Mornin’ all! And greetings from beautiful Omni Resort, located in beautiful small town Bedford, PA. I’ve actually been here for two days now, with 200 of my closest friends from across the Northeast, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic, learning from the best minds in Scouting how to improve Scouting!
And speaking of friends, I’m also here with my best friend, Sappy the Maple Leaf, as we are about to debut a Maple Cotton Candy product, more about which we will share in weeks to come.
This week, there are 5 things you need to know: Klondike, the annual Wood Badge Breakfast, Eagle Scout Scholarships, a Scout Shop update, and the Annual Eagle Scout luncheon.
The Scout shop will be closed on Monday, January 19th, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Attention Eagle Scouts: would you like some money? A lot of it? Then you should apply for a National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship before the deadline of January 31st. Here’s a link, and send Heather your questions.
Klondike season is here! Register today! In fact, register by tonight, and you can still show up this weekend! Send Anthony Dworning your questions.
The annual wood badge breakfast is back up and in full swing! Registration is live, send Linda your questions, and be prepared to sing your favorite song this March!
Lastly, the Eagle Scout luncheon is also upcoming on March 4th in Eastlake. You must register to attend, send Anna Galipo your questions.
And that’s a wrap for this weeks 3 minute update! Thanks!