Council Structure and Updated Covid Information

Dear Lake Erie Council Family,

In a recent email, I shared that we would be going through a restructuring to keep the council in a sustainable position. I wanted to provide a status update and share information as we continue to work with volunteer leadership and key stakeholders. While we are working to finalize the volunteer structure, our staff structure is in place. Many resources remain unchanged, or in some cases have seen an upgrade with more specific and streamlined support. In addition, below you will find the most up-to-date COVID19 information as it relates to our properties and unit meetings in compliance with the current extension on the state of Ohio curfew.

We have formed new teams to provide streamlined service.

Our Member Care and Resources team will be available to answer questions regarding Scoutbook, MyScouting, IT, registration, youth protection, safe Scouting, incidents, advancement, recognition, and so much more. You can reach the member care desk via phone by calling (216) 861-6060 or via email at

The Service and Growth team consists of professional Scouters and experienced volunteers who work together to provide unit leaders with the training and resources they need to provide local families with the best Scouting experience possible. If your Scouting unit needs assistance with building a budget, creating a program calendar, or recruiting new members, the Service and Growth Team is here to help. For assistance, please contact the Member Care Department or complete our online request form.

The full staff list can be found below by clicking here.

Re-chartering- Any charter not currently turned in is now PAST DUE. The process remains the same. In addition to member care, Greg Voyzey is the key staff contact and can be reached at or by calling 216-861-6060.

The Scout’s BSA Advancement Volunteer Team remains unchanged. Please see the attached organizational chart for a full listing of folks who can help including David Madigan and Heather McMillan at the unit service center.

  • MBC applications are sent to Heather McMillan via the email address including YPT and adult applications if needed.

  • Eagle applications, extension requests, and all support documentation should be sent to Heather McMillan at

  • Eagle reference letters should be sent to the respective Service Area Advancement Team Leads and that is indicated in the reference letters for Eagle Scouts on our website.

Our Scout's Own and Popcorn Sales now have full-time unit concierge support. Kallee Kissling will head up this important effort to work directly with your unit to help you raise the necessary resources to fund all your adventures. Heather McMillan can still help you with questions or concerns regarding your 2020 popcorn bill.

Experiences: Activities and Camping – Two new members have been added to the team. Jake Brown, who has served as a Unit Serving Executive, has taken the role of Business Development Executive. In this newly created role, Jake will be responsible for working with Scouting units and families to help them plan their program year and make commitments for events and activities they are planning on attending. Additionally, Jake is responsible for working with organizations and families who are not yet involved with Scouting, to provide opportunities for facility rentals, event attendance and engagement in events and activities. This position is focused on driving attendance at events and activities so that Lake Erie Council can sustainably operate our properties and programs. Jake can be reached at

Noah Boksansky will serve as the Business Manager for the experiences team. In this role, Noah is responsible for registrations/reservations at events and activities and answering questions about events and activities. In addition, the Business Manager role was created to identify and manage areas of waste so that all Lake Erie Council events and activities can operate efficiently and effectively. Noah will continue serving as the Business Manager at Beaumont Scout Reservation during the summertime. Noah can be reached at

The Calendar found at will continue to be the most up-to-date place to find information about events and activities. If you have questions about camping or activities, please call Noah at 216-458-8908.

Here is the latest COVID19 information as it relates to our properties and unit meetings in accordance with the current extension on the state of Ohio curfew.

To stay consistent with Governor DeWine’s extended curfew order through January 23rd, Beaumont and Firelands Scout Reservations will be closed through January 23, 2021. The Firelands Scout Shop will continue to be open during normally scheduled business hours. Check the Firelands Scout Shop Facebook page for updates about store closings.

Affected Events:

  • Cub Winter Fun Day on January 16, 2021 at Beaumont is canceled. Registrations will automatically be moved to the Cub Winter Fun Day on February 20, 2021 at Firelands Scout Reservation.

  • Beaumont Klondike #1 on January 22-24, 2021 has been postponed to February 26-28, 2021. All reservations for Beaumont Klondike #1 will be automatically moved to the new date.

Please contact for any questions or if you are signed up and are unable to attend either event.

Unit Meetings

Continue to follow your local health department and chartered organization guidance when it comes to meeting in person. See our November update for additional information:

Yours in service to youth and families,

Marc Ryan

Scout Executive

Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America

Congratulating Kyndl on Her New Adventures!

It is with mixed emotions (happy for her, sad for us) that I announce that Kyndl Oliver is, in her own words, “stepping out on faith to pursue new opportunities in her original field of interest.” 

Kyndl has a background in criminal justice, and a passion for fighting for social justices for a better tomorrow. She has opportunities lined up to break back into the criminal justice field, including options for more schooling, in addition to other career opportunities. She is excited to pursue new goals and focus on her passion, and have an impact on the community in a new way.

Kyndl has been a member of the Lake Erie Council for four years, and is grateful for the many opportunities that she has had, and for the many wonderful staff and volunteers she has had the pleasure to meet and work with.  Our council is lucky to have had Kyndl as part of our family for the last four years.  Her dedication, positive attitude and kindness have made a lasting impact on everyone she has come in contact with.  While Kyndl will no longer serve Scouting full-time, she plans to remain active and engaged with the Lake Erie Council.

Kyndl’s last day will be December 31.  Please join me in thanking her for a job incredibly well done and wishing her the very best as she pursues her dream.

Congratulations Phil & Chris on their new adventures!

It is with mixed emotions (happy for her, sad for us) that I announce that Christine “Chris” Friswold will retire from the Lake Erie Council and the Boy Scouts of America effective December 31, 2020, after 14 years of service.

Chris joined the Greater Cleveland Council in February of 2006 and has been a dedicated member of our program department ever since. During her time here, Chris has been actively involved in helping thousands of units secure weekend and long-term camping reservations, assisted in council award achievements, worked with staff and volunteer teams on events and recorded scores of service hours for unit good turns and service projects. She has also helped to correctly input and document trainings and advancements for Scouts and Scouters. Most notably, Chris has been the rock of our Eagle Scout process and has helped coordinate the Eagle Scout board of review for a countless number of young men and now five young women (so far). She has also been crucial in overseeing the accurate submission and processing of their completed Eagle Scout applications, the final step in achieving the highest rank in the BSA.

Please join us in congratulating Chris and Don (who retired last month from the supply division) on this new and exciting chapter! They will both be missed, but we trust that we will still see them at camp and at Scouting activities.

We are also pleased to share the great news that Phil Kuestner has been selected by the Great Trail Council in Akron, OH to be their Program Director effective January 1, 2021.

Phil began his career as a District Executive of the Arapahoe District in the Denver Area Council in September of 2006. After completing his successful service there, he would go on to the Michigan Crossroads Council for three years and then later the Greater Western Reserve Council where he was hired as a District Director. When Scouting recalibrated in Northeast Ohio, Phil became part of our Lake Erie Council family and has been a great asset to the Scouts BSA division. In addition to his work in his service area, Phil has coached new team members and has been instrumental in working with key volunteers to organize the annual chartering process.

In his new role as Program Director, Phil will be tasked with delivering excellent leadership to the council program committee. Together, they can provide brand-positive events and activities to the Great Trail Council.

Please join us in congratulating Phil in this new chapter of his Scouting adventure! While he will be missed, we are excited to have him as a neighbor and his son, Robert, as a future LEC Scout!

BSA Bar Date and Claims Communications

Dear Scouting Family,

As the national organization reaches a significant moment in its bankruptcy case, the Lake Erie Council wants our Scouting community to know that we share in the Boy Scouts of America’s heartfelt support for victims of past abuse in Scouting.

Tens of thousands of individuals submitted claims in advance of the November 16th deadline set by the court in the national organization’s Chapter 11 case. We are moved by their bravery. Millions of youth across our country have benefited from Scouting for more than 100 years, but the number of individuals who have been affected by past abuse is devastating.

Now that all claims have been filed, the next step will be for third-party advisors to review the claims in order to uphold the integrity of the process, while the national organization works to develop a plan of reorganization to fund the proposed Trust.

It is important to note that while any instance of abuse is one too many, the overwhelming majority of abuse claims filed in the national organization’s bankruptcy case relate to allegations of abuse that occurred before our modern youth protection policies were put in place more than three decades ago.

I want to underscore what many of you already know: The safety and protection of the children in our programs is our absolute top priority. The BSA has multi-layered safeguards in place, all of which act as barriers to abuse, and I can assure you that our volunteers and staff members take these measures extremely seriously. I encourage you to review our safety policies and procedures to better understand our commitment to youth safety and ask that you share this information with friends, neighbors, and family members who ask about this topic. Some helpful resources include our Youth Safety Infographic and Video.

The Lake Erie Council remains committed to delivering Scouting’s unparalleled experiences to young people throughout our communities, and we thank you for your continued support. If you have any other questions about the policies in place to keep kids safe in Scouting today, please feel free to contact us at Lake Erie Council. If you have questions about the recent news regarding the national organization’s bankruptcy case, please reference this FAQ.

Yours in Scouting,

Marc Ryan

Scout Executive

Lake Erie Council

Lake Erie Council is a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit from the national organization. Lake Erie Council has not filed for bankruptcy. Meetings and activities, and council events, other Scouting adventures and countless service projects are taking place as usual. There should be no change to the local Scouting experience.

The national organization of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is the only entity involved in the Chapter 11 filing. The Lake Erie Council – which provides programming, financial, facility and administrative support to local units and individual Scouts in our area – is separate and distinct from the national organization. Our camps, properties and all local contributions are controlled by our council.

BSA Unit Operation and Camping Safeguards

These Guidelines are no longer valid.

Dear Lake Erie Council Scouts and Scouters,

Below are current COVID-19 safeguards for the Lake Erie Council as of November 1, 2020 and are subject to revision. These safeguards are in place to mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19.

1. General

  • Follow local, state, and federal guidelines as it pertains to participation in activities.

  • Remember, your chartered organization owns your unit and may have its own policies and requirements in addition to local, state, and federal guidelines. If so, you must adhere to their additional requirements.

  • Maintain social distancing and limit group sizes to 10 or fewer.

  • Sanitize the meeting area as well as the equipment used for each activity.

  • Keep attendance for both youth and adults in the event contact tracing is needed.

  • Adhere to Youth Protection Policies.

  • Ensure that hand sanitizer is available and used regularly (either supplied or each person brings their own.)

  • Encourage frequent handwashing with soap and water.

  • Additional guidance and resources can be found at

2. COVID-19 Plans

3. Face Coverings

  • Adhere to the state mandate on face coverings FACE COVERINGS.

  • Again, your chartered organization owns your unit and may have its own policies and requirements in addition to local, state, and federal guidelines. If so, you must adhere to their additional requirements.

4. Welcoming New Members

  • As new youth are being invited to join our program, there is an exciting new feature on

  • For the youth that are joining this fall, the system is automatically collecting fees through the end of 2021.

  • For those families who need an alternative method for registering, we can still collect paper applications and charge families the pro-rated rate until the end of 2020.

5. Unit Meetings

  • In-person Scout meetings are permitted for Scouts living in counties at alert levels 1, 2, or 3. If your unit’s county is level 4, in-person Scout meetings are prohibited.

  • Meeting outdoors is encouraged when available and weather permitting.

  • If the unit is still not ready to meet, we continue to encourage virtual meetings. All youth protection policies and guidelines for online meetings, including having multiple adults over the age of 21 present the entire time, must be followed.

  • If both male and female youth are on the same conferencing event, one adult of each gender must also actively participate. As a reminder, make sure youth are never being recorded or filmed.

6. Meals

  • While many unit activities include the sharing of meals, especially during the holiday season, there continue to be restrictions regarding the sharing of food. It is important that the unit develop dining protocols (including but not limited to):

  • No self-serve buffet meals or common water coolers.

  • Use of disposable utensils, napkins, cups, and plates.

  • Clean and disinfect eating and cooking gear after each use.

  • When in doubt, the safest answer is for families to bring their own food or to not have any “community or potluck” food at your events for the time being.

  • Here are some additional suggestions to consider:

  • Utilize single-serve, prepackaged foods.

  • If the unit wants to do a “community meal”, pick a person to take or find a person who has ServSafe training.


  • The ServSafe trained person can cook and coordinate the distribution of the food.

  • Choose a caterer or restaurant that could provide the meals and separate the servings appropriately.

  • If commercial food is offered, make sure that the food is not repackaged by the unit.

7. Camping

  • LEC’s full camping safeguards including the temperature and prescreening questionnaire can be found here:

  • Reservations can be made here:

  • Here are some updates, highlights, and reminders:

  • Weekend camping is limited to BSA properties operating under a resident camp license from their local health department.

  • This means that units can camp at either Firelands, Beaumont, or any other BSA resident camp property that has been given permission to operate by their local health department.

  • At the present time, there are no procedures for units to camp on non-BSA resident camp properties. This includes non-campground facilities such as private property and property owned by the chartered organization.

  • Camping and activities are permitted for Scouts living in counties at alert levels 1, 2, or 3.

  • If your unit’s county is level 4, participating in camping and activities at a Lake Erie Council camp is prohibited.

  • If Lorain (Firelands) or Ashtabula (Beaumont) County are at a level 4 alert level, each respective camp will be closed for the duration of the time at alert level 4.

  • Units who choose to camp independently when it is not permitted by the State, will not be covered by liability insurance that normally covers leaders, and the supplemental health insurance that covers leaders and Scouts will not be in effect during those camping activities.

8. Den Meeting Resources

  • The Lake Erie Council has created Den Meeting resources to help your packs have fun meetings this fall. Whether you choose to meet in-person or virtually, our Cub Scout Virtual Adventures Kit and Meetings are a great resource to use. To purchase your kits, please go to

9. Unit Funding:

  • The Lake Erie Council Unit Funding Specialists have developed Unit Funding Guidelines to help units fundraise during COVID-19. These can be found here.

  • Please note that all fundraisers outside of Scout’s Own and Popcorn are subject to approval.

  • The Lake Erie Council is currently in the planning stages for our 2021 Scout’s Own Sale. Please be on the lookout for more information in December.

We appreciate everyone’s commitment to our youth in Northeast Ohio. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Member Care Team at (216) 861-6060.

Unit Service Center Closed

These Guidelines are no longer valid.

Scouts and Scouters,

It saddens us to inform you that this afternoon, November 10, 2020, we were informed one of our employees tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is now self-isolating. We have notified all close contacts and instructed them also to self-isolate. If you were not contacted, you have not been identified as a close contact.

We are doing everything within our ability and resources to keep our Scouting family safe and healthy. Still, with many cases of COVID-19 transmitted before anyone knows they have been exposed, and with employees only being at work for a fraction of the day, we cannot 100 percent guarantee the virus won’t enter our building.

Due to the unfortunate positive test, we have decided to close the Unit Service Center.

  • The Unit Service Center will be closed tomorrow, November 11, 2020 to all staff members.

  • The Unit Service Center will be closed to outside visitors until November 30, 2020.

  • The Cleveland Scout Shop will be open to curbside service during this time.

If you have a question about COVID-19 or your situation, please contact your doctor or review the recommendations on the CDC website.

Our commitment to your health and safety is our top priority. Please stay healthy and safe.

Yours in Scouting,

Lake Erie Council

Get ready, it’s time for JOTA-JOTI

The world’s largest digital and radio Scout event is days away! There is plenty of fun and new learning in store for you during this year’s JOTA-JOTI.

Register now to experience international Scouting and connect with young people all around the world over inspiring discussions, games, challenges, webinars, live shows and more. 

Make sure to watch the JOTA-JOTI live shows hosted by talented Scouts from Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil and the Philippines who will present the daily highlights of JOTA-JOTI, showcase talents from around the world, connect with various local Scout groups, and engage with special guests. Tune in from anywhere in the world via Facebook and the Youth Got Talent Stage.

See the JOTA-JOTI Live schedule

Don’t miss the other activities you can be part of during JOTA-JOTI 2020:

Fun Zone

Join dance parties by DJs around the world, challenge yourself with trivia, quizzes, arts and crafts, or check out the Spotify playlist made just for you. This is the place you want to be for fun and games! 

Internet Radio Station

Tune in to the official online radio station for JOTI-JOTI 2020 broadcasting live and non-stop from the UK. You can contact them to request a song or ask for a shout out on the radio! 

Chat Room

Talk to other young people from around the world on JOTI Chat. Join different moderated chat rooms and connect over a variety of interesting topics. Pick your chat group of interest, and let the conversations begin! 

Knowledge Lab

Get connected with young people around the globe over dialogues and informative webinars as you learn about topics such as diversity and inclusion, health and well-being, humanitarian action, sustainable development and the powerful role you can play as global citizens to shape our future.  

International Campfires

Who says we need to travel to see wonderful places? Take a virtual trip with us to experience Scouting from different corners of the world as we join the campfires of various local Scout groups and learn their cultures and traditions. 

Challenge Valley

Put your skills to the test! Get involved in themed Challenges by completing offline activities, attending webinars, or watching the JOTA-JOTI Live shows. Can you complete all of the Challenges before the event is over?!

These are just some of the many enjoyable activities and challenges you can take part in whether you’re participating with your Scout group or on your own, so check out the rest of the JOTA-JOTI campsite

If you have any questions, our teams are ready to respond at any time. Visit the support page to find answers to key questions or reach out directly to us. 

OA Lodge Updates

Nearly four years ago we embarked upon a journey that would witness the birth of a new lodge for our Order serving the Scouts, units and camps of Northeast Ohio.  Today, the Erielhonan Lodge is growing and gaining steam as it determines its path and future. Like all things, it takes leadership, drive and clarity in purpose for any entity to achieve success and celebrate milestones.  We have been and continue to be blessed with some exceptional Scouters who believe deeply in the mission and purpose of the Order and have worked hard to integrate those ideals into the Lake Erie Council. Much like our council and the world around us, change is always part of progress for these concepts are forever tied together.  

Today I am pleased to announce the selection of Sean Fahnestock as the new Lodge Adviser for our lodge. Before I share more about Sean, let us pause to reflect upon the dedication and job done by current Lodge Adviser Joe Wollet. Joe has been a terrific leader, working diligently to help make Erielhonan Lodge a reality.  From guiding the youth to building a foundation for success, to his tremendous support of the program and operations at our camps, Joe has given so much of himself and coordinated the efforts of a superb group of advisers along the way.  Joe plans to remain active in the lodge and has been asked by Sean to serve as his mentor. Please join me in offering Joe our sincere thanks and deep appreciation for his commitment and devotion to brotherhood, cheerfulness and service as our Lodge Adviser.

Sean Fahnestock is well known in our lodge and to our members. Currently serving as our Membership Adviser, Sean has worked closely with Joe, his fellow associate advisers and our youth to create the success we enjoy in our lodge today.  Most recently Sean, Lodge Chief Evan Richwalsky and other brothers worked tirelessly to host a safe and productive induction weekend where more than 100 Scouts and Scouters became members of the Order, more than 50 sealed their vows, and 14 were called to the Vigil Honor.

Sean, a Vigil himself, is active in many other facets of Scouting and our council as well.  In addition to serving as a merit badge counselor and a camp host, Sean is on the committee for both the girl’s and boy’s Troops 52 in Saybrook.  Sean completed his ticket as a member of Wood Badge Class C-4-463-14.  In his professional life, Sean is in regulatory compliance at the Perry Nuclear Plant, where he has been for the last 15 years, starting in the security department. He is also a veteran of the United States Army where he served for eight years. 

Scouting is a family affair in the Fahnestock home!  He and his wife, Jacqueline, Pack 52 Committee Chair, have four children all in the program.  Lane is 14 years old and is a Life Scout. Justin is 11 years old and is a First Class Scout.  Declan is a seven-year-old Wolf and Zoey is six years old and is a Tiger.

Sean will become the new Lodge Adviser on November 1, 2020, as we induct the new lodge youth officers.

Please join me in welcoming Sean to this critical role and wishing him, our youth officers and adult advisers well as we progress into our next chapter as a strong lodge with a clear purpose!

About BSA Ads You May See or Hear

Dear Lake Erie Council Scouters, 

 I am constantly impressed by the dedication of our Scouting Movement and the way we band together as an organization in challenging circumstances. Amid these great difficulties, Scouting has continued to build character, confidence, leadership, and hope in families and communities across the country, and your efforts have helped make some incredible things possible this summer:

  • Beaumont Scout Reservation ran an incredibly successful and SAFE resident camp serving over 1,000 youth who earned more than 5,600 merit badges.  In addition to the great program and life changing experiences, our staff conducted over 41,000 temperature checks; none of which exceeded 100 degrees.

  •  At Firelands Scout Reservation, nearly 50 families enjoyed participating in our family camping adventures and 90 youth took part in the National Youth Leadership Training programming, preparing them for key roles in guiding their home units. 

  • Virtually we were very active as well!  Volunteers and staff created and executed content for the extremely popular Virtual Merit Badge University.  Over 100 badges were offered, and 1,363 total merit badges were earned.  Our Lake Erie Council Eagle Celebration went virtual on Facebook Live as well and welcomed over 2,000 viewers to celebrate our newest class of Eagle Scouts!

 Now more than ever, families are looking for what Scouting offers. When asked what they want from youth-serving organizations this fall, parents overwhelmingly said they want to give their children a sense of normalcy, as well as something to do as a group, even if socially distant, or something productive to do with peers, even if it’s online. Scouting delivers what parents are asking for. Together, we need to stand ready to bring Scouting to even more youth and families this year.

 As we promote Scouting in our community, some people may have questions about our youth protection policies and how we keep kids safe. Each question is an opportunity to shed light on the important policies and procedures we’ve put in place that make Scouting safer than ever before. 

 It is important to emphasize that the safety of children in our programs is our absolute top priority. That’s precisely why, over many years, the BSA has developed some of the strongest expert-informed youth protection policies found in any youth-serving organization. 

 If you are a volunteer, you’ve taken youth protection training, undergone a criminal background check, and play an integral role in the BSA’s commitment to keep kids safe. At Lake Erie Council, and at all councils across America, adhering to and upholding these policies is a duty we take very seriously. I encourage you to view and share this video and infographic about the BSA’s youth protection measures and resources that make Scouting safer than ever before. 

 Conversations about safety will be especially relevant over the next several weeks when those in Scouting and other members of the public will likely see and hear print, TV, social media, digital and radio advertising from national BSA’s Chapter 11 noticing campaign. Although only the national organization has filed for Chapter 11, you will likely come across these ads in the coming weeks, so I wanted to make sure you knew their purpose and had the necessary information to address questions or concerns they may raise for you or others.

 These noticing ads are different than those many people have seen so far that have been sponsored by plaintiffs’ attorneys trying to solicit clients. The BSA’s ads are instead designed and sponsored by national BSA to ensure that victims have the opportunity to come forward and apply for compensation from a proposed Trust by filing a claim by the November 16, 2020 deadline set by the court. This advertising effort underscores the BSA’s commitment to the dual objectives of its bankruptcy proceeding: equitably compensate victims of past abuse and continue the mission of Scouting.

 If you would like additional information about the BSA’s outreach to victims of past abuse, see this FAQ. For questions about local Scouting, please contact Marc Ryan, Scout Executive at  


Yours in Scouting, 


 Marc J. Ryan

Scout Executive/CEO