Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this week’s three minute update is coming to you from the road. Yes that’s right, I’m riding around collecting recharter checks in the far east for those who need it. Doing my very best pony express, hence my trusty steed. If you need a pony express pick up of a recharter check, contact Michelle and she will dispatch someone to you.
This week, we have: Award Updates, NYLT updates, Popcorn Updates, ACE Updates, Klondike Updates, and Giving Tree Information.
That’s right everyone: nominations for the Silver Beaver Award, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. You can learn more about these awards on our website. Awards will be presented at the Annual Celebration of Scouting, next upcoming on March 1st.
Here’s also a reminder that there are many, many other awards available to unit leaders who have put the work into delivering the best Scouting program they could over the past year. If you’d like to nominate your fellow Scouters for one of many awards, please send those nominations in to Heather McMillan. You can find a full list of these awards on the national Scouting website.
If any of your Scouts are interested in NYLT, applications for a staff position in 2024 are now available on the website. Interviews for NYLT are upcoming, so please contact Jen Folkman with any questions or visit the website for more information.
Folks, while the popcorn sale is wrapping up, this is a reminder that Scouts can still sell popcorn using the Trails’ End online link, and those sales will qualify you for trails end prizes and the chance to be part of the council spin-to-win in February.
Also, the ACE portal has reopened to new applicants! Unit leaders, please note that Membership Renewal Fees mostly qualify for reimbursement. Families can get approved for ACE before OR after they pay for said fees, and still get reimbursed. Check out our website for the latest, and email Mike Evano if you have any questions.
Klondike Derbies are basically fully planned, and registrations for these are now open. Bring the full troop, sign up, and send Anthony any questions you have.
Don’t forget about the giving tree at the Cleveland Scout Shop: email Paula if you’d like to give, or could use a hand bringing Scouting to your family.
Now, this message is for Santa Claus. We’re still a few weeks away from your big day, Santa, and I’ve got a swingin’ deal for you. You see, I know there are some Scouts out there who deserve a really special gift this holiday season, and I want you to know that I’ve got a perfect gift for them. It’s a gift that, maybe not a lot of kids have asked for by name, but I know once they see Sammy’s face, they’ll fall in love with this toy. Yes sir, you won’t regret filling up your sleigh with a big sack full of, Sammy the S’more plushies! Santa, if you want, just call member care, and they’ll tell you where Sammy is hiding out with all of his friends. I hope you will!
Otherwise folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update!