Mornin', all! And greetings from downtown Cleveland! I'm in the Flats by the Foundry, which is a beautifully redone rowing and fitness facility on the banks of the Cuyahoga. In fact, this facility was redone over the course of 2015 to the tune of about $14 million, transforming it from a decrepit turn-of-the-second-to-last century warehouse to a modern, state of the art facility with a lot of old school character.
It's also where the entire staff was on Wednesday, putting as much fun in fundraising as we could in our last development event! So for those of you still waiting on an email from me, I apologize!
But here we are, a beautiful day in this beautiful city, and this is everything you need to know this week!
Here we have Scout Shop Updates, Training Updates, Cub Haunted Reminders, a call to Scouts for volunteering, Scouting for Food, the NYLT/Wood Badge Annual Alumni Event, and a quick blurb about fall recruiting resources.
The Cleveland Scout Shop has 10% of uniform bottoms with purchase of the top until October 30th, so stop in today!
There are many upcoming Trainings this fall for adult leaders, including: mobile climbing wall training, BALOO, SM Basic, Rangemaster, and GAMES training. Check out the council calendar and continue learning how to make the program for the Scouts in your unit the best it can be!
The Wood Badge/NYLT annual alumni reunion is slated for September 17th on the Wyandot side of Firelands, from Noon to 3:00 p.m. Register now at this link to get together, reminisce, and try out the new games from the new syllabus! Questions should go to John Z.
Cub Scouts: it isn't too late to register for the fun fall we are offering you all! Cub Haunted in October is still taking registrants, as well as Scouts BSA volunteers for the event. Contact Grace with any questions.
Additionally, there's an overnighter in September you should consider because it'll be a Cosmic time! An out of this world experience!! That's September 9th thru 11th. Register now!
In reality though, folks, this is potentially the first chance any new recruits will have to experience a fun, outdoor, Scouting experience together as a family. It's a big deal, because new Scout families who go camping early on will stay in Scouting longer and become more dedicated. So don't miss out yourselves, and make sure to invite those new recruits along.
There's a volunteer opportunity this Saturday in Cleveland to help the Big Rock & Roll Run Saturday morning. It starts in the Inner Harbor and ends at Edgewater Park. Interested volunteers should email Mark.
To those of you Scouting for Food this weekend, thank you and good luck! We look forward to hearing how much food you gathered to report on in a couple of weeks! Additionally, if you want to Scout for Food later, we have the resources for your unit now, here, at the service center, so call member care to ask for some!
Lastly, if you need recruitment materials, or a council presence at your scheduled school talks or join nights, request them now using this form! No matter who or where you are, definitely use this form to request your resources, as it is the only way to guarantee our staff won't lose sight of your request in this busy fall season!
And folks, that's a wrap for this week's three minute update. Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We'll see you next week!