LEC 3 Minute Update - January 19, 2023

Ni hao, Scouts and Scouters! And thanks for tuning in to this week’s three minute update, brought to you from the banks of the Yellow River in China, which is the muddiest place on the face of the Earth! And fun fact, did you know that the second muddiest place in the world is Firelands Scout Reservation in January? So if you like mud, make sure to stop out this weekend! It’s not too late to register, even for this year’s winter mud day for Cubs! Send Jim Vanderpool your questions!

The Council calendar is as up to date as we can get it through December of 2023, and we will be adding through to June by the end of January to keep it at 18 months ahead. That said, if you see something that should be there but isn’t or have questions about the calendar, please email me.

Also, we want to be a part of your unit’s upcoming Blue and Gold/Court of Honor! Please send these dates, locations, and requests for placemats and/or special remarks on behalf of the Council to Michelle Cali.

The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.

Also, NESA Eagle Scout Scholarships are available, and their application deadline is January 31st! Over Half a million dollars in scholarships were awarded to Eagle Scouts last year for their continued educations in universities and trade schools. Applications are available here, and questions should be sent to Heather McMillan. Additionally, please note that you DO NOT need to be currently registered with the BSA in order to apply.

The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th. Registration is live! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Speaking of the Celebration of Scouting, that is where we will bestow our newest Silver Beaver award recipients with their awards. The Silver Beaver is the highest award a Council can bestow on a volunteer. And this year, we are proud to announce that James Webb, Stephen Doe, David Gooch, Michael McDonald, Sherry Rasmusen, and Thomas Seymour are the newest Silver Beaver recipients within the Lake Erie Council! Congratulations to each of you!

Folks, Scout’s Own Maple syrup is a big deal: so big, in fact, that there are two weekend campouts dedicated to maple syrup this March! Sap Camp will be a fun day with additional camp activities that will be a blast for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA youth. That’s at Beaumont on March 4th. Here’s that link, and send Grace your questions. Sap Science, which is February 24-26 at Firelands, will be more STEM focused, and will essentially show you all the ins and outs of how sap is collected and boiled. After Sap Science weekend, you’ll know everything you need to in order to make maple syrup on your own. Sap Science is open to Webelos Scouts and above. Registration is live, send questions to Jess Weaver.

The annual Wood Badge Breakfast is March 11th! This is open to previous attendees of NYLT and Wood Badge, to join in camaraderie and help raise funds for future courses through the auction. It’s also open to folks interested in learning more about the future NYLT and Wood Badge courses, and being able to connect with the volunteers who staff these events all under one roof. It’s great fun, and we hope to see you that morning at Lakewood High School. Send Linda Gray your questions.

And lastly, the Cleveland Scout Shop encourages each of you to come on down and pick up Pinewood Derby patches for your Pack!

Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See you next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 13, 2023

Mornin’ all! And greetings from beautiful Omni Resort, located in beautiful small town Bedford, PA. I’ve actually been here for two days now, with 200 of my closest friends from across the Northeast, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic, learning from the best minds in Scouting how to improve Scouting!

And speaking of friends, I’m also here with my best friend, Sappy the Maple Leaf, as we are about to debut a Maple Cotton Candy product, more about which we will share in weeks to come.

This week, there are 5 things you need to know: Klondike, the annual Wood Badge Breakfast, Eagle Scout Scholarships, a Scout Shop update, and the Annual Eagle Scout luncheon.

The Scout shop will be closed on Monday, January 19th, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Attention Eagle Scouts: would you like some money? A lot of it? Then you should apply for a National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship before the deadline of January 31st. Here’s a link, and send Heather your questions.

Klondike season is here! Register today! In fact, register by tonight, and you can still show up this weekend! Send Anthony Dworning your questions.

The annual wood badge breakfast is back up and in full swing! Registration is live, send Linda your questions, and be prepared to sing your favorite song this March!

Lastly, the Eagle Scout luncheon is also upcoming on March 4th in Eastlake. You must register to attend, send Anna Galipo your questions.

And that’s a wrap for this weeks 3 minute update! Thanks!

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 5, 2023

Hear ye hear ye, it’s 2023! What a wonderful New Year this is turning into! We had much to celebrate over the holidays, including your Lake Erie Council’s 8 consecutive months of growth. Our year ended at Membership north of 6,500, representing over 1% growth. It’s truly a monumental shift in membership for Scouting in this area, and proof that your units are running a strong program, providing the positive impact of Scouting to more and more young people. Solook with hope upon this New Year, because there is much reason to be!

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have: Klondikes, the Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon, Scout Shop Updates, a note about the 2023 Annual Celebration of Scouting, and a note regarding our Service Territory’s Upcoming Program Training Conference.

But first, while it may be a new year, there is still, sadly, a need to send medical kits overseas to Ukraine. If your unit would like to learn more about how to make and send off these kits, please contact me.

Next, let’s talk Klondikes! Folks, a little birdy told me that I will be present at all four Klondikes this year. That little birdy, by the way, is Anthony Dworning, who is holding my friendship with him hostage in order to be present. But that’s okay, I’m excited to be there because 1) it’ll be a great opportunity to practice my auctioneering skills, 2) it’s going to be great weather for these Klondikes, and 3) we’ll get to see all of your smiling faces at camp! What a swingin’ deal!

Now, that said, the Klondikes can only happen if folks register to attend. And at the moment, absolutely no one is registered to attend the Firelands Klondike. So, please: if you plan on going, help out your event chairs by registering your units and helping them plan for how much food and program supplies to be ready with.

If you have any questions about Klondikes, please send them to Anthony Dworning. You can register for any of the klondikes through our Council calendar, and in particular, can register for the Firelands Klondike at this link.

The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.

The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th, where our newest Silver Beaver, Division Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award recipients will be recognized. Registration will be open soon, but save the date now! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

National Service Territory 9, otherwise known as the place you are right now at this moment, is hosting a Program Training Conference in Findlay, OH, also on March 4th. But, don’t you worry! The conference will be over in the afternoon, leaving you plenty of time to be able to make it back to the Celebration of Scouting. Cost is $35.00 to attend, check out this link for more information and to register.

And lastly, the Cleveland and Firelands Scout Shops have all you need to make your Pinewood Derby car the fastest in all the land! Stop on in and pick up your supplies today!

Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! We’re looking forward to a great year of spreading the good news of Scouting with you all. So thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 22, 2022

  Mornin all and thanks for tuning in to this’ weeks 3 minute update. This is Jake Brown coming to you live from the North Pole. Folks, I’ve got a good ear in here that Santa is going to be delivering a lot of presents for all those good units who met the recharter deadline. For those still working on recharter that’s ok, we encourage you to still do so.

  We do ask you to keep in mind that the Cleveland Scout Shop and the office will be on quiet time beginning at the end of the day today, Thursday. We won’t be back until Tuesday January 3. If you do need something, you can email lecmembercare@scouting.org. Emails will be handled on an infrequent basis, but this will be the only way to contact anyone during this quiet time.

  We look forward to seeing you in the new year, especially because we have some great Klondikes coming up and Winter Mud Day for the Cub Scouts, as well as Sap Camp in early March. There’s a lot of other stuff to take care of in the new year, but we will wait for the new year to take care of it all.

  From our Lake Erie Council to you, we wish you a happy holiday season. We hope you stay safe during this holiday storm and beyond. We look forward to seeing how our scouting year continues into 2023. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you.

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 15, 2022

  Mornin’, all! And thanks for tuning in to this week’s three minute update, brought to you fron beautiful New London, OH! Just south of Wakeman on Routes 60 and 224, New London is part of the Firelands region within the western reserve, and was named for the Connecticut town from which the earliest residents would have been familiar. Today at Christmas time, you can drive through downtown and see the whole village decorated as Whoville. Residents proudly refer to town as “Who London” during December! Of course, if you’re passing through, you should stop by the Wildcat Diner for a bite to eat.

  Okay, this week we have: Scout Shop sales, Quiet Time, the Class of 2022 Eagle Recognition, Winter Mud Day, Sap Camp, Klondikes, and the OA Winter Banquet.

  The Cleveland Scout Shop still has a swingin’ deal on comfy socks: buy two or more pairs of the Thorlos socks and get 25 % off, now through the end of the year.

  The Class of 2022 Eagle Recognition Dinner will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake, OH from 11am-4pm on Sunday, March 12th. Registration is live, and you must register to attend. Please send Anna Galipo your questions.

  Winter Mud Day and Sap Camp are great opportunities for Cubs to have a blast, and for Troops to earn some service by helping run the Cub’s program! (Not to mention, it’s a powerful recruitment tool for Troops to help with these things as well!) Registration is live, and questions should go to Jess Weaver.

  Speaking of Troops, it’s not too late to register for the Catch ‘Em All, Celebrations, Frozen Frontier, or the Aqilokoq Klondikes. Check out the leaders’ guides online and have a great time in the cold! Questions should go to Anthony Dworning.

  Calling all OA members: the winter banquet Early Bird deadline is Sunday. Register now to cash in on those savings! Questions should to go Sean Fahnestock.

  If your unit hasn’t submitted their recharter and needs help, contact Mike Evano. As soon as possible, please. And if there are new youth applications who have been active this year, please work with the Field Team to ensure those get downtown. Thank you!

  This is a last call for bestowed award nominations for the Silver Beaver, Unit Scouter Award, and Division Award of Merit. Those are due by midnight tonight to Paula Swiner.

  And lastly, folks, we at the office are very grateful to be able to enter a second round of Quiet Time. Shhhh. Our office will be open through Thursday, December 22nd. We will be gone from Friday, December 23rd through Monday, January 2nd. We return to the office on Tuesday, January 3rd.

  And with that, we hope that your preparations for the holiday season are going smoothly! As always, thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you. We’ll see you next week! Oh Cindy Lou Who, where can I get some pizza around here?

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 8, 2022

  Mornin’, all! And greetings from beautiful Avon, Ohio! Gateway to the Firelands, Avon is home to the French Creek Reservation, and the world headquarters of the Duck Tape company, who hosts the annual Duck Tape Festival each June. It’s a really cool celebration, and a cool town, so the next time you’re driving along 90 or Detroit, stop on by and check it out!

Ok, in this week’s three minute update we have:

-refreshers about incident reports
-recharter reminders
-Award Submissions
-Scout Shop Sales
-Summer Camp Staffing
and a note from our newest Business Development Executive, Colleen!

During the school year, when we don’t have Scouts out at camp, we’re increasing our impact for youth by offering school camp programs during the week through a program called Great Lakes Adventures! If you’re an educator, or you know of one who might be interested in bringing their students out to camp, please contact Colleen at ccosgrove@greatlakesadventures.org

The Firelands Trading Post has some warm, fuzzy, and stylish new beanie hats, arrived just in time for winter! So stop in and get your FSR beanie!

The Cleveland Scout Shop still has a great price on Thorlos socks: 25% off when you purchase two or more pairs, now through the end of the year!

It’s never too early to think about summer, especially if you’re looking for the best seasonal job there is: summer camp staffing! If you have any questions or need more information, email Anthony Dworning . Apply now at this link!

Attention all Troops: Klondikes’ registrations are now wide open, and leaders’ guides are online for the Catch ‘Em All Klondike, Celebrations Klondike, and the Frozen Frontier Klondikes, so check them out and register today!

Attention those completing recharter: please remember that your COR must be the one to sign the charter, and NOT the committee chair or Scout/Cub Master.

Also, if you have any youths that are active now in the month of December, who are listed as new on your recharter, please be prepared to pay the additional $7.25 to register them for December. Questions about this should go to Jim Vanderpool.

It’s not too late! If you have nominations for the Silver Beaver Award, Division Award of Merit, or Unit Scouter Award, please send them to Paula Swiner by December 15th. Just fill out the nominations as best you can, and we will fill in the rest! If you have any questions, please let Scott Strawn know.

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 1, 2022

Mornin’ all and greetings from the Federal Reserve Building here in downtown Cleveland. This bedrock of the United States Central Bank in the fourth district, not only works with the Federal Reserve to do smart things with our nation's money, they also offer free tours and activities for youth and adults to help educate them to make smart personal or business financial decisions. Tours are free and are open to the public, so next time you're in the area come check it out. 

So this week in the three minute update we have: award nominations, recharter notes, klondikes, scout shop news, and camp updates. 

Division award of merit, silver beaver award and unit scouter award nominations can still be made and submitted to Paula Swiner by December 15. Go to this link to find the application forms, fill them out as best you can, and submit them to Paula! If you have any questions, please let Scott Strawn know.

Klondikes are upcoming and your troop should register for them. From Pokemon to Celebrations to the Frozen Frontier, we’ll be getting back to basics. The klondikes will be a fun winter challenge for all who participate. Registration is open for all, send your questions to Anthony Dworning

Remember the online recharter submission deadline is December 10.  Please turn in your charter on time, send Member Care your questions and note: the COR must sign the charter in order for it to be complete. Please, please have the COR sign the charter. 

Are you looking for a great part time job with flexible hours? The Cleveland scout shop is still hiring. Please contact Paula to apply for this opportunity of a lifetime. 

Thorlos socks are 25% off when you buy two or more pairs at the Cleveland scout shop by the end of the year. What a swingin’ deal!

Speaking of great deals, the Holidays at Camp early bird deadline has been extended to December 5th. Contact Jess with any questions.

Are you looking for a fun summer job? Beaumont Scout Reservation is looking for some awesome summer staff.  Follow this link to apply now! Contact Anthony Dworning for more information. 



LEC 3 Minute Update - November 17, 2022

Mornin’, all! And greetings from the inside of our Drop Box! It’s empty right now, which means there’s plenty of room for your Eagle Packets, applications that need to be turned in, and anything else you may wish to drop off at our building. It’s next to the East entrance of our building.

I bring this up because we are all gone next week, and the office is officially within “Quiet Time. Shhhh.” We look forward to seeing you all after Thanksgiving, and wish you all a great holiday.

This week, we have: Stewards of Beaumont, Recharter notes, part-time help, and Award nominations.

But first, will you be doing some Cyber Monday shopping on Amazon? Consider selecting the Boy Scouts of America as the charity it offers you the option of, and choose Cleveland, Ohio as the location. That way, Amazon will donate to your Lake Erie Council!

Silver Beaver Award, Division Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award Nominations are due to Paula Swiner by December 15th. Go to this link to find the application forms, fill them out as best you can, and submit them to Paula! If you have any questions, please let Scott Strawn know.

The Stewards of Beaumont will be gathering at the Unit Service Center to raise funds for property and program needs at Beaumont Scout Reservation. The meeting will be on December 6th, cost to register is $100. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Cleveland Scout Shop is still seeking part-time help. If you’re interested, please contact Paula.

A note about recharter: the recharter system will allow any Key 3 member of the unit to sign the charter. HOWEVER, it is not considered approved by our office until the COR has signed it. So please, make sure the COR signs the charter. Send any questions you have to Michelle Cali.

Lastly, we humbly ask you remember Giving Tuesday as an opportunity to support your Lake Erie Council. Your tax-deductable donation is welcomed at this link HERE

Folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update. As always, thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! Now I’ve got to figure out how to get out of this box…

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 10, 2022

Good afternoon, everyone! And welcome to this week’s three minute update, brought to you from beautiful Geneva, Ohio! Home of the Geneva State Park, this beautiful lodge behind me hosts an all you can eat Thanksgiving buffet. So if you’re not feeling the work of making your own turkey, stop on by to get your fill here!

Okay, this week we have: Scout Shop Updates, Silver Screen Overnighter, Holidays at Camp, Klondikes, and Quiet Time, In-Person Youth Protection Training Updates, and breaking news.

But first: I know it’s been a minute since we’ve asked for these, but the need is still present for medical kits to be shipped to the front lines in Ukraine. Contact me for details about how to procure and package the materials, and bring your finished kits to the Unit Service Center, where they’ll be shipped off. We thank all of you for your help and consideration with this drive.

First: the Cleveland Scout Shop is seeking part-time help! If you’re interested in golden epaulettes and making a difference, email Paula Puchajda today!

And at Firelands Scout Shop, we’ve got some swingin’ deals for you! Venturing uniform patches, belts, shirts, and pants are on sale now thru November 19th. Stop in and save!

The Lake Erie Council Santa-tracker is up and running. And as it turns out, Santa is taking a nap right now on his recliner in the North Pole! But he assures us he’ll be here, locally, at Firelands Scout Reservation for Holidays at Camp! Register now, get pictures with Santa! Email Jess with questions.

Troops: Did someone call up Kool and the Gang?  Because at Klondike, it’s a Celebration! The Celebrations Klondike is at Beaumont January 14-16. Be ready to party like it’s 1999! Contact Anthony Dworning with questions.

The other Klondikes are still being finalized, also at Beaumont and Firelands. Check out the calendar and sign up today!

Breaking News: the dates of the Silver Screen Overnighter have changed: it is now Saturday night into Sunday, December 17th-18th. Registration is live, contact Jim Vanderpool for questions.

Remember, everyone: the office will be closed during Quiet Time – Shhhh, from 5:00 pm on Friday, November 18, until 9:00 am Monday, November 28th. Emailing Member Care will be the only way to get in touch with our staff, and the email will only be checked sporadically.

Good news: Sarah Williamson has joined our Lake Erie Council staff! We welcome Sarah to our team, and you can shoot her an email to welcome her as well.

And another friendly reminder: if there’s anyone you know who may be deserving of the Unit Scouter Award, Silver Beaver Award, or Division Award of Merit, you can nominate them at this link before December 15th. Email Scott Strawn with any questions about the process.

Now, lastly, in-person youth protection training will be November 14th in Cleveland. Register now: it’s free!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next time.

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 4, 2022

Good afternoon, everyone! And welcome to this week’s three minute update, brought to you from beautiful Bedford, Ohio! Home of the Bedford Reservation, this is a beautiful place to visit this time of year!

Okay, this week we have: Scout Shop Updates, Silver Screen Overnighter, Holidays at Camp, Klondikes, and Quiet Time, online maintenance, In-Person Youth Protection Training Updates, and this week’s fun fact.

First: the Cleveland Scout Shop is seeking part-time help! If you’re interested in golden epaulettes and making a difference, email Paula Puchajda today!

It’s not too late to put your jolly on and register for Holidays at Camp! It’s a family-fun day of enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland out at Firelands. Questions go to Jess Weaver, sign up now!

Troops: Klondikes are now on the calendar and open for registration! Themes and leaders’ guides are still being finalized. Beaumont Klondikes will be in January, and Firelands’ Klondike will be in February. 

And now, for this week’s fun fact:

Did you know that if they made a movie about Tetris, it’d be a real Block Buster???

Well, there won’t be a Tetris movie available to watch on the big screen, but there’s a Silver Screen Overnighter upcoming in Elyria on December 16th-17th. Registration is live, contact Jim Vanderpool for questions.

My.Scouting.org and Scoutbook.org will be down this Saturday, November 5th, for maintenance from national. The upgrades are slated to last all day, so we recommend NOT going in until Sunday.

And speaking of things to do online, remember your unit’s recharter is due by December 10th! Any questions should be sent to Member Care.

And speaking of rechartering your unit, remember that, the whole week of Thanksgiving, the Unit Service Center will be closed for Quiet Time – Shhhh. Us employees will be at home with family that week. So don’t wait! Get your charter submitted and your questions asked in advance!

And speaking of Quiet Time – Shhhh, note that the Cleveland Scout Shop will be open during the week of Thanksgiving, except for Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday.

Now, lastly, in-person youth protection training will be on November 9th in Avon and November 14th in Cleveland. Register now: it’s free!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next time.