LEC 3 Minute Update - May 12, 2022

Hello, all! I’m happy to bring this three minute update to you from Independence, Ohio! Home of Top Golf and Denny’s, it’s a great place to visit.

This week, we have: Medical Kits, Beaver Day, Fall Kickoffs, S’more Cub Adventures, Wood Badge, the Eagle Scout Luncheon, Celebration of Scouting, Rangemaster and Mobile Climbing Wall Training, Fall Recruitment and Popcorn Kickoffs, and Water Fun Day.

But first, thanks to the 32 Units across the Council who participated in Trash the Trash Day. You all collected at least 64 bags of trash, although the total count isn’t yet uploaded to the website. If you haven’t done that yet, please do: but know the world is a more beautiful place thanks to your efforts. Well done, Scouts!

And here’s a last call for Water Fun Day at many YMCA locations across the council. Check out the calendar to finish registering, and contact Julia Hearne with questions.

Here’s a friendly reminder that medical kits are still being sent to Ukraine, and we are still accepting donations of such kits: email Jake Brown for more information.

Mobile Climbing Wall Training is on the calendar for May 17th and May 24th at the Unit Service Center in Cleveland. Email Noah Boksansky with questions and register today!

Cub Scout Rangemaster Training is on the books at Firelands for June 4th. A zoom training prior to these sessions is required for completion. Contact Julia Hearne with questions.

Wood Badge is the Council’s premiere training opportunity for Scouting leaders. Register now for the 2-weekend course in July and August, contact Joel Bussman with questions.

Beaver Day is a service opportunity to come out to camp with your unit and have Scouts and Scouters alike provide helpful and cheerful service to our camps. The next Beaver Day at Firelands is June 4th. Email firelandscamphosts@gmail.com to register!

Join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting June 24th to Congratulate our Silver Beaver, Venturing Leadership Award, Unit Scouter Award, and Division Award of Merit recipients! Register now!

All Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2021 should register now for the annual Eagle Scout Luncheon. Details are on the council calendar, contact Anna.Galipo@scouting.org with questions.

Here’s some fun facts about S’more Cub Adventures, happening at Firelands this June and July. One, Cubs will earn adventure pins for attending. Two, Cub Scouts who return for the second weekend will earn different adventures than the first weekend, while also receiving a discount for returning! Three, the duration of the Scout’s attendance depends entirely on each family’s preference. Folks can camp from Thursday thru Sunday each session, can come for just the day on Saturday, and any combination in between! It’s a great value and a great program, so register today! Contact jlweaver1998@gmail.com with any questions.

And lastly, folks, it is time. Fall membership and popcorn planning is right around the corner. We have 4 kickoffs on the council calendar: June 23rd and July 21st will be at Firelands, in concordance with S’more Cub Adventures, July 26th will be at Beaumont, and August 3rd will be at the Unit Service Center.

We encourage every unit, especially Packs, to schedule a planning conference with their committees and parents to iron out the next year’s calendar and budget for your unit. Having that ready for the kickoff meetings will be paramount, as we will explain how to utilize those tools in recruiting new members.

We also encourage each Pack to plan on inviting the public to at least one Pack activity per month, beginning in August, which can be both listed on your unit’s beascout.org pin, and also added to flyers.

We will be offering flyers and videos this fall again. Our membership resources tab on the council website will be updated next week, and will continue to be revamped throughout the summer to provide you with the latest and best materials and resources for recruitment.

All that to say, we will go over these resources, and help your pack build a plan at these kickoffs, for recruitment AND popcorn sales. Please register now on the council calendar, and reach out to Jim.Vanderpool@scouting.org with any questions.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next time.



LEC 3 Minute Update - May 5, 2022

Hello, and greetings from Norwalk, Ohio! Home of Summit Motorsports Park, the gorgeous Norwalk Reservoir, and the Main Street Café, my personal favorite spot to stop for brunch in the Firelands region. If you’re traveling through central Ohio on Route 20, you won’t miss it, nor should you! It’s a cool spot.

Alrighty, in this week’s three minute update we have: medical kits for Ukraine, the annual Celebration of Scouting, Trash the Trash Day, the annual Eagle Scout Celebration, a call for Camp Staff, Trailblazer Weekend, EDGE Training, Rock Wall Training, and this week’s fun fact!

First, folks, if you’ve tuned in at all over the last couple months, you know that we’ve been asking for medical kits to be made by units and brought to the unit service center in order to be shipped. To date, 10 units have donated 110+ kits, and we are very, very thankful for your efforts! More are needed, and if your unit has yet to participate in this service drive, please contact me to get all the details about how to make the kits, what to put in them, and other important knowledge. Again, thank you to all who have participated!

Next, on a lighter note, the annual Celebration of Scouting is on the books for Friday, June 24th, at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend, as we will be highlighting our Silver Beaver, Division Award of Merit, Venturing Leadership Award, and Unit Scouter Award Recipients. Please register now at this link: Lake Erie Council - Celebration of Scouting 2022

Also upcoming is the annual Eagle Scout Celebration! This luncheon is also at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on June 5th. All Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2021 are welcome and encouraged to attend with their families, Scoutmasters, and/or other mentors. The deadline to register is May 27th, please do so at this link: https://scoutingevent.com/440-EagleRecognition

Here’s a friendly reminder that camp staff are still needed for this summer at Beaumont Scout Reservation. Apply online today! Contact Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org with questions.

Now it’s time for this week’s fun fact: why did the tectonic plates end their relationship? There was too much friction between them – they both agreed it was too rocky!!!

Hahahaha, gets me every time!

Hey, and speaking of rocks, there will be mobile climbing wall training at the Unit Service Center on May 17th and May 24th. The training will last about 3 hours, and is good for 2 years. So come get certified or recertified! Register at this link, contact Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org for details.

EDGE Training is still upcoming on May 15th and June 19th. It’s required for NYLT and Wood Badge staff, it’s a great idea if you’d like to be a trainer at a council training course, and it’s free! Contact steven.ott@ottesq.com with any questions. Register here! Lake Erie Council - EDGE Training 2022

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!

LEC 3 Minute Update - April 29, 2022

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s rendition to the 3 minute update. This one’s brought to you from Mentor, Ohio, home of President Garfield and Headlands Beach State Park.

This week, we have a continued ask for medical kits to be sent to Ukraine, an update regarding the national multi-unit camping policy, trash the trash day, the Candyland Camporee, Tough Cubber, Youth Protection Training, Regional Pinewood Derby, EDGE training, Scout Swim Day, S’More Cub Adventures, and the Cub Scout Trailblazers weekend, and this week’s fun fact!

First, you may notice I’m on the air a little later than usual! While that may be par for the course, we are also happy to not have blown up your email inbox too much last night, especially since there is even further clarification regarding multi-unit camping. If you haven’t seen that email, please look for it or reach out to Member Care to get it forwarded to you.

Next, As there continues to be fighting in Ukraine, there continues to be a need for medical kits to be sent there. Please email me jacob.brown@scouting.org to get all the info about how to make the kits and the rest of the pertinent information. Thank you to everyone who has participated thus far.

Now, for today’s fun fact: what did the fella with the broken leg say to the kind person who offered to take his trash out?

“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

Hahaha, Oh, I love these puns.

Speaking of trash, 24 Lake Erie Council units are signed up for the Trash the Trash Day on May 7th. And for the remaining 261 of you, its not too late to register now! Follow this link and make the world a cleaner place for everyone! https://scoutstrashthetrashday.org/

Scout Swim Day is May 14th at YMCA’s across the council: check out this link for more information! https://tinyurl.com/nhfahm68

EDGE training will be held April 30th, May 15th and June 19th at the Unit Service Center in Cleveland. It’s required for NYLT and Wood Badge Staff, and is a useful tool to become a trainer at the Council level. Contact Steve Ott (steven.ott@ottesq.com) with questions and register today!

Shoutout to Troop 93 of Chardon, OH, for being the first and only troop thus far to register for the Candyland Spring Camporee at Firelands. Remember, folks, its not too late! Register now https://scoutingevent.com/440-fsrcamporeespr22 and contact DJ or Joe with questions. teamkulp12@gmail.com

Don’t forget about S’More Cub Adventures https://scoutingevent.com/440-smorecubadventures and Cub Scout Trailblazers Weekend https://scoutingevent.com/440-54699 , all of which are also at Firelands! Register today!

Lastly, if your Youth Protection Training is about to expire, re-certify now. Remember that if you don’t renew within 30 days, your registration will be cancelled.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next time.

LEC 3 Minute Update - April 21, 2022

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s 3 minute update, brought to you from gorgeous Vermilion, OH! It’s a small town on a great lake, and is home to the Woollybear Festival in the fall.

Ok, this week we have: Ukraine Medical Kits, Scout Shop Updates, the Candy Land Camporee, a note about retired flags, the Regional Pinewood Derby, this week’s pro tip, and this week’s fun fact.

We are still collecting medical kits to be sent to the front lines in Ukraine. We ask every Scouting unit to participate in this function, and the ask is simple: email me to learn how to make the kits and what to put in them, procure as many supplies as your pack, troop, crew, ship, or post can, and deliver them to the Unit Service Center here in downtown. From there, they will be shipped to Ukraine. Questions? Email me at Jacob.brown@scouting.org.

The Candy Land Spring Camporee is upcoming at Firelands Scout Reservation May 13-15. Test your skills at camp, and see if your patrol can earn the title of King or Queen of Candy Land! Questions should go to DJ Kulp at teamkulp12@gmail.com. Register today!

In honor of National Park Week, the Cleveland Scout Shop has 20% off select gear now through April 23rd. Stop in today and save!

The regional pinewood derby championship is May 14th at Ursuline College. There’s still time to register! Contact Jim.Vanderpool@scouting.org with questions.

And now, for this week’s fun fact: what kind of party dress is appropriate to wear flags?


Oh, I do love that one! Say, speaking of flags, the Unit Service Center has an abundance of flags that need retired. If your unit will be conducting a retirement ceremony soon, please contact Heather.Mcmillan@scouting.org to pick up these flags.

And now, for this week’s pro tip: Did you know that overnight camping outings involving two or more units from different charter organizations need to be approved by Council? This applies to non-Council events, where two or more packs, troops, crews, or combinations therein are camping overnight, independently of Council programming. Any questions or in need of approval? Email Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org.

Lastly, don’t forget this weekend is Earth Day weekend, and we encourage all units to get outside, take a hike, and invite new families to join you and enjoy the (hopefully) beautiful weather we should have. I’ll believe it when I see it.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s 3 minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!

Eagle Scout Represents LEC at Ohio Statehouse

Eagle Scout Samuel Al-Hawaz from Troop 293 (St. Mark’s - Cleveland) represented Lake Erie Council at the Ohio Statehouse April 6th along with six other Eagle Scouts from Ohio for the traditional Report to State!

They met with Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Speaker of the House Robert Cupp. Sam had the opportunity to tell all three about his Eagle project, which consisted of the beautification of God’s Acre Cemetery, and what Scouting means to him. The Scouts, along with their families, had the opportunity to tour the capitol building and even observe an Ohio House Session.

LEC 3 Minute Update – April 14, 2022

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s 3 minute update. We come to you from the past, when just a year ago, I was filling in for Kevin Wassie, and happened to be wearing the same shirt. Yes, I promise I washed it!

This week we have: Ukraine Medical Kits, Scout Shop Updates, Volunteer Opportunities, Merit Badge Counselor Renewal, and National Training Opportunities, and this week’s good news shoutout.

But first, we’d like to recognize Troop 427 and Pack 3429 from Amherst for sending in medical kits, which will be shipped to Ukraine and delivered to the front lines for military and civilians to use. Our collection box at the office still has plenty of space, however, and anyone else is able to put together these kits. Please email me at Jacob.brown@scouting.org for more information.

In honor of national Park week, the Cleveland Scout Shop has 20% off select gear now through April 23rd. Stop in today and save!

Also, make sure to like and follow both the Cleveland Scout Shop and the Firelands Trading Post and Scout Store on Facebook.

Calling any Wood Badge trained Scouters: have you ever wondered what the next step is for training? The answer is: the National Leadership Challenge. It’s offered at the Summit and at Philmont this summer and fall, and puts all the skills you’ve acquired in Scouting to practice, to sharpen your tools Scouting.

CJ Nusbaum has more information: email him at cj@troop176.org with questions.

Watch your email on Monday for instructions about how to print Charter Certificates, Membership Cards, and Unit Rosters!

Attention all Merit Badge Counselors: the annual renewal process is begun! Watch your emails that will confirm your merit badge counselor information. Any questions about the process should be emailed to Gary Jarkewicz (ggjark@live.com).

Are you looking for a great opportunity to join other Scouts in Trash the Trash Day? Well, have we got a swingin’ deal for you! The annual Cuyahoga RIverSweep will be Saturday, May 7th, from 9-11am. Follow this link to register and attend in various spots along the river.

And lastly, congratulations to Steve Ott for his induction into the Lakewood High School Hall of Fame. His countless hours of service to the community, including to Scouting, is the reason for his nomination and confirmation. Thank you, Steve, for leaving places a little better than you found them, and congratulations!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s 3 minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!

LEC 3 Minute Update – April 7, 2022

Mornin', all! I'm Jake Brown, coming to you from beautiful Madison, OH! It's a beautiful day in this beautiful place, and we've got a great 3 minute update for you this week.

There's ILST Updates, Member Care Updates, Scout Shop Updates, OA updates, Den Chief Training, the Silver Screen Overnighter, the calendar, and,   ugh,    another trip to..... The FuTuRe.

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops is a training every NYLT participant should receive in their Troop. However, there's an opportunity to fill this pre-requisite by attending the Council-offered course on May 21st. 29 slots remain, contact Dave Sechnick (<dave.sechnick@gmail.com>) with questions.

Den Chief Training will be offered in-person on May 7th at Clague Road Church in North Olmstead. Cost is $5, contact Julia.Hearne@scouting.org with questions.

The Silver Screen Overnighter is April 15th-16th in Elyria. Contact Jim.Vanderpool@scouting.org with questions.

From the OA: Spring Induction weekend is at the tail end of April. It's the first chance for new OA candidates to complete their ordeal, and it's the last call for candidates from 2020 to complete theirs. Contact Sean Fahnestock (spfahnestock@gmail.com) with questions.

Is your rainy day fund running low? That's ok, the Cleveland Scout Shop has some swingin' deals on select rain gear from now thru March 26th. Stop in today for these 25% savings!

The Firelands Scout Shop will be closed Friday and Saturday of Easter weekend. They will re-open on Monday, April 18th, from 3-7pm.

Do you need a friend who can help? I think we all do, but our Member Care team is on the spot and happy to help with my.scouting and Scoutbook questions, new applications, Eagle Display Reservations, and much, much more! Call or email them at lecmembercare@scouting.org today!

Spring is in the air, so it's time to get bee-zy with outdoor Scouting adventures! 18 units are signed up for trash the trash day, but no one else has sent in further info on their Earth Day Hikes, BSA Swim Days, or Free Fishing Weekend plans. Send those into us so you can use our pre-made social media posts, car magnets, flyers, and many more spring recruitment assets. Contact Jim.Vanderpool@scouting.org with your plans or questions about recruitment today.

Lastly, the council calendar is online and as fully up to date as we can get it! Shoutout to Anthony Dworning and Noah Boksansky for helping with this behemoth endeavor. If you see something that needs corrected, please reach out to Phil.Williams@scouting.org.

And now, we go back to that scary place with the ugly humanoid, THE FUTURE.

"I am Jakebot. I can take calls, answer emails, and require fewer fast food stops to function when I am in the field than human Jake. Now, in these modern times of 2023, you should know April is the month of training. There is Rangemaster Training, BALOO Training, SM Basic Training, a BIG Training Summit, and Wilderness First Aid Training this whole month.

In May, there will be Spring Camporees and a Tough Cubber.

Now time for a hilarious joke: How do you get Jake Brown to stop talking? You can't. He is human and does not have the be quiet switch like Jake bot does. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha. Ha. 

Remember folks, the future is something you either envision and build, or its something you enter with fear. The choice is yours.

And that's a wrap for this week's three minute update. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! I'll see you next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update – March 31, 2022

Mornin’ all! Welcome to this week’s three minute update: I’m Jake Brown.

This week we have: camperships, Eagle Scout Scholarships, Spring Recruitment Drive Updates, this week’s recognition shoutout, Camp Early Bird Payments, and a new segment called: The Future!

First payments for Scouts attending summer camp are due tomorrow, April 1st. These payments lock-in the Early bird rates for anyone attending. There will be no Early Bird extensions. Contact Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org with questions.

Camperships for Resident Camp and S’more Cub Scout Adventures are due April 5th. That’s right folks: April 5th. If you could use some financial assistance in attending these events, you should apply for them by April 5th. There are also camperships for NYLT, due April 15th, and Wood Badge, due June 1st. Contact Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org with questions, and go to lecbsa.org/camperships to apply.

Speaking of financial aid, any Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2021 have until April 22nd to submit scholarship applications to the Council office. There are 3 local Eagle Scout Scholarships, so apply today! Go to lecbsa.org/eagle-scout to apply, and contact Heather.McMillan@scouting.org with any questions.

Spring is in the air! And that means it’s time to get Bee-zy with adventure! Shout-out to Packs 28, 68, 102, and 677 for getting back with Michelle with their Spring plans to participate in the Earth Day Weekend hike, Trash the Trash Day, Scout Swim Day, and Free Fishing Weekend. We have car magnets, social media assets, and flyers that are designed to help direct eye traffic to these’ packs activities. It’s not too late for Packs, Troops, or Crews to hop on this bandwagon! Email Michelle.Cali@scouting.org your plans for Spring recruitment so we can share them on our public-facing website, lakeeriescouting.org!

Our recognition moment goes to two places this week: first, our Council Commissioner Steve Garner was published last week in Bryan on Scouting’s blog for having earned the National Venturing Leadership Award for 2022. Congratulations Steve!

Also, Eagle Scout Samuel Al-Hawaz from Troop 293 represented the Lake Erie Council at the Ohio Statehouse yesterday, along with seven other Eagle Scouts from Ohio, for the traditional Report to State. They met with Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Speaker of the House Robert Cupp. Sam had the opportunity to tell all three about his Eagle project, which beautified God’s Acre Cemetery. Congratulations Samuel, thanks for representing us well!

Finally, our last segment takes us where only sages and psychics could go before. Now join us as we go: TO THE FUTURE!

(Zap to future)

Morning all. I am Jake Bot. Welcome to April 2023. You should know that Wilderness First Aid is at Beaumont April 1st, as well as Rangemaster Training. There will be a Cub Fun Day at Firelands on April 15th, and SM Basic Training. Beaumont has a Merit Badge University. BALOO is April 22nd. And April 29th, there will be a Beaumont Camporee and Webelos event.

Now for the fun fact. What is the difference between Jake and Jake Bot. Jake Bot is funnier. Ha ha. Ha Ha.

(Zap to present)

Wow, that’s dystopian! Well while I go beef up my resume, you can find the 18-month Council calendar updated on the Lake Erie Council website starting next Wednesday. Expect an email with sub-divided calendars to be sent shortly after, focusing on Cub, Troop, or Venturing events that match your registration. Any questions can go to Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org

And that’s a wrap! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! I’m Jake Brown, and I’ll be here next week, at least – keep that Jake Bot from taking my job. This is terrifying, why does the future always suck?.

LEC 3 Minute Update – March 24, 2022

Hello, and thanks for tuning in to this week's three minute update, from beautiful Punderson State Park in Geauga County! I'm Jake Brown, and this week we have:

Spring Recruitment Drive Updates, this week's pro tip, camp staff, summer camp payments, and our good news shoutout.

But first: we, the Scouts of Northeast Ohio, have been asked to help create and package medical kits to be sent to Ukraine. These portable first aid kits will help people in the front lines respond to first aid emergencies. For questions about how to get involved, or to request more information about how to create these kits, please contact me at jacob.brown@scouting.org.

Moving into the fun of Scouting, have some fun this summer at camp while making some cheddar! We still need an Ecology Director, ATV Director, Archery Director, and STEM Director at camp this summer. Apply today! Contact Anthony.Dworning@scouting.org with questions.

Also, everyone coming to summer camp at Beaumont needs to have your Early Bird payment submitted by next Friday, April 1st. That's right: your first payment, which will secure your Early Bird discount, is due next Friday. Contact Noah.Boksansky@scouting.org with any questions.

A friendly reminder to all units: make a plan for your Earth Day weekend hike, Trash the Trash Day, BSA Swim Day, and Ohio Free Fishing weekend. Share your plans with Michelle.Cali@scouting.org so we can update our public-facing New Member website, lakeeriescouting.org. Send Michelle any questions you have, and make sure to invite as many folks as you can to these fun, local events! Resources for leaders to advertise these events are at lecbsa.org/membership-resources.

And now, this week's pro tip: update your Unit Pin to reflect your unit's most up-to-date meeting and contact information! Do so by logging in to my.scouting.org, going to organization manager in the menu, select your unit, select unit pin, and update the information accordingly. Any questions should go to lecmembercare@scouting.org.

Finally, this week's good news shout out goes to the den leaders of Pack 3236 in Berlin Heights, who have enthusiasm for the program and put together meaningful and exciting den meetings every week. Brooke, Robert, Kevin, Carrie, Rollie, Nikki, Becky, Kent, Devon, Nick, Robert, and Phil: you guys do an amazing job, and on behalf of the Lake Erie Council, we thank you for the work that goes in to delivering a great program!

And that's a wrap: thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We'll see you next time.

BSR Summer Camp Payments Due

For all Units attending Scouts BSA Summer Camp at Beaumont Scout Reservation, here are a few reminders regarding camp payments:

April 1, 2022, is the First Payment date for Early Bird pricing. Please plan to have $150 per Dining Hall Scout and $100 per Patrol Cooking Scout paid by that date. This can be done at the unit level, or by using the parent portal, which gives parents direct access to pay for their Scout(s). Click here toaccess your registration and make an online payment. If your parents need assistance on how to log in to the 24/7 Scouting Parent Portal, have them check out this video! 

May 6, 2022, is the current Payment in Full deadline for Early Bird rates. After this, regular pricing goes into effect.

We highly encourage all units to pay online using Credit/Debit Cards or eChecks. You can also submit payment over the phone by calling 216-458-8908.

If you do not know your registration number, please contact Noah Boksansky.

If your unit will be mailing in a check, you must address the envelope to our PO Box listed below:

Lake Erie Council

P.O. Box 93388

Cleveland, Ohio 44101-5388

Questions, please contact Noah Boksansky.

Need some assistance in registering for Summer Camp 2022? Check out this video on how to register. 

The 2022 Leader's Guide, Fee Sheet, and many more resources are available online at https://lecbsa.org/scouts-bsa-resident-camp