LEC 3 Minute Update - March 2, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s three minute update. I’d like to thank not Tyler for helping out last week! He stuck to the script so well, he didn’t even get his name right, because he is Tyler! 

Anyway, there’s a whole lot of information coming to you this week for the 3 minute update, so here we go: 

The Wood Badge/NYLT breakfast breakfast is Saturday, March 11th. Register today and send Linda  your questions. 

The Catholic Committee has an adult retreat upcoming on March 12th. Register by March 5th, by sending your questions/intent to register to the committee. Additionally, there’s a youth retreat opportunity on April 1st. I mentioned that it was April 3rd, but that was an early April fools’ day joke. It is, with certainty, April 1. Email Jim Hickey to register or ask questions. 

Campership deadlines are upcoming! Summer Camp Camperships are due April 4th. NYLT Campership Applications are due April 15th, and Wood Badge Campership applications are due June 1st. Send Phil Williams any questions you have, applications can be submitted here

“If you can see it, you can be it!” If you’re a youth who’d like a deeper dive into what this means, you should register for NYLT! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions! 

Also, for adults, please note that Wood Badge is upcoming this July is Wood Badge training. Sign up now and take full advantage of this top-tier Scouting training! Email Mark Anderson any questions you have. 

EDGE Training is all about teaching interested Scouters how to be good trainers themselves. Wood Badge staff members are required to take this, but the course is meant to help anyone who assists, or wishes to assist, with any trainings offered by the Council, like BALOO, SM Basic, or Position-Specific. EDGE trainings are upcoming in March, April, and May. Register here, and contact Steve Ott with any questions you have. 

In fact, there are many trainings offered by the LEC this Spring, including Wilderness First Aid, Scoutmaster Basic Training, and BALOO, as well as Rangemaster training at Beaumont and Firelands, are all upcoming over the next two months. Check out the Council calendar, and register now! 

Last Training update: Introduction to Leadership Skills Training for youth members is available for those attending NYLT, but whose Troops are not able to offer ILST at this time. ILST is a pre-requisite for attending NYLT. Register now for the course at Camp Gray, and send Dave Sechnick your questions. 

Spring Camporee at Beaumont is upcoming: contact Rob Burnham with your questions and register here

The annual Tough Cubber is on at Beaumont and Firelands this year: registration opens tomorrow! Sign up now, and see if you’re family has the toughest Cubs in the Council! Send your questions to Rob Boehm

Also, don’t forget about this year’s S’more Cub Adventures! This advancement based fun long weekend of Cub Scout programming is meant for families to get the very most out of the Cub Scouting experience. Families can come for as little as one day, or for both weekends its offered! Advancements earned in these weekends will vary from weekend to weekend. Register now, and contact Jess Weaver with your questions. 

For those of you who like to give service to camp, there are a few upcoming opportunities: Wilderness Engineers at Beaumont is a chance for adults 21 and over to make some great improvements to the property, and help get camp in tip-top shape for summer campers. If you’re interested in helping, contact Chris and register here

  Beaver Day is a chance to give service to Firelands, and is open to youths and their units wishing to give service, in addition to adult volunteers who choose to do so as well.Troops can Register here, and contact Danny with your questions. Cub Packs MUST contact Danny BEFORE registering to make sure there are age-appropriate projects available. 

Finally, don’t forget to sign up for Scouts Trash the Trash Day in May, and help make the whole Council a cleaner, better place! Send Michelle your questions for this. 

Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia

And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week. 

LEC 3 Minute Update - February 23, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s 3 Minute Update.  I’m not Tyler Matthews, not Jake Brown. I’m also not sure where Jake is. What I do know is he left me a note saying “I’m hiding from the 3 Minute Update because I botched so many dates last week!” So Jake, if you can hear me, I’m here to tell you it’s going to be okay, and dates are easy to correct. Just, um, please come back. 

  To be clear, Jake said the Wood Badge/NYLT breakfast breakfast is March 12th. That’s a lie. It’s March 11th, on Saturday morning. Register today and send Linda  your questions. 

  Jake also said that the Catholic Committee’s adult Scouter retreat in Wickliffe is March 15th. That’s also incorrect, it’s upcoming on March 12th. Do Register for this by March 5th, and send your questions to the committee

  Otherwise, you should know about the Celebration of Scouting, NYLT registration, training updates, the Silver Screen Overnighter, St. Patrick’s Day parade, Camperships, the Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon, and upcoming Catholic Scouting retreats. 

  Campership deadlines are upcoming! Unit leaders, share this information with your units. The Lake Erie Council has camp scholarships available for those who may need financial assistance delivering the capstone experiences to their Scouts. So, please note: High Adventure Campership applications are due March 1st. Summer Camp Camperships are due April 4th. NYLT Campership Applications are due April 15th, and Wood Badge Campership applications are due June 1st. Send Phil Williams any questions you have, applications can be submitted here

  The Catholic Committee on Scouting has some upcoming retreats available for folks to attend this Spring. The Santa Maria retreat is a day-long retreat for Scouts on April 3rd in Fairport Harbor to help them in earning their Pope Pius the Twelfth and Ad Altare Dei awards. Email Jim Hickey with questions about this retreat, and register by March 1st.  

  Eagle Scouts from the class of 2022, register to join us at the Eagle Scout Luncheon, coming up in just a few weeks. We hope to see you there, send Anna Galipo your questions.

  On March 4th, Scouters can join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting. Join us at the Ariel International Center for this Hollywood-themed party! Send Jason Setser your questions. 

   “If you can see it, you can be it!” If you’re a youth who’d like a deeper dive into what this means, you should register for NYLT! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions! 

   Also, for adults, please note that Wood Badge is upcoming this July is Wood Badge training. Sign up now and take full advantage of this top-tier Scouting training! Email Mark Anderson any questions you have. 

   And speaking of training, also note that Wilderness First Aid, Scoutmaster Basic Training, and BALOO, as well as Rangemaster training at Beaumont and Firelands, are all upcoming over the next two months. Check out the Council calendar, and register now! 

   There’s a Silver Screen Overnighter upcoming this April 2nd in Elyria, so sign up today! Let Jim Vanderpool know if you have any questions. 

   Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia

  And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week. 

LEC 3 Minute Update - February 16, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s three minute update.  This week, I’m in Mentor, Ohio at the President James Garfield home. It’s a National Historic Site maintained by the National Park Service, and this President’s Day, there will be a free program with kids’ activities and tours! You can even meet some former Presidents there. Note also that the Service Center downtown is closed on President’s Day, and our staff will be on holiday as well, so we’ll be happy to be back in touch on Tuesday.

Ok, this week we have: Sap Camp, the Celebration of Scouting, NYLT registration, training updates, the Silver Screen Overnighter, St. Patrick’s Day parade, Camperships, the Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon, upcoming Catholic Scouting retreats, and the Wood Badge Breakfast.

The Wood Badge/NYLT breakfast is March 11th! Register today and send Linda  your questions.

Campership deadlines are upcoming! Unit leaders, share this information with your units. The Lake Erie Council has camp scholarships available for those who may need financial assistance delivering the capstone experiences to their Scouts. So, please note: High Adventure Campership applications are due March 1st. Summer Camp Camperships are due April 4th. NYLT Campership Applications are due April 15th, and Wood Badge Campership applications are due June 1st. Send Phil Williams any questions you have, applications can be submitted here.

Sap Camp is upcoming at Beaumont, and it’s a little less focused on the process of syrup creation, and a little more focused on some sap-themed fun! Send Anthony your questions. Registration closes March 1st.

The Catholic Committee on Scouting has some upcoming retreats available for folks to attend this Spring. The Santa Maria retreat is a day-long retreat for Scouts on April 3rd in Fairport Harbor to help them in earning their Pope Pius the Twelfth and Ad Altare Dei awards. Email Jim Hickey with questions about this retreat, and register by March 1st. Additionally, there’s an adult retreat for Scouters upcoming on March 15th at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Register by March 5th, and send your questions to the committee.

Eagle Scouts from the class of 2022, your invitations to the Eagle Scout luncheon should have come in the mail. You must register to attend, and we hope to see you there! If you have questions or didn’t get your invite, email Heather.

On March 4th, Scouters can join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting. It’s going to be a fun celebration of many Scouters’ notable contributions to the movement. Join us at the Ariel International Center for this Hollywood-themed party! Send Jason Setser your questions.

“If you can see it, you can be it!” If you’re a youth who’d like a deeper dive into what this means, you should register for NYLT! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions!

Also, for adults, please note that Wood Badge is upcoming this July is Wood Badge training. Sign up now and take full advantage of this top-tier Scouting training! Email Mark Anderson any questions you have.

And speaking of training, also note that Wilderness First Aid, Scoutmaster Basic Training, and BALOO, as well as Rangemaster training at Beaumont and Firelands, are all upcoming over the next two months. Check out the Council calendar, and register now!

There’s a Silver Screen Overnighter upcoming this April 2nd in Elyria, so sign up today! Let Jim Vanderpool know if you have any questions.

Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia!

And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - February 10, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s three minute update. This week, we are just outside of London, England, a quick hop across the pond, at the original Gilwell Field. This is the birthplace of Wood Badge, and I’m here to get PUMPED for the upcoming Wood Badge/NYLT breakfast fundraiser, where on March 12th, we will be gathered to revel in the camaraderie and lore of the beloved course, in addition to ensure its sustainable future in the LEC by supporting the course and its participants financially. Lots of great items will be there to bid on at the auction, the food will be delicious, and we will get to sing the song again! Send Linda your questions!

In other news, we have:

Alright, in this week’s three minute we have: Sap Camp , Firelands Klondike registration, the Celebration of Scouting, NYLT registration, Blue and Gold placemat and Field Team executive requests, St. Patrick’s Day parade, this years’ Division Award of Merit recipients, and a reminder about the David C. Boyce award.

But first, I’ve got a BIG announcement that everyone needs to hear: Campership deadlines are upcoming! Unit leaders, YOU are charged with sharing this information with your units. The Lake Erie Council has camp scholarships available for those who may need financial assistance delivering the capstone experiences to their Scouts. So, please note: High Adventure Campership applications are due March 1st. Summer Camp Camperships are due April 4th. NYLT Campership Applications are due April 15th, and Wood Badge Campership applications are due June 1st. Send Phil Williams any questions you have, applications can be submitted here.

Sap Camp is upcoming at Beaumont, and it’s a little less focused on the process of syrup creation, and a little more focused on some sap-themed fun! Send Anthony your questions. Registration closes March 1st.

Does your Cub Pack have an upcoming Blue and Gold? If you want placemats and/or a professional scouters’ presence at your event, please email Michelle Cali. We are happy to provide hype through camp songs, as well as formal challenges to your Arrow of Light Scouts to continue on their Trail to Eagle. Additionally, if your Troop would like Council presence to charge your Scouts to continue on their Trail to Eagle, or congratulate them for completing it, you can make the same request for presence to Michelle!

And speaking of Eagle Scouts, a few things: Eagle Scouts from the class of 2022, your invitations to the Eagle Scout luncheon should have come in the mail. You must register to attend. If you have questions or didn’t get your invite, email Heather. Additionally you now have the opportunity to recognize an Eagle Scout by purchasing a one-eighth, one-fourth, or one-half page space in the event program! Reach out to anna.galipo@scouting.org for more information!

On March 4th, Scouters can join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting. We will present many Scouter awards, including the Division Award of Merit, which recognizes exceptional service delivered to a Program Division by a volunteer Scouter. This year, there are two recipients of the Division Award of Merit, and they are: Erin Bringman and David Komer! Congratulations, to the both of you! This is an award well-deserved indeed!

Additionally, there are awards delivered at the unit level that many Scouters are also eligible for. For example, if you’re a member of one of the new units that began last year, consider applying for the William D. Boyce new unit organizer award. Details are here. Send all award nominations to Heather.

NYLT registration is open! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions!

Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia!

And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.


LEC 3 Minute Update - February 2, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s three minute update. Brought to you from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania’s downtown chamber of commerce. Guess what: It’s groundhog day!! Bad news for those of you Florida residents who haven’t yet made the move to Florida: six more weeks of winter was predicted earlier this morning. But good news: the US Postal Service will in fact ship these fine souvenirs across the country to your doorstep to make your groundhog day a little better.

Alright, in this week’s three minute we have: Many updates pertaining to Eagle Scouts, Scout Shop updates, Sap Camp and Sap Science, Firelands Klondike registration, the Wood Badge breakfast, the Celebration of Scouting, NYLT registration, Blue and Gold placemat and Field Team executive requests, St. Patrick’s Day parade, and this year’s Unit Scouter Award recipients.

Okay, let’s begin with the Wood Badge Breakfast. Folks, you should sign up now before the Early Bird deadline goes away. Remember, it’s March 11th at Lakewood High School. Your favorite auction team, C. Boyles and Associates, will be there to pump up this auction, so we’ll see you there. Send Linda your questions.

Firelands has some great events coming up: Klondike is in a couple weeks, and will be a great time for all! Sap Science is also later this month, and attending will teach you everything you need to know about setting up your own syrup setup. Jess is your go to for questions about these!

The Cleveland Scout shop has pre-sewn uniforms and sewing services available for you! Stop in and get your uniform in tip-top shape for your Pack’s upcoming blue and gold!

Speaking of Blue and Golds, if you want placemats and/or a professional scouters’ presence at your event, please email Michelle Cali. We are happy to provide hype through camp songs, as well as formal challenges to your Arrow of Light Scouts to continue on their Trail to Eagle. Please, share with her today!

And speaking of Eagle Scouts, a few things: LOCAL Eagle Scout Scholarships are still available to apply for until February 8th. Eagle Scouts need not be attending school next year in order to apply! Please email Heather with questions, and go here to apply! Additionally, for Eagle Scouts from the class of 2022, your invitations to the Eagle Scout luncheon should have come in the mail. You must register to attend. If you have questions or didn’t get your invite, email Heather. Additionally you now have the opportunity to recognize an Eagle Scout by purchasing a one-eighth, one-fourth, or one-half page space in the event program! Reach out to anna.galipo@scouting.org for more information! Lastly, for those completing your Eagle Scout projects, the office has yard signs promoting the fact that your team’s work is because of your Eagle Scout project. If you’d like to borrow these yard signs to remind the community why it looks better, email Member Care.

On March 4th, Scouters can join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting. We will present many Scouter awards, including the Unit Scouter Award. The Unit Scouter Award is specific to Lake Erie Council, and is meant to highlight exceptional service given to a scouting Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, or Post. And this year’s recipients are: Keith Barnes,Pam Bursley, Mark Henderson, John Kassimatis, John Malloy, Paul Parrish, Martin Payne, Dan Pilarski, ands Tom Wright. Congratulations, all! We are proud to work with you in Scouting!

NYLT registration is open! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions!

Sap Camp is upcoming at Beaumont, and it’s a little less focused on the process of syrup creation, and a little more focused on some sap-themed fun! Send Anthony your questions.

Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia!

And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.


LEC 3 Minute Update - January 27, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and I can confirm these films are truly the cat’s pajamas! What better way to share information with the masses? And here I thought telegrams were cool!

Okay, this week in Scouting, we have:

The annual Wood Badge Breakfast is coming soon, and the early bird deadline is even sooner! February 5th is the last chance to take advantage of low, low prices for entry tickets. Additionally, come prepared to bid on some high quality auction items, varying from beautiful, professionally made desserts to rare Wood Badge memorabilia and much, much more! Send Linda Gray your questions.

The Council calendar is as up to date as we can get it through December of 2023, and we will be adding through to June by the end of January to keep it at 18 months ahead. That said, if you see something that should be there but isn’t or have questions about the calendar, please email me.

Also, we want to be a part of your unit’s upcoming Blue and Gold/Court of Honor! Please send these dates, locations, and requests for placemats and/or special remarks on behalf of the Council to Michelle Cali.

The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo. Please note: all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2022 were also mailed invitations that look exactly like this envelope. If you have questions or didn’t get your invitation, ask Anna.

Also, Eagle Scout Scholarships are available! The NESA applications deadline is January 31st, and the other, local applications are February 8th. Over Half a million dollars in scholarships were awarded to Eagle Scouts last year for their continued educations in universities and trade schoolsacross the country. Applications are available here, and questions should be sent to Heather McMillan

Additionally, please note that you DO NOT need to be currently registered with the BSA in order to apply. ALSO, you DO NOT need to be attending college next year in order to apply. Recipients who will attend college/trade school in the future will have their funds held in a trust until the right time, when you notify the Unit Service Center. So EVERYBODY in the Eagle Scout class of 2022: take heed of this extended deadline and APPLY!

The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th. Registration is live! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Lastly, folks, sign up for Sap Camp and/or Sap Science, in addition to the Firelands Klondike! More to come on that soon!

Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See you next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 19, 2023

Ni hao, Scouts and Scouters! And thanks for tuning in to this week’s three minute update, brought to you from the banks of the Yellow River in China, which is the muddiest place on the face of the Earth! And fun fact, did you know that the second muddiest place in the world is Firelands Scout Reservation in January? So if you like mud, make sure to stop out this weekend! It’s not too late to register, even for this year’s winter mud day for Cubs! Send Jim Vanderpool your questions!

The Council calendar is as up to date as we can get it through December of 2023, and we will be adding through to June by the end of January to keep it at 18 months ahead. That said, if you see something that should be there but isn’t or have questions about the calendar, please email me.

Also, we want to be a part of your unit’s upcoming Blue and Gold/Court of Honor! Please send these dates, locations, and requests for placemats and/or special remarks on behalf of the Council to Michelle Cali.

The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.

Also, NESA Eagle Scout Scholarships are available, and their application deadline is January 31st! Over Half a million dollars in scholarships were awarded to Eagle Scouts last year for their continued educations in universities and trade schools. Applications are available here, and questions should be sent to Heather McMillan. Additionally, please note that you DO NOT need to be currently registered with the BSA in order to apply.

The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th. Registration is live! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Speaking of the Celebration of Scouting, that is where we will bestow our newest Silver Beaver award recipients with their awards. The Silver Beaver is the highest award a Council can bestow on a volunteer. And this year, we are proud to announce that James Webb, Stephen Doe, David Gooch, Michael McDonald, Sherry Rasmusen, and Thomas Seymour are the newest Silver Beaver recipients within the Lake Erie Council! Congratulations to each of you!

Folks, Scout’s Own Maple syrup is a big deal: so big, in fact, that there are two weekend campouts dedicated to maple syrup this March! Sap Camp will be a fun day with additional camp activities that will be a blast for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA youth. That’s at Beaumont on March 4th. Here’s that link, and send Grace your questions. Sap Science, which is February 24-26 at Firelands, will be more STEM focused, and will essentially show you all the ins and outs of how sap is collected and boiled. After Sap Science weekend, you’ll know everything you need to in order to make maple syrup on your own. Sap Science is open to Webelos Scouts and above. Registration is live, send questions to Jess Weaver.

The annual Wood Badge Breakfast is March 11th! This is open to previous attendees of NYLT and Wood Badge, to join in camaraderie and help raise funds for future courses through the auction. It’s also open to folks interested in learning more about the future NYLT and Wood Badge courses, and being able to connect with the volunteers who staff these events all under one roof. It’s great fun, and we hope to see you that morning at Lakewood High School. Send Linda Gray your questions.

And lastly, the Cleveland Scout Shop encourages each of you to come on down and pick up Pinewood Derby patches for your Pack!

Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See you next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 13, 2023

Mornin’ all! And greetings from beautiful Omni Resort, located in beautiful small town Bedford, PA. I’ve actually been here for two days now, with 200 of my closest friends from across the Northeast, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic, learning from the best minds in Scouting how to improve Scouting!

And speaking of friends, I’m also here with my best friend, Sappy the Maple Leaf, as we are about to debut a Maple Cotton Candy product, more about which we will share in weeks to come.

This week, there are 5 things you need to know: Klondike, the annual Wood Badge Breakfast, Eagle Scout Scholarships, a Scout Shop update, and the Annual Eagle Scout luncheon.

The Scout shop will be closed on Monday, January 19th, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Attention Eagle Scouts: would you like some money? A lot of it? Then you should apply for a National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship before the deadline of January 31st. Here’s a link, and send Heather your questions.

Klondike season is here! Register today! In fact, register by tonight, and you can still show up this weekend! Send Anthony Dworning your questions.

The annual wood badge breakfast is back up and in full swing! Registration is live, send Linda your questions, and be prepared to sing your favorite song this March!

Lastly, the Eagle Scout luncheon is also upcoming on March 4th in Eastlake. You must register to attend, send Anna Galipo your questions.

And that’s a wrap for this weeks 3 minute update! Thanks!

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 5, 2023

Hear ye hear ye, it’s 2023! What a wonderful New Year this is turning into! We had much to celebrate over the holidays, including your Lake Erie Council’s 8 consecutive months of growth. Our year ended at Membership north of 6,500, representing over 1% growth. It’s truly a monumental shift in membership for Scouting in this area, and proof that your units are running a strong program, providing the positive impact of Scouting to more and more young people. Solook with hope upon this New Year, because there is much reason to be!

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have: Klondikes, the Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon, Scout Shop Updates, a note about the 2023 Annual Celebration of Scouting, and a note regarding our Service Territory’s Upcoming Program Training Conference.

But first, while it may be a new year, there is still, sadly, a need to send medical kits overseas to Ukraine. If your unit would like to learn more about how to make and send off these kits, please contact me.

Next, let’s talk Klondikes! Folks, a little birdy told me that I will be present at all four Klondikes this year. That little birdy, by the way, is Anthony Dworning, who is holding my friendship with him hostage in order to be present. But that’s okay, I’m excited to be there because 1) it’ll be a great opportunity to practice my auctioneering skills, 2) it’s going to be great weather for these Klondikes, and 3) we’ll get to see all of your smiling faces at camp! What a swingin’ deal!

Now, that said, the Klondikes can only happen if folks register to attend. And at the moment, absolutely no one is registered to attend the Firelands Klondike. So, please: if you plan on going, help out your event chairs by registering your units and helping them plan for how much food and program supplies to be ready with.

If you have any questions about Klondikes, please send them to Anthony Dworning. You can register for any of the klondikes through our Council calendar, and in particular, can register for the Firelands Klondike at this link.

The Class of 2022 Eagle Scout Luncheon will be held at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake on March 12. Attendees must register by March 6th to attend, and you can do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Galipo.

The 2023 Celebration of Scouting will be held at Ariel International Center in Cleveland on March 4th, where our newest Silver Beaver, Division Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award recipients will be recognized. Registration will be open soon, but save the date now! Send Jason Setser your questions about this event. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

National Service Territory 9, otherwise known as the place you are right now at this moment, is hosting a Program Training Conference in Findlay, OH, also on March 4th. But, don’t you worry! The conference will be over in the afternoon, leaving you plenty of time to be able to make it back to the Celebration of Scouting. Cost is $35.00 to attend, check out this link for more information and to register.

And lastly, the Cleveland and Firelands Scout Shops have all you need to make your Pinewood Derby car the fastest in all the land! Stop on in and pick up your supplies today!

Well folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! We’re looking forward to a great year of spreading the good news of Scouting with you all. So thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 22, 2022

  Mornin all and thanks for tuning in to this’ weeks 3 minute update. This is Jake Brown coming to you live from the North Pole. Folks, I’ve got a good ear in here that Santa is going to be delivering a lot of presents for all those good units who met the recharter deadline. For those still working on recharter that’s ok, we encourage you to still do so.

  We do ask you to keep in mind that the Cleveland Scout Shop and the office will be on quiet time beginning at the end of the day today, Thursday. We won’t be back until Tuesday January 3. If you do need something, you can email lecmembercare@scouting.org. Emails will be handled on an infrequent basis, but this will be the only way to contact anyone during this quiet time.

  We look forward to seeing you in the new year, especially because we have some great Klondikes coming up and Winter Mud Day for the Cub Scouts, as well as Sap Camp in early March. There’s a lot of other stuff to take care of in the new year, but we will wait for the new year to take care of it all.

  From our Lake Erie Council to you, we wish you a happy holiday season. We hope you stay safe during this holiday storm and beyond. We look forward to seeing how our scouting year continues into 2023. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you.