Hello, friends. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your Lake Erie Council 3-ish-minute update for the first week of May 2021. Today, I will be giving an update on last week’s Scout’s Trash the Trash Day, inviting you to participate in our Morgana Run Trail Clean-up, sharing information on the Great Scout Luncheon, and finally I will give you some great Mother’s Day gift advice.
Last weekend was Scout’s Trash the Trash day. Scouter’s from across the Lake Erie Council came together to make a positive difference in their communities. Your Lake Erie Council service team worked with the Pack 3071’s Tiger Den to pick up 11 large bags of trash in Painesville. This is just one of the many examples of service that was provided. Producer Anthony, can we run a quick photo montage of some of our participating units? Remember, this was our reconnect with Communities event as part of the LEC Unplug and Reconnect Spring Membership Campaign. We are asking every Scouting unit to bring in 3 brand new Scouts to our programs this spring. If you need help engaging new families, contact your Lake Erie Council Member Care Team, LECMemberCare@Scouting.org or 440.861.6060 option “0”.
Our next service opportunity is on Saturday, May 15th. We will gather to provide trail maintenance on the Morgana Run Trail in the historic Slavic Village. The project will run from 9AM-Noon. Our team will be meeting at Mound Elementary School, 5935 Ackley Rd in Cleveland. We will be trimming overgrown trees and shrubs, removing trash and trail debris, and making general improvements to the trail. All are welcome to join. The Clean & Green Cleveland Equipment Trailer will be on site, so the only thing you need to bring is the cheerful service, we will provide all the tools and equipment.
Please join us on May 19th for the 2021 Great Scout Luncheon. This year’s guest speaker is Jay Hennessey who is the Cleveland Indian’s Vice President of Learning and Development and a veteran of the United States Navy where he served as the Commander of the Navy Special Warfare Center. Join Jay and several other guests as we share the positive message of Scouting in Northeast Ohio. For more information or to donate to the Scouting program, contact Pete Biltz at 216.458.8934 or at the e-mail address below.
Finally, if Mary Joan Wassie is watching this please stop the video now because I don’t want to ruin your Mother’s Day surprise. If your mom is anything like mine, she puts up with a lot of nonsense and she deserves an amazing gift on Mother’s Day. This year treat your mom to breakfast in bed with our Scout’s Own Mother’s Day Special Offer. For $25 you will receive a bottle of Scout’s Own Special Reserve Syrup and a bag of our delicious pancake mix. Order today at ilove.scoutsown.org or contact our Syrup expert, Kallee Kissling.
Alright folks, I’m going to go eat some pancakes so I can build up my energy and strength for the Morgana Run Trail cleaning on the morning of May 15th. I hope to see you out on the trail with us, and as always, thank you for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright.