Hello, Lake Erie Council. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your 3-minute update for the second week of May 2021. Today, I will be sharing details about the exciting programs being offered this weekend, I will be inviting you to be a part of next week’s Virtual Great Scout Luncheon, and finally I will be providing you with a bunch of information in our new segment: Lightning Round Reminders
This weekend there are a lot of amazing Scouting opportunities happening in our council. Firelands Scout Reservation is hosting Clue the Camporee for Scouts BSA members and Beaumont Scout Reservation is having Trailblazer Weekend for Cub Scouts and their families. If you are not attending one of these two events, I would love for you to join me at our Morgana Run Trail Cleaning Project from 9AM to Noon on Saturday, May 15th. We will be meeting at Mound Elementary School: 5935 Ackley Road in Cleveland. I’m going to be really honest with you, I am desperate to get a few more volunteers to help with this service project. It should be a beautiful day, so this is a great opportunity to bring the family downtown, provide much-needed service, and then enjoy some quality time in our beautiful city. For more information on this project and all our events, visit the council calendar at LECBSA.org or check out our Facebook page. I can’t wait to see you out on the trail, and by “trail”, I do mean the Morgana Run Trail this Saturday from 9AM to Noon.
Also, make sure you set a reminder to join the Lake Erie Council on May 19th for the 2021 Great Scout Luncheon. The event will start at 4:30PM and it can be viewed online at GreatScoutLuncheon.org. The program will include guest speaker Jay Hennessey who is Vice President of Learning and Development for the Cleveland Indians and a former commander of the Naval Special Warfare Center. Join Jay and many other special guests for this exciting celebration of Scouting next Wednesday. Also, because of this event, we will be publishing next week’s 3-minute update on Thursday instead of our usual Wednesday.
Now for our new segment: Lighting Round Reminders! Ok, here we go. Our downtown and Firelands Scout Shops are open for business. Stop in to get all the gear and supplies you need for you summer Scouting Adventures. Speaking of Summer Scouting Adventures, this summer we are celebrating Beaumont’s 75th anniversary. Resident Campspaces are still available. Can’t come out for summer camp? Join us for family camp weekends at both properties. While you’re out having fun, make sure you are sharing pictures and stories within your communities on a public-facing Facebook page for your Scouting unit. This will help with your recruitment efforts. Remember, successful units are constantly recruiting new Scouts. The future of your Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship depends on it. Finally, if you are a Scouting leader, make sure you are taking the time over the next two months to meet and create an annual plan for your unit. If you need help with this process, contact the LEC Service Team for help at LECMemberCare@Scouting.org or by phone at 216.861.6060.
That’s all for this week’s 3-mintue update. Thank you for keeping the Scouting Flame burning bright and for joining me this Saturday morning at the Morgana Run Trail!