Hear ye hear ye, it’s 2023! What a wonderful New Year this is turning into! We had much to celebrate over the holidays, including your Lake Erie Council’s 8 consecutive months of growth. Our year ended at Membership north of 6,500, representing over 1% growth. It’s truly a monumental shift in membership for Scouting in this area, and proof that your units are running a strong program, providing the positive impact of Scouting to more and more young people. Solook with hope upon this New Year, because there is much reason to be!
Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have: Klondikes, the Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon, Scout Shop Updates, a note about the 2023 Annual Celebration of Scouting, and a note regarding our Service Territory’s Upcoming Program Training Conference.
But first, while it may be a new year, there is still, sadly, a need to send medical kits overseas to Ukraine. If your unit would like to learn more about how to make and send off these kits, please contact me.
Next, let’s talk Klondikes! Folks, a little birdy told me that I will be present at all four Klondikes this year. That little birdy, by the way, is Anthony Dworning, who is holding my friendship with him hostage in order to be present. But that’s okay, I’m excited to be there because 1) it’ll be a great opportunity to practice my auctioneering skills, 2) it’s going to be great weather for these Klondikes, and 3) we’ll get to see all of your smiling faces at camp! What a swingin’ deal!
Now, that said, the Klondikes can only happen if folks register to attend. And at the moment, absolutely no one is registered to attend the Firelands Klondike. So, please: if you plan on going, help out your event chairs by registering your units and helping them plan for how much food and program supplies to be ready with.
If you have any questions about Klondikes, please send them to Anthony Dworning. You can register for any of the klondikes through our Council calendar, and in particular, can register for the Firelands Klondike at this link.
The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.
The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th, where our newest Silver Beaver, Division Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award recipients will be recognized. Registration will be open soon, but save the date now! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!
National Service Territory 9, otherwise known as the place you are right now at this moment, is hosting a Program Training Conference in Findlay, OH, also on March 4th. But, don’t you worry! The conference will be over in the afternoon, leaving you plenty of time to be able to make it back to the Celebration of Scouting. Cost is $35.00 to attend, check out this link for more information and to register.
And lastly, the Cleveland and Firelands Scout Shops have all you need to make your Pinewood Derby car the fastest in all the land! Stop on in and pick up your supplies today!
Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! We’re looking forward to a great year of spreading the good news of Scouting with you all. So thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.