Ni hao, Scouts and Scouters! And thanks for tuning in to this week’s three minute update, brought to you from the banks of the Yellow River in China, which is the muddiest place on the face of the Earth! And fun fact, did you know that the second muddiest place in the world is Firelands Scout Reservation in January? So if you like mud, make sure to stop out this weekend! It’s not too late to register, even for this year’s winter mud day for Cubs! Send Jim Vanderpool your questions!
The Council calendar is as up to date as we can get it through December of 2023, and we will be adding through to June by the end of January to keep it at 18 months ahead. That said, if you see something that should be there but isn’t or have questions about the calendar, please email me.
Also, we want to be a part of your unit’s upcoming Blue and Gold/Court of Honor! Please send these dates, locations, and requests for placemats and/or special remarks on behalf of the Council to Michelle Cali.
The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.
Also, NESA Eagle Scout Scholarships are available, and their application deadline is January 31st! Over Half a million dollars in scholarships were awarded to Eagle Scouts last year for their continued educations in universities and trade schools. Applications are available here, and questions should be sent to Heather McMillan. Additionally, please note that you DO NOT need to be currently registered with the BSA in order to apply.
The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th. Registration is live! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Speaking of the Celebration of Scouting, that is where we will bestow our newest Silver Beaver award recipients with their awards. The Silver Beaver is the highest award a Council can bestow on a volunteer. And this year, we are proud to announce that James Webb, Stephen Doe, David Gooch, Michael McDonald, Sherry Rasmusen, and Thomas Seymour are the newest Silver Beaver recipients within the Lake Erie Council! Congratulations to each of you!
Folks, Scout’s Own Maple syrup is a big deal: so big, in fact, that there are two weekend campouts dedicated to maple syrup this March! Sap Camp will be a fun day with additional camp activities that will be a blast for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA youth. That’s at Beaumont on March 4th. Here’s that link, and send Grace your questions. Sap Science, which is February 24-26 at Firelands, will be more STEM focused, and will essentially show you all the ins and outs of how sap is collected and boiled. After Sap Science weekend, you’ll know everything you need to in order to make maple syrup on your own. Sap Science is open to Webelos Scouts and above. Registration is live, send questions to Jess Weaver.
The annual Wood Badge Breakfast is March 11th! This is open to previous attendees of NYLT and Wood Badge, to join in camaraderie and help raise funds for future courses through the auction. It’s also open to folks interested in learning more about the future NYLT and Wood Badge courses, and being able to connect with the volunteers who staff these events all under one roof. It’s great fun, and we hope to see you that morning at Lakewood High School. Send Linda Gray your questions.
And lastly, the Cleveland Scout Shop encourages each of you to come on down and pick up Pinewood Derby patches for your Pack!
Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See you next week.