Mornin’ all, And thanks for tuning into this week's three minute update. I'm Jake Brown and this is Drew Poschner, my producer.
Drew, I don't know why you look so terrified, it's just a big truck here. We are, in fact, men of means by no means, moving popcorn for you guys to be ready for distribution this weekend and if you're on my favorites list that means we'll see it here pretty soon.
On the three minute update this week we have Ace Updates, Stewards of Beaumont , Training Updates, Cub Haunted, Camporees and Drew did I miss anything?
That's all.
That's it, perfect! Right let's go ahead start with the Stewards of Beaumont. That's coming up on September 19th at 6:30 PM at Beaumont Scout Reservation. This is an opportunity for those with a philanthropic heart to be able to donate to some camp improvement projects to make camp even more beautiful and sustainable into the future. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Anthony Dworning and register online on the council calendar link there before September 18th.
Now, about the upcoming lifeguard training at firelands which is on the calendar. It has since been postponed indefinitely. We do intend to have it, but it has been postponed for now. So, if you were planning on coming, please reach out to Jess Weaver if you have any questions about it. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you at some point in the future we're the lifeguard training.
Speaking of trainings, we have: Rangemaster Training, BALOO training, Scoutmaster Basic Training, and Position Specific Training all coming up within the next two months. You can let me know if you have any questions about that, I'll be happy to get back in touch with you probably as soon as I'm not driving the big rig.
Drew, what else do we have on that list?
Cub Haunted has open registrations at the moment.
Oh, that's good stuff and I tell you what registrations are filling up fast. We've got literally hundreds of Cub Scout families on list now. So, if you’d like to come out for those, especially staying in the cabin, you should book that reservation just about as soon as you can.
We’ve got camporees coming up too, right?
We do.
There are camporees at Beaumont and at Firelands this September and October. With Webelos Woods camp outs attached to them. So the Webelos can come out and get a feel for the different troops and how they run their programs. It's a swinging deal and a good program being planned for all! So go ahead and register for those, if you have any questions reach out to Anthony for the one at Beaumont and Jess Weaver for the one at Firelands.
What else do we have, Drew?
The last thing on the three minute update we have is Ace Resources.
Ah yes, Ace Resources. Folks, remember that if your families in Scouting are paying for their national BSA registration dues to the units via cash or check, they need a unit issued receipt. You can access that receipt at or by emailing anyone of us on the field team. We’d be happy to get you in touch with that. That receipt needs to get filled out by you, the unit, to be able to give to the family so that they can submit it to their ACE portal for reimbursement.
Let's see here, I think that's about it. Drew, you've got a countdown clock going in the middle there, I'm sure I went over.
Just a bit.
We’ll get to 3 minutes next week folks, thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you. We'll see you next time take care.