
3-Minute Update - March 7, 2024

Mornin’, all! Jake Brown here, coming to you from the clock tower above the west side market in beautiful Ohio city! Don’t forget to adjust those clocks this weekend for daylight savings as we SPRING FORWARD and enjoy the sunlight a little longer each day. Let’s Spring into action with this week's update: 

This is the LAST CALL to register for the University of Scouting. Some classes are already at max capacity, so make sure to sign up as soon as you can to take the courses you desire! This is your chance to hear from the Territory 9 Commissioner during our keynote address, to see 20 vendors in the Midway, and to learn about some of the 50 topics available throughout the session. It’s a big deal, and a great way to network with other Scouters across the Council. Send questions to Dave Sechnick

EDGE training, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, Wilderness First Aid, COPE Level 1 Training, Intro to Leadership Skills Training for youth, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now! 

The Youth Resilience Summit is upcoming on April 19th. This summit will have presentations from top experts in fields like suicide prevention, mental health, special needs strategies, working collaboratively with law enforcement, online safety, bullying, financial literacy, and workforce development. It will also include breakfast and lunch all at NO CHARGE due to the generosity of donors! Please help us by sharing this with everyone you know! Register now

Make sure to visit the new Unit Bulletin Board, which is intended for units to share potential upcoming unit events or news with other units. Be in the know, and share your information there as well! 

Note that there are changes to the membership fee structure and the adult application process. If you haven’t heard about these things yet, check out the last few weeks’ 3 minute update scripts. 

The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Solar Eclipse Camp is the weekend of April 6th, Metalworking Merit Badge is upcoming on April 6th, there’s a Beaumont Spring Camporee the last weekend of April, as well as a service and camping opportunity on Kelley’s Island! Another volunteer opportunity on April 14th with Canalway Partners at the Towpatch Half Marathon. Volunteers are needed for water stations, finish line, and parking. Email Julie Sciarrino with questions and register at the link. Marathon Registration Tough Cubbers are in May! 

Wilderness Engineers is upcoming in May, and unlike years past, now you only have to be 18 to volunteer to do some hearty work to keep camp operating smooth and looking fresh! If you’d like to volunteer, or know of someone who should, please register and contact Chris Fortunato

If you are interested in getting involved with the women in scouting events, please contact Megan Millisor. These events are free and open to any women in Scouting that want to connect, collaborate, and support each other. Snacks and beverages will be available, so register now!  

Well, that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! I’ll see you next week, one more time. 

LEC 3-Minute Update - February 8, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m coming to you from Sardis City, Alabama, where the news is good: the Alabama possum, better known as Sand Mountain Sam, agrees with his Yankee cousin to the North, Punxsutawney Phil: spring is just around the corner! In fact, Americans across the country turn to 78 large rodents to help predict the turning of winter into Spring. And hey, why not? How could Buckeye Chuck here in Ohio, Concord Charlie in West Virginia, Gertie the Groundhog in Illinois, and all the rest of these little critters’ shadows be any less accurate than most weather reports?

Okay, in this week’s three-minute update, we have updates in: Registration, Training, Special Events, and Camping.

First, effective March 4th, the adult application process will change to require the results of the Criminal Background Check to be received BEFORE a new adult volunteer can assume a leadership role. What does this mean? It means:

Once an adult application is processed (online or paper) the person is put in “pending” status

The adult leader will get an email notice informing them their registration is being processed and they are NOT TO ASSUME ANY LEADERSHIP ROLE UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE CBC PROCESS. The unit key 3 will also get an email.

If the applicant is declined or approved with restrictions, the applicant and unit key 3 are notified by phone and mail.

If the CBC comes back with no items to review, the system will finish registering the person and send an email to the person and unit key 3 that they can now be an active leader.

The turn-around time for criminal background checks (CBC) can be a few days to a few weeks, depending on several factors. The unit should allow at least 2 to 3 weeks for processing from when the application is received and paid. 

If you have any questions about this change, please contact Member Care.

Second, effective on April 1st: Membership fees are changing. Good news: the one-time new member fee for new youth members is going away! Scout Life fees, Exploring fees, the annual charter fee, merit badge counselor fees and local insurance fees are also not changing. Annual registration fees for youth and adults are increasing $5. For questions, please contact Member Care.

Next, in training, note that the LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick. There will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands. BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now!

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes this Sunday, February 4th.

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd.

And speaking of the Celebration, I have some great news to share! The 2023 Silver Beaver Award  recipients are: Erin Bringman, Genny Espinoza, Rob Burnham, Sal Kitko, and Krista Kanuch. Please join me in extending some well-deserved congratulations to these Scouters!

Now in camping, note the Firelands Trading Post will be open from 8:00am-4:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Saturday in conjunction with the Kodiak Klondike. And there’s still time to sign up for the, and the rescheduled Beaumont Klondike! The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Metalworking Merit Badge is upcoming on April 6th, there’s a Beaumont Spring Camporee the last weekend of April, as well as a service and camping opportunity on Kelley’s Island! And with regard to the upcoming solar Eclipse on April 8th, come on out to Firelands to enjoy it with your Scouting family! Send Anthony or Jess your questions.

Finally, the Diocese of Cleveland Catholic Committee on Scouting is hosting a retreat on April 24th at St. Albert the Great Parish in North Royalton. Attendees will spend a day in prayer identifying their God-given gifts and talents, and discerning how best to use them within their Scouting roles. To register or to ask questions, contact the Committee.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!

LEC 3-Minute Update - February 1, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this next Firelands Klondike is going to be a real bear! That’s right, the Kodiak Klondike is the weekend after next, and who knows: maybe there will be a real-life bear up there! I heard through the grapevine that there were some at one of the last Klondikes, so hey: one can only hope, right? I love seeing bears! 

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have updates in the worlds of: Training, Special Events, and Camping, and Scholarships! 

First, in training, note that the LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick. Its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now! 

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes this Sunday, February 4th. 

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd. 

And speaking of the Celebration, I have some great news to share! The 2023 Distinguished Award of Merit recipients are: Jason Fredeen, Dan Fyfe, Clay Mastorovich, Joy Rowland, Molly Urban, Greg White, John Poggemeyer, Nicholas Riegelmayer, and Mary Wheatley who is better known to friends and family as “Muffy.” Please join me in extending some well-deserved congratulations to these Scouters! 

Now in camping, Klondikes are almost over, but there’s still time to Sign up for the, and the rescheduled Beaumont Klondike! Troop members can earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge at Kent State on February 18th. The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Metalworking Merit Badge is upcoming on April 6th, there’s a Beaumont Spring Camporee the last weekend of April, as well as a service and camping opportunity on Kelley’s Island

Also, here’s some more BIG news: You only have to travel to Firelands Scout Reservation to witness the upcoming solar Eclipse on April 8th, and have a fun weekend of Scouting leading up to it! It’s big news because the next time it’ll happen in Northeast Ohio is in 2444. Send Anthony or Jess your questions. 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week! Oh look, a pic-in-ic basket! Don’t mind if I do! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - September 1, 2022

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown bringing you this week’s three minute update from Burton, Ohio, home of the Great Geauga County Fair! Not only is this fair the state’s oldest fair celebrating is bicentennial this year, but it’s also home to the Scout building, where Scouts have showcased their efforts within the county for generations. And truly folks, this is one of the best places to be on Earth, in my opinion. You can register for Scouts, pet a horse, and eat fried cheese on a stick all in the same hour! What a swingin’ deal!

Speakin’ of deals, let’s talk about everything you need to know this week to be the best Scouters you can be! We have updates on Wilderness Engineers weekend, Firelands Scout Shop updates, Fall Recruitment reminders, this week’s good scout shout-outs, Cub Activities, Scouts BSA Activities, Training updates, Certificate of Insurance Requests, YPT reminders, and this week’s pro tip.

There are Fall Camporees at at Firelands and Beaumont this autumn, so register today! Early Bird prices will be gone before you know it. Contact John Shrock with questions.

Cub Scouts, there are Webelos Woods, Cub Haunted Weekends, Fun Days and Overnighters, as well as Holidays at Camp weekends to look forward to! And remember Cub leaders, Cub Scouts is all about getting families the chance to do fun things together, like go to camp! So promote them all today and register now! Let Grace know if you have any questions and join us in our great outdoors!

Additionally, if your Troop is interested in service hours, email Grace to help staff the Cub Haunted weekends! We need ghouls, ghosts, and goblins galore!

The NYLT/Wood Badge alumni dinner on September 17th! Registration is live.

Now for this week’s good scout shout out: last weekend, Scouting for Food totals are at 2,835 pounds and 95 participants across the Council! Thank you to all who participated! That said, there are some units we know who haven’t uploaded their totals yet! So if you’re one of them, and we do know who you are, please check out this link to do so!

Training still abounds in plenty this fall, as there’s still time to register for: SM Basic, BALOO, Mobile Climbing Wall, Rangemaster, and G.A.M.E.S. training! All of these will add to your skillset and get you even more excited to be in Scouting as a leader!

Wilderness Engineers Weekend is at Beaumont September 23rd thru 25th. This is a chance to roll up your sleeves and get dirty, helping keep camp beautiful and safe into the winter months. Volunteers need to be 21 or older, and expertise with heavy equipment, chainsaw safety, or any trades is welcome! Even if you’re not skilled in those ways, but are able to use hand tools, there will be projects for you! Contact Chris Fortunato with questions.

Did you know? Certificates of Liability insurance are sometimes required by outside organizations for Scouts to host activities or events on their grounds. These riders are just one of the many services we provide as a Council. If your unit is asked for one, please email

Also, a friendly reminder to all unit leaders: your Youth Protection training cannot lapse for longer than 30 days. If your YPT is expired for longer, your registration will be terminated, potentially putting your unit’s charter in jeopardy. DON’T WAIT! Renew your YPT before it expires!

Lastly, don’t forget to go to to request yard signs, pamphlets, flyers, and a professional’s presence at join nights or school talks! Ask in the form and you shall receive, folks!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s 3 minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next time!

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge

Dear Fellow Scouter,

Today, November 1st, the Boy Scouts of America launched the Citizenship in Society merit badge, its newest merit badge for youth in the Scouts BSA program (ages 11-17).

In case you've heard rumors or seen early reports on this merit badge before its release, let us offer some clarity on what the Citizenship in Society merit badge is. All key facts and information about this merit badge can be found at If you hear or read something about the merit badge that is. not included on the above-mentioned site, then it's not connected to the merit badge.

What you will see in the information and approach surrounding this badge:

Like every other merit badge that Scouts earn, this merit badge encourages Scouts to embark on a journey of discovery. In this case, it's a journey of self-discovery. They will explore a variety of topics around diversity, equity, and inclusion, and they will discuss how they apply their findings to life as a Scout and good citizen in society.

Though we all come from differing backgrounds, in Scouting, our goals and commitments are the same. We all take the same Scout Oath, and we all follow the same Scout Law. This merit badge aligns with the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, which collectively encourage Scouts to respect the beliefs of others, be kind and courteous, and help other people at all times.

What you won't see in the Citizenship in Society merit badge:

There is no merit badge booklet with prescribed approaches or ideologies. There are no requirements meant to drive a particular response or lead a Scout down a path toward a predetermined conclusion.

The Citizenship in Society merit badge wasn't developed by one person. In fact, the merit badge was developed by multiple Scouting volunteers, youth, and professional staff working together. Just like every other merit badge, this one connects Scouts with a merit badge counselor who will help facilitate discussion with the Scout as they seek to further understand the topic and the world we live in.

The Boy Scouts of America has a commitment - both to developing a culture where every youth, volunteer, and employee feels a sense of belonging, and to building communities where every person feels respected and valued. The Citizenship in Society merit badge is an important initiative within that larger commitment. Check out the LEC information website which houses pertinent links and documents. We anticipate adding more items here in the coming days. Please check back to keep yourself updated on the rollout of this new badge.

We are grateful to all volunteers who join us in partnering with families and communities to shape young people of high moral character with greater respect, empathy, and understanding of perspectives, including those different than their own. Thank you again for all you do to support Scouting. Your work is valued and appreciated.


Marc Ryan
Scout Executive/CEO
Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America