Mornin’ all! Welcome to this week’s three minute update: I’m Jake Brown.
This week we have: camperships, Eagle Scout Scholarships, Spring Recruitment Drive Updates, this week’s recognition shoutout, Camp Early Bird Payments, and a new segment called: The Future!
First payments for Scouts attending summer camp are due tomorrow, April 1st. These payments lock-in the Early bird rates for anyone attending. There will be no Early Bird extensions. Contact with questions.
Camperships for Resident Camp and S’more Cub Scout Adventures are due April 5th. That’s right folks: April 5th. If you could use some financial assistance in attending these events, you should apply for them by April 5th. There are also camperships for NYLT, due April 15th, and Wood Badge, due June 1st. Contact with questions, and go to to apply.
Speaking of financial aid, any Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2021 have until April 22nd to submit scholarship applications to the Council office. There are 3 local Eagle Scout Scholarships, so apply today! Go to to apply, and contact with any questions.
Spring is in the air! And that means it’s time to get Bee-zy with adventure! Shout-out to Packs 28, 68, 102, and 677 for getting back with Michelle with their Spring plans to participate in the Earth Day Weekend hike, Trash the Trash Day, Scout Swim Day, and Free Fishing Weekend. We have car magnets, social media assets, and flyers that are designed to help direct eye traffic to these’ packs activities. It’s not too late for Packs, Troops, or Crews to hop on this bandwagon! Email your plans for Spring recruitment so we can share them on our public-facing website,!
Our recognition moment goes to two places this week: first, our Council Commissioner Steve Garner was published last week in Bryan on Scouting’s blog for having earned the National Venturing Leadership Award for 2022. Congratulations Steve!
Also, Eagle Scout Samuel Al-Hawaz from Troop 293 represented the Lake Erie Council at the Ohio Statehouse yesterday, along with seven other Eagle Scouts from Ohio, for the traditional Report to State. They met with Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Speaker of the House Robert Cupp. Sam had the opportunity to tell all three about his Eagle project, which beautified God’s Acre Cemetery. Congratulations Samuel, thanks for representing us well!
Finally, our last segment takes us where only sages and psychics could go before. Now join us as we go: TO THE FUTURE!
(Zap to future)
Morning all. I am Jake Bot. Welcome to April 2023. You should know that Wilderness First Aid is at Beaumont April 1st, as well as Rangemaster Training. There will be a Cub Fun Day at Firelands on April 15th, and SM Basic Training. Beaumont has a Merit Badge University. BALOO is April 22nd. And April 29th, there will be a Beaumont Camporee and Webelos event.
Now for the fun fact. What is the difference between Jake and Jake Bot. Jake Bot is funnier. Ha ha. Ha Ha.
(Zap to present)
Wow, that’s dystopian! Well while I go beef up my resume, you can find the 18-month Council calendar updated on the Lake Erie Council website starting next Wednesday. Expect an email with sub-divided calendars to be sent shortly after, focusing on Cub, Troop, or Venturing events that match your registration. Any questions can go to
And that’s a wrap! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! I’m Jake Brown, and I’ll be here next week, at least – keep that Jake Bot from taking my job. This is terrifying, why does the future always suck?.