Hello everyone, and thanks for tuning into this week’s three minute update, brought to you from Times Square! Watching out for pickpockets and fresh wads of gum on the sidewalk is totally worth it! The bright lights and big city are the perfect place for this week’s three minute update.
This week we have: Scouting for Food, popcorn, adult applications, the revised Eagle Scout application, Cub Haunted, National Jamboree, Wood Badge, and the Firelands Stewards, along with this week’s fun fact!
But first, let’s talk about incident reports. Nobody likes them, but they exist to document three areas of concern 1) physical, meaning injury, illness, or damage, 2) policy violations, such as violations of the Scouter Code of Conduct or Youth Protection infractions, and 3) Near Misses, meaning that one of these things almost happened and could happen again. Registered volunteers and professional Scouters are required to submit reports whenever these things happen, per BSA’s membership standards.
As a reminder, instances of abuse or serious/fatal injury need to be reported immediately. In such cases, contact the Scout Executive immediately. In other, less serious cases, the report must be submitted within 24 hours of occurrence. Contact Member Care to help you walk through the reporting process.
There’s a revised Eagle Scout Application out there, folks! You can find this latest version on our council website at this link: Eagle Scout — Lake Erie Council (lecbsa.org).
It isn’t too late to sign up for the 2023 National Jamboree! Any Scout 12 years or older is able to attend this assembly of youths to enjoy patch trading, bmx biking, and so much more! Questions go to Phil Williams, and the link to register is here!
Previous Firelands Stewards: you should now have received your mailed invitation to join us for this years’ stewards’ dinner, on September 12th. If you haven’t donated toward Firelands projects before but would like to, please register at this link. Questions go to Danny Thomas.
Online adult applications are now optional for your unit! If your unit would like to enable online applications to be submitted online, the Chartered Org Rep must log in to their my.scouting.org portal and enable the feature on the Unit Pin. Shoot questions for how to enable this feature over to member care!
Scouting for Food door hangers are officially somewhere between the Pacific Ocean and the Western-most point on I-80 in California! This to say, if you’re itching to get your door hangers for the Scouting for Food weekends, don’t fret! Michelle will be in touch with you as soon as they’re here!
And it’s still not too late to sign up for Scouting for Food! Do so at this link!
The Scout-oriented popcorn training, previously scheduled for this Saturday, is cancelled due to lack of sign ups. Nevertheless, Scouts should sign up to sell popcorn this fall! Your unit can do so at this link!
Any troops interested in offering service hours toward this year’s Cub Haunted weekends should contact Grace! This is a great opportunity to not only have a lot of fun at camp, but also to showcase your Troop at the biggest Cub Scouting event we host each year! Of course, Packs should register for Cub Haunted now at this link!
And lastly, Rocket Day is upcoming August 13th, next weekend! So if you haven’t signed up yet, please do so here.
And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see ya next week!