LEC 3 Minute Update – January 6, 2022

...be forgot, and days of auld lang syne! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Hello, Lake Erie Council, I'm Jake Brown, and I gotta tell ya: it feels fantastic to say goodbye to 2021! It was real, it was fun, and it's done. We hope you had a great time over the holiday spent with family and friends, and we welcome you back to what I hope is your favorite part of your week in Scouting: the 3-minute update. Here's what's up: roundtable, Firelands Scout Shop sales, RSO training, summer camp staff applications, Klondikes, a note from our Development department, the WB/NYLT Scholarship Breakfast, the this week's pro tip, and this week's fun fact.

But first, a quick shoutout to my colleague Matt Feehley who delivered Toyota Rav4's-worth of popcorn to the Northeast Ohio USO headquarters in Youngstown, Ohio! We salute the men and women of the armed forces everywhere who defend our nation, and we hope that those who will spend any time at the USO over the next few months will enjoy some of our delicious Scout's Own popcorn!

The weather is finally getting colder, and that means it's a great time to go camping at one of our premier camps! Check out the council calendar with all the most up-to-date Klondike information there is! Send questions to Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org.

Range Safety Officer Training is upcoming at Beaumont Scout Reservation on February 19th. See the calendar for details, and contact Julia.Hearne@scouting.org with any questions you have.

Early Bird registration ends on February 6th for the annual Wood Badge and NYLT Scholarship breakfast. Please attend if you have participated in either course in the past, or have family members attending this year's course offerings! Send questions to Linda.Gray@scouting.org.

 The Firelands Scout Store and Trading Post has some swingin' deals on Christmas Scouting decorations and holiday Wood Badge themed cards. Stop in and see the ladies to get the scoop, and to say hello!

Need a job this summer? We got you covered! Change the lives of thousands of Scouts for the better at Beaumont Scout Reservation's resident camp. Contact Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org with questions. Apply today!

 Roundtable is full-steam ahead! Be sure to attend one of our in-person sessions, or tune in virtually. Dates and details are on the Council calendar.

 And now, a note from Bill Roloff, our Sportsman Adventures director: "In addition to some of our old favorite experiences, we promise some new, exciting, and lively adventures from our Development Department in 2022. Stay tuned, and we hope you'll join us this year for some great fun, and great support of Scouting!"

 Thanks Bill!

 Here's this week's pro tip, straight from the desk of Heather McMillan:

So you've got an Eagle Scout who has completed their Board of Review. That's it, they're now done and considered Eagles, right? Not so fast. The system won't recognize them as such until we receive the Eagle Scout application. This can be dropped off, or mailed to our office at PO Box 93388, Cleveland, OH, 44101.

 And lastly, here's this week's fun fact: what happened after an iPhone and a firework were arrested on New Year's Eve? One was charged, but the other was let off!

 Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you, folks! See ya next week!

Nathan Shoaff NYLT Memorial

The Boy Scouts of America had a major impact on the life of Nathan Shoaff, a Strongsville resident who died December 13, 2021, due to health complications from Covid. He loved camping, the outdoors, and providing cheerful service to his fellow Scouts and community. Nathan was the son of Linda and Matt Shoaff, and older brother of Abbey. He was a 2014 graduate of Strongsville High School and Polaris Career Center.

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a weeklong premier leadership development course, teaching Scouts skills such as situational leadership styles, managing change, conflict resolution, and the stages of team development. Nathan was selected to attend NYLT as a participant and continued to volunteer as course staff for four years.

Nathan is remembered as a gentle young man who loved Scouting and serving others. He was quick to smile and always ready to help.

In honor of Nathan, his family has requested that any contributions be donated to this Memorial Fund in his memory.  The proceeds of this fund will help other Scouts have the opportunity to become future leaders through the NYLT Program.

You can make a donation in honor of Nathan at the link below.


LEC 3 Minute Update – December 16, 2021

3 Minute Update


And this is the last 3-minute update of 2021! Oh my goodness, what a year it has been! From everyone here at the Lake Erie Council, I just want to thank you for your efforts in keeping this movement moving. We do have a few things to cover before the year is out, and here we go!

The Council office will be closed from 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 22nd, thru 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 3rd. The only way to get in touch with any Council support during this time is through lecmembercare@scouting.org. There will be minimal attention paid to that email during this time, so please only reach out if it is urgent.

I know many of you have opened and begun your recharters, but not as many have submitted them yet. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about your charter, and validate and pay for it once you are ready. Do this before December 22nd, so we can all be done with charter!

It’s almost January, and that means it’s almost time for a Klondike Bar….er, wait, that’s not right! A klondike campout is more like it! (Although ice cream does sound delicious.) Check out the council calendar for the latest info on Klondikes this winter.

The days are about to get longer instead of shorter, and that means its almost time for summer again! Don’t delay: get yourself a hot gig and a swingin’ deal: get paid to work at camp! Applications are open, contact Anthony Dworning with questions.

The annual Wood Badge and NYLT scholarship breakfast is upcoming on March 12th at Lakewood High School. Contact Linda with questions!

And with that, I leave you with the last fun fact for this year: what’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the normal alphabet? The Christmas alphabet has no-el! Ah, I didn’t find Santa, but man is that a good one!

Folks, take care! It was great keeping you up to date! I’ll see you next year! Toasted burrito!

Holiday Hours

Dear Fellow Scouters,

Thank you for your support during our Thanksgiving break. Each of you respecting our staff's need for time away, allowed everyone to come back refreshed and boosted productivity. As I mentioned in my last announcement, we will be observing another quiet period during December beginning 5:00 PM Wednesday, December 22 through Monday, January 3.

To really encourage our entire staff to truly be present with their families and throttle back to recharge, we will be implementing another quiet period to include all forms of communication as well as any meetings or events during this time. Specifically, what that means is that in addition to the Unit Service Center and the Firelands Scout Shop and Trading Post being closed, the staff will not be available to read, listen or respond to any calls, emails, texts, or social media posts or requests or attend any in-person or virtual meetings or events during the following days:

  • Beginning at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 22 through 9:00 am on Monday, January 3.

We will however respond to any emergency requests through our member care email address which will be manned by an “officer of the day” during the aforementioned periods. To reach us during those days, please email lecmembercare@scouting.org.

In addition, please note the following:

  • Both Firelands and Beaumont Scout Reservations will be closed during the quiet period.

  • The Firelands Scout shop will be closed starting Monday, December 20, 2021 through 3:00 pm Monday, January 3, 2022 when they open again.

  • The Cleveland Scout shop will be closed beginning at 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 23 through 10:00 am on Monday, January 3, 2022 when they open again. Regular business hours can be found HERE.

Please help us by planning accordingly and supporting our staff during the holiday season.

Thanks for all that you do for young people and families across Northeast Ohio! I pray that the holiday season brings blessings and needed time to enjoy it in the manner you are accustomed to.

Yours in Scouting,


NESA Scholarship Portal Opened on Dec. 1. Eagle Scouts Can Start Applying Now!

The National Eagle Scout Association started accepting applications for its annual scholarships on December 1st.

Congratulations on achieving the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. You have just begun your life journey and with the skills and character you’ve developed in Scouting, you have a solid foundation to build upon. As a future leader, Eagle Scouts like you, are critical to preserving the fabric of our great nation.

The National Eagle Scout Association is proud to offer scholarships that can help you continue your educational adventure.

Learn more on the nesa page.

LEC 3 Minute Update – December 10, 2021

3 Minute Update

Thanks for tuning in to this week's 3 minute update: I'm Jake Brown. STILL on the hunt for Santa! (I heard he was at Firelands on Saturday, but I missed him! And I never had any luck finding Kevin. Silly Texans.)

            This week, you should know: today is the on-time turn-in deadline for recharter, award nominations, a Faith in Scouting zoom meeting, Firelands store hours, Cleveland Scout Shop sales, Office Quiet Time, and a save the date for the Wood Badge and NYLT Scholarship breakfast.

            Unit Scouter Award Nominations, Silver Beaver Award Nominations, and Division Award of Merit Award nominations are due to Paula Swiner via email (paula.swiner@scouting.org) by December 15th. Don't delay!

            Recharters are due today. Either you've worked something out with us at Council, or you're late. Submit it today if you can!

            The annual Wood Badge and NYLT scholarship breakfast will be March 12th at Lakewood High School. Watch the Council calendar for details and registration to open.

            The Firelands Trading Post and Scout Shop will be open this Saturday from 8:30-5:30. That's the last chance to catch the ladies in the store until 2022!

            The Cleveland Scout Shop has Blitzen's bargains available for 25-30% off thru December 12th. Stop in for details!

            There will be a Faith in Scouting and Duty to Country zoom session for organizations interested in hosting Scouting units on December 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Email Jason Setser (Jason.setser@scouting.org) with questions and to get the link!

            Lastly, the Unit Service Center in Cleveland will be closed from 5:00 p.m. on December 22nd, and won't reopen until 9:00 a.m. on January 3rd. The only way to get in touch with any council staff during this time will be via lecmembercare@scouting.org. Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to all the joys 2022 has to offer us!

            Alright, back to my hunt for Santa!

LEC 3 Minute Update – November 21, 2021

Santa! Santa! Oh, why hello Lake Erie Council! Good thing I found you this week! I can't say the same for Santa yet, but there's still time!

Well, since we're here, let me give you the low-down for this week:

We're talking recharter, upcoming camp events, Scout Shop hours and quiet time at the office, and a special note about Pete Biltz.

            First, recharter. No matter what your situation is with your Chartered Organization, we expect your roster to be fully paid and submitted by December 10th. Special circumstances can be addressed outside of roster renewal. Please make sure you get in touch with myself or Michelle Cali if you have any recharter questions at all, relating to the roster or your Chartered Organization.

            Also, as a friendly reminder, there will be an open help session at the North Olmstead Library from 6:30-8:30 p.m. this evening. Please feel free to attend with questions, and also feel free to tune into this zoom link if you can't make the drive, but would still like some assistance.

            Holidays at Camp is upon us! And truth be told, I think this is the best bet I have of finding Santa! Scouts will enjoy wreath-making, gingerbread house building, nutstacking, and much more! Holidays at Camp happens at Firelands on December 3rd and 10th.

            The office will be closed, and LEC staff will have quiet time next week. Remember the only way to get in touch with someone will be through the lecmembercare@scouting.org, and that's for the most urgent of Scouting emergencies only.

            That said, the Scout Shops at Firelands and Cleveland will be open during that week! Please them out on Facebook to see when you can still stop in and take care of any necessary purchases.

            Giving Tuesday is next week, and the gift of Scouting is the best gift of all! Donations can be made at this link! Send Anastasia your questions.

            Lastly, I need to take a moment and honor Pete Biltz, who has spent the last 30 years of his life supporting the Scouting movement as a professional, and will be retiring at the end of this week. I've known Pete as a development guru, spearheading fundraisers for this Council, including the Great Scout Luncheon. Pete has always been good for a laugh, and for taking the time to get to know many, many Scouters along his journey. Pete, I just have to say, we wish you the very best retirement, and you'll be deeply missed.

            And even though we'll be losing a great colleague in Pete Biltz, don't be sad, because I'm still set on finding Santa! So tune in the week after next, and wish me luck on this journey! Alrighty, Santa! Santa! Hey, Dworning, I'm looking for Santa, you seen him around? Santa!

Holiday Hours

Dear Fellow Scouters,

As the holiday season approaches, I want to share some important information regarding the council schedule for both Thanksgiving week and the days in December beginning 5:00 PM Wednesday, December 22 through Monday, January 3.

To really encourage our entire staff to truly be present with their families and throttle back to recharge, we will be implementing a quiet period to include all forms of communication as well as any meetings or events during this time. Specifically, what that means is that in addition to the Unit Service Center and the Firelands Scout Shop and Trading Post being closed, the staff will not be available to read, listen or respond to any calls, emails, texts or social media posts or requests or attend any in-person or virtual meetings or events during the following days:

  • Beginning at 5:00 pm on Friday, November 19 through 9:00 am on Monday, November 29 AND

  • Beginning at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 22 through 9:00 am on Monday, January 3.

We will however respond to any emergency requests through our member care email address which will be manned by an “officer of the day” during the aforementioned periods. To reach us during those days, please email lecmembercare@scouting.org.

In addition, please note the following:

  • Both Firelands and Beaumont Scout Reservations will be closed during the quiet period WITH THE EXCEPTION of the weekend of Friday, November 19- Sunday, November 21.

  • The Cleveland Scout shop will also be closed beginning at 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 23 through 10:00 am on Monday, January 3 and on Thursday, November 25 – Sunday, November 28 but will be open Monday – Wednesday, November 22, 23, and 24 for regular business hours which can be found HERE.

We are beginning to share this information now so we can all plan accordingly. I hope you will join me in supporting our staff during the holiday season.

Thanks for all that you do for young people and families across Northeast Ohio! I pray that the holiday season brings blessings and needed time to enjoy it in the manner you are accustomed to.

Yours in Scouting,

Marc Ryan

LEC 3 Minute Update – November 11, 2021

Brrrr, it's a cold one down here in Antarctica! I'm here because I saw a swingin' deal for a plane ticket to the north pole to see Santa, but I misread the ticket. And now I'm here at the wrong pole. But don't mind me and my bad bearings: here's what you need to know this week:

Award Nominations, Recharter Help Sessions, In-person YPT updates, Roundtables, Scout Shop Sales, Online Advancement Updates, Quiet Time at the office, and merit badge class monitors.

Our office will close at 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 19th, and won't reopen until 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 29th. Additionally, the staff will be unavailable to answer emails, calls, or take any meetings, during this time. It's not because we don't love you all and want to talk Scouting: it's that we need to be able to connect with our families and decompress.

This also applies from 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 22nd, and goes thru 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 3rd, 2022.

Now, if there is an emergency issue, something that truly cannot wait, there will be an "officer of the day," if you will, who will be available via email. Specifically, the lecmembercare@scouting.org email. And only that email.

We ask if you do have questions or concerns, to bring them to our attention before these quiet periods. And, remember: charters are still due by December 10th. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you, also, to spend as much time as you can with your family and loved ones during this holiday season. This year, we hope you can actually get back together and host a big family dinner, unlike last year.

 There's a new session of in-person Youth Protection Training offered this coming Monday, the 15th, in Painesville from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. This is in addition to the training offered in Chesterland on Saturday. Go to the council calendar and register today! Contact Paula Puchajda with questions.

 Speaking of Paula, Knives are 25% off at the Cleveland Scout Shop now through November 17th: prove just how sharp you are and save!

 Did you know: Internet Advancement and Scoutbook users don't need to send advancement reports to the Cleveland office or Scout Shop? (That includes the Firelands store as well.) The system automatically syncs the advancements the Scouts have earned, and we can see that in real-ish time. (Perhaps the system 24 hours to update before stopping in.) Make sure all of your Scouts are synced onto your roster, it's that easy!

 Silver Beaver, Unit Scouter Award, and Division Award of Merit nominations are due to Paula Swiner by December 15th. Nominate a Scouter who has given their all in 2021 to keep this movement moving!

Merit Badge Class monitors are wanted for 2022 Merit Badge programming. Folks willing to assist merit badge counselors in the room by providing 2-deep leadership, order with the Scouts, and other general help, is much appreciated! Let Noah Boksansky know if you'd like to share your time as a Merit Badge Monitor.

Roundtable continues tonight at Beaumont! Virtual roundtables are next week, check out the council calendarfor those links.

Recharter help sessions are available for folks in Northfield this Saturday from 1-3pm, in Norwalk this coming Monday, and North Olmstead this coming Thursday. Both of those sessions run from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Check the council calendar for details, and don't hesitate to stop by and see your friendly neighborhood commissioners if you have any questions about recharter.

Lastly, as of yesterday afternoon, the Lake Erie Council welcomed 756 new Scouts to our ranks! It's an exciting feat, and our field staff is still working to bring that number to 1,200. Why? Because why stop at 1,000? Be a part of this amazing success, and make sure your unit has turned in all the youth and adult applications you have. (And don't forget: adding members before your recharter process makes your life WAY easier!)

And that's a frozen breakfast wrap for this week! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! I'm Jake Brown, and I'll update you next week on my quest to find Santa!

 Santa!? Santa?! Santa, are you there?

LEC 3 Minute Update – November 4, 2021

Que the Christmas Music and pull out your ugliest sweater folks: Halloween is past and therefore its time for one of many winter holiday themed 3 minute updates!

I’m Jake Brown, and here’s what’s on the docket this week:

The Scout Shop giving tree, the faith and citizenship open house at Firelands, recharter help sessions, and the Cub Scout programming survey.

The Cleveland Scout Shop is hosting it’s annual giving tree charity drive. Scouts from families who could use assistance in completing their uniform, getting new rank books, or with any other Scouting gear-related expenses are encouraged to get in touch with any Scout Shop employee and fill out the information sheet at this link before November 11th. These items will then go onto the giving tree, in the Scout Shop, where good Samaritans can pay a piece of Scouting forward to said Scouts. All recipients of the giving tree remain anonymous, as do donors. Questions should go to Paula Puchajda at the Scout Shop. Paula.Puchajda@scouting.org.

Speaking of gifts, you may be wondering, “Golly, I wonder what that nice man with the loud voice on the 3 minute update wants this holiday season?” Well, I’m happy you asked! The answer is easy: a complete, issue-free charter, turned in by the on-time deadline on December 10th.

And there are holiday deals to help you get there! On November 13th, 15th, and 18th will be recharter help sessions in Northfield, Norwalk, and North Olmstead, respectively. Please see the Council calendar for details. The premise is simple: commissioners and/or Michelle Cali and/or myself will be present to walk you through the new recharter system. Can’t make it to these sessions but want help? Please reach out to me, and we can schedule a private zoom session at almost any time.

Firelands Scout Reservation is hosting an open house for faith and civic community leaders from across the Lake Erie Council on Tuesday, November 9th, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. This is open to organizations who currently host Scouting groups, as well as those without Scouting ties. Please spread the word, and let Jason Setser know if you have any questions. RSVP’s are due to Jason.Setser@scouting.org by Monday the 8th.

Do you care about what Cub Scout Programming we offer at our camps next year? Take our survey to share your thoughts! The link is here.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s 3 minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!