Mornin’, all! I’m back, COVID can’t keep me down too long! Although I will say, I wish I could’ve gone to Disney last week!
Ok, just as before and always: all links for the 3-minute update can be found in the script.
The Scoutbook calendar is migrating to Internet Advancement on November 9th. That means all unit calendaring will happen in internet advancement moving forward, instead of Scoutbook. If you have further questions, please contact LEC Member Care.
Register now to take position specific training as a Cub Leader, Troop Committee Member, or Chartered Org Rep. Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about what it means to be chartered by the Lake Erie Council, we recommend you attend the training for Council Unit Representatives, coming up here on the 18th of November. Send your questions to Jake!
Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin Collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michelle Cali your questions.
Speaking of recharter, please note that adult applicants must complete YPT before they can be approved, and the COR is the ONLY person who can approve online applications. Submitted applications that have not been approved will not show up on the recharter, so please make sure they are approved BEFORE posting your recharter!
Cub fun days and holidays at camp are on the calendar: Register now! Note that the early bird deadline for Holidays at Camp is November 18th, and we do need some Troop assistance in running this program. Interested volunteer troops should contact Jess.
Volunteer Award Nominations for the Silver Beaver, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th.
Finally, note that take-orders for popcorn are due on November 3rd, and that payments for popcorn and Scout’s Own Syrup are due November 10th. Distribution of take order popcorn will happen on November 17th and 18th.
And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!