Mornin’, all! I’m still wrestling with this clock: so far it’s Jake 2, Clock 1. How’s it going to pan out today? Let’s see!
In this week’s three minute update we have: Cub Haunted, training updates, recruitment updates, and (SCREAMS) recharter updates, ew, oh god, why?
Folks, new members are steadily rolling in to Scouting all over the place this fall, as they should! So many of you are working crazy hard to get the word out and bring in more new Scouts. Many, many of these new members are hitting your rosters digitally, and this is your friendly reminder that these new families need welcomed and invited to your group once their application has been approved. Please, don’t forget to welcome them and invite them to your next activity!
If you have questions about how to access your new applications or find new members’ information, head on over to Also, use our Membership Resources Request form to request flyers, printed materials, giveaways, and other helpful recruitment items for your use! With Halloween coming up just around the corner, you’d be wise to hand out Scout stickers and promos with candy in your neighborhoods. Reach out now for those resources!
Those needing BALOO training and Scoutmaster Basic Training can also register here: courses are scheduled for September and October. You can contact me with your questions!
You can register now for in-person trainings for your positions! Pack Leaders and Troop committee members can join us starting October 4th in Parma, and there will be a lot more throughout the Council the rest of October! Let Megan know if you have any questions!
Rangemaster training is upcoming October 13th. Register here, and email Julia with questions.
Shoutout to all who attended the Fall Camporee and Webelos Woods this last weekend at Beaumont. If you’re still looking for something fun to do as a troop, note the fall camporee still upcoming at Firelands, with their adjoined Webelos woods as well! Send questions to Jess. You can also email Jess if your troop would like to help staff any of the three upcoming Cub Haunted weekends.
Now, here’s a somber reminder that time moves too quickly: I have an update about recharter. Yes, recharter season is almost among us. All units must be rechartered by December 8th, with confirmed rosters, money turned in to the Council, and signed approval from your COR by December 8th. This year, the Council is instituting a late fee of $100 for charters submitted after December 8th, or whose charters require significant fixes after December 8th. Michelle Cali is happy to take all of your questions for charter renewal. Go to our website to learn more!
And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! Man, these are almost getting too fast!