Mornin’, all! I’m in Seattle at the moment, enjoying the views from the Space Needle before embarking down the Pacific Coast over the next week and a half. I have to say, it’s a great time to be on vacation! I’ve gotten some submissions from folks, and there’ll be some really cool 3 minute update locations in the future! But by all means, please send me some vacation pictures soon!
We have activities updates, training updates, and service updates.
In community service news, Scouting for Food is upcoming. Units can request door hangers and patches for participation at this link. Send Michelle your questions.
In the world of Cub Scout activities, it’s not too late to register for the July session of S’more Cub adventures. We also have a Fishing Derby, Rocket Day, Lake Erie Crushers, Lake County Captains, and a Silver Screen Overnighter on the calendar for August. Sign up now, and check the council calendar for further information!
The Annual Ride for Scouting is August 20th, and is a great opportunity to give back to Scouting while enjoying a scenic ride on your motorcycle. Register here, and send your questions to Jason Setser.
And now, folks, here’s a BIG update for all of you: Ohio’s After-school Child Enrichment, or ACE, program, is a reimbursement system for families to be able to offer more activities for their children. Folks, it is quite possible that your or your Scouting families qualify for this fund of $1,000 per child. And, this just in: Scouting membership fees and SOME activities qualify for reimbursement through the ACE program. You and your Scouting families should apply here to see if you’re eligible for this program. And Unit Leaders, you’ll need some help navigating this system to make sure ACE-eligible families have what they need from you to get reimbursed. Hence, you should register for the Membership Growth and Product Sale Trainings, starting this Saturday and extending through July. Folks, help us help you! Email Mike your questions.
Range Safety Officer Training and Rangemaster Training are upcoming: email Julia Hearne your questions.
BALOO training and Scoutmaster Basic Training also have sessions upcoming this August and September: register now and send me your questions!
Additionally, if you’re a Cub Scout Leader, or serve on a Committee in the Pack or Troop, the Lake Erie Council is proud to offer in-person trainings for your positions! Send me your questions about this, and register today! Additionally, if you’re interested in helping be a trainer for any of these courses, we’d be happy to work with you! Send me your interest.
Folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week, take care!