Mornin', all! I'm Jake Brown, coming to you from beautiful Madison, OH! It's a beautiful day in this beautiful place, and we've got a great 3 minute update for you this week.
There's ILST Updates, Member Care Updates, Scout Shop Updates, OA updates, Den Chief Training, the Silver Screen Overnighter, the calendar, and, ugh, another trip to..... The FuTuRe.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops is a training every NYLT participant should receive in their Troop. However, there's an opportunity to fill this pre-requisite by attending the Council-offered course on May 21st. 29 slots remain, contact Dave Sechnick (<>) with questions.
Den Chief Training will be offered in-person on May 7th at Clague Road Church in North Olmstead. Cost is $5, contact with questions.
The Silver Screen Overnighter is April 15th-16th in Elyria. Contact with questions.
From the OA: Spring Induction weekend is at the tail end of April. It's the first chance for new OA candidates to complete their ordeal, and it's the last call for candidates from 2020 to complete theirs. Contact Sean Fahnestock ( with questions.
Is your rainy day fund running low? That's ok, the Cleveland Scout Shop has some swingin' deals on select rain gear from now thru March 26th. Stop in today for these 25% savings!
The Firelands Scout Shop will be closed Friday and Saturday of Easter weekend. They will re-open on Monday, April 18th, from 3-7pm.
Do you need a friend who can help? I think we all do, but our Member Care team is on the spot and happy to help with my.scouting and Scoutbook questions, new applications, Eagle Display Reservations, and much, much more! Call or email them at today!
Spring is in the air, so it's time to get bee-zy with outdoor Scouting adventures! 18 units are signed up for trash the trash day, but no one else has sent in further info on their Earth Day Hikes, BSA Swim Days, or Free Fishing Weekend plans. Send those into us so you can use our pre-made social media posts, car magnets, flyers, and many more spring recruitment assets. Contact with your plans or questions about recruitment today.
Lastly, the council calendar is online and as fully up to date as we can get it! Shoutout to Anthony Dworning and Noah Boksansky for helping with this behemoth endeavor. If you see something that needs corrected, please reach out to
And now, we go back to that scary place with the ugly humanoid, THE FUTURE.
"I am Jakebot. I can take calls, answer emails, and require fewer fast food stops to function when I am in the field than human Jake. Now, in these modern times of 2023, you should know April is the month of training. There is Rangemaster Training, BALOO Training, SM Basic Training, a BIG Training Summit, and Wilderness First Aid Training this whole month.
In May, there will be Spring Camporees and a Tough Cubber.
Now time for a hilarious joke: How do you get Jake Brown to stop talking? You can't. He is human and does not have the be quiet switch like Jake bot does. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha. Ha.
Remember folks, the future is something you either envision and build, or its something you enter with fear. The choice is yours.
And that's a wrap for this week's three minute update. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! I'll see you next week.