYLT is a course with similar goals, but designed for youth! That course is scheduled for June 12-17th at Firelands. Contact John Z at
Trash the trash day is Saturday, May 7th. Be prepared to participate as a unit! Send your questions.
And did you know that February 8th is wear-your-Scout-uniform to school or work day? Make a point to make Scouting more visible and wear your uniform! Also contact your questions.
And lastly, here’s this week’s pro tip from Heather McMillan: Anyone who has a account (and that’s literally everyone in Scouting!) can update their own personal information in our system. So even if you get a new email, you’re free delivery of the 3 minute update won’t end! Contact lecmembercare@scouting.orgif you have questions about how to do this.