LEC 3 Minute Update - December 7, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this week’s three minute update is coming to you from the road. Yes that’s right, I’m riding around collecting recharter checks in the far east for those who need it. Doing my very best pony express, hence my trusty steed. If you need a pony express pick up of a recharter check, contact Michelle and she will dispatch someone to you.  

This week, we have: Award Updates, NYLT updates, Popcorn Updates, ACE Updates, Klondike Updates, and Giving Tree Information. 

That’s right everyone: nominations for the Silver Beaver Award, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. You can learn more about these awards on our website. Awards will be presented at the Annual Celebration of Scouting, next upcoming on March 1st. 

Here’s also a reminder that there are many, many other awards available to unit leaders who have put the work into delivering the best Scouting program they could over the past year. If you’d like to nominate your fellow Scouters for one of many awards, please send those nominations in to Heather McMillan. You can find a full list of these awards on the national Scouting website. 

If any of your Scouts are interested in NYLT, applications for a staff position in 2024 are now available on the website. Interviews for NYLT are upcoming, so please contact Jen Folkman with any questions or visit the website for more information. 

Folks, while the popcorn sale is wrapping up, this is a reminder that Scouts can still sell popcorn using the Trails’ End online link, and those sales will qualify you for trails end prizes and the chance to be part of the council spin-to-win in February. 

Also, the ACE portal has reopened to new applicants! Unit leaders, please note that Membership Renewal Fees mostly qualify for reimbursement. Families can get approved for ACE before OR after they pay for said fees, and still get reimbursed. Check out our website for the latest, and email Mike Evano if you have any questions. 

  Klondike Derbies are basically fully planned, and registrations for these are now open. Bring the full troop, sign up, and send Anthony any questions you have. 

Don’t forget about the giving tree at the Cleveland Scout Shop: email Paula if you’d like to give, or could use a hand bringing Scouting to your family. 

Now, this message is for Santa Claus. We’re still a few weeks away from your big day, Santa, and I’ve got a swingin’ deal for you. You see, I know there are some Scouts out there who deserve a really special gift this holiday season, and I want you to know that I’ve got a perfect gift for them. It’s a gift that, maybe not a lot of kids have asked for by name, but I know once they see Sammy’s face, they’ll fall in love with this toy. Yes sir, you won’t regret filling up your sleigh with a big sack full of, Sammy the S’more plushies! Santa, if you want, just call member care, and they’ll tell you where Sammy is hiding out with all of his friends. I hope you will! 

Otherwise folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update!

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 30, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this week’s three minute update is coming to you from Firelands, where we are working hard to get ready for Holidays at Camp! We are so looking forward to seeing you here this weekend, and next! 

This week, we have: recharter updates, Scout Shop Updates, Christmas gift ideas, Klondike Updates, popcorn updates, and a reminder about awards. 

That’s right everyone: nominations for the Silver Beaver Award, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. You can learn more about these awards on our website. Awards will be presented at the Annual Celebration of Scouting, next upcoming on March 1st. 

Folks, while the popcorn sale is wrapping up, this is a reminder that Scouts can still sell popcorn using the Trails’ End online link, and those sales will qualify you for trails end prizes and the chance to be part of the council spin-to-win in February. More info for the spin-to-win will be released next week. 

Here’s also a reminder that there are many, many other awards available to unit leaders who have put the work into delivering the best Scouting program they could over the past year. If you’d like to nominate your fellow Scouters for one of many awards, please send those nominations in to Heather McMillan. You can find a full list of these awards on the national Scouting website. 

Folks, recharters are due without significant error before 5:00 p.m. on December 8th. If you have questions about how to complete this membership renewal process, please contact member care. Special reminder that CORs must digitally sign the completed recharter and NOT any of the other key 3 members. 

Also, the ACE portal has reopened to new applicants! Unit leaders, please note that Membership Renewal Fees mostly qualify for reimbursement. Families can get approved for ACE before OR after they pay for said fees, and still get reimbursed. Check out our website for the latest, and email Mike Evano if you have any questions. 

  Klondike Derbies are basically fully planned, and registrations for these are now open. Bring the full troop, sign up, and send Anthony any questions you have. 

Don’t forget about the giving tree at the Cleveland Scout Shop: email Paula if you’d like to give, or could use a hand bringing Scouting to your family. 

Now, this message is for Santa Claus. We’re still a few weeks away from your big day, Santa, and I’ve got a swingin’ deal for you. You see, I know there are some Scouts out there who deserve a really special gift this holiday season, and I want you to know that I’ve got a perfect gift for them. It’s a gift that, maybe not a lot of kids have asked for by name, but I know once they see Sammy’s face, they’ll fall in love with this toy. Yes sir, you won’t regret filling up your sleigh with a big sack full of, Sammy the S’more plushies! Santa, if you want, just call member care, and they’ll tell you where Sammy is hiding out with all of his friends. I hope you will! 

Otherwise folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 16, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and in this week’s three minute update, I’m in beautiful Plymouth, Massachusetts. Just behind me is Plymouth Rock, and when I get to thinking about this rock, I can think of only one thing: recharter.

You see, the recharter deadline is but a few weeks away, and every time Thanksgiving rolls around, I always find myself perpetually sharing information about the recharter process.

Case in point, Michelle gave me the following notes to share with you all: please check your spam folder for emails from the Council regarding the recharter process. Remember that the deadline is December 8th, and there is a late fee of $100 for charters turned in after or with significant errors.

Additionally, we are getting a lot of questions about individual renewals. For example, one question I answered today was, “How can families pay their recharter fees?”

Any person who was registered in Scouting prior to August 1 of this year will pay their unit the respective recharter fees, and the unit will make a lump sum payment for the recharter.

Any person registered after August 1 will show up on the recharter portal as owing zero dollars. They do not owe the unit, or national, money at this time. These newest recruits will be charged their membership fees 12 months from their initial date of joining.

If you have further questions about recharter, please contact member care.

In other news, we are excited to see you at Holidays at Camp this December! The early bird deadline is this Saturday, so don’t delay in registering!

Also, Klondike Derbies are almost fully planned, and registrations for these are now open. Bring the full troop, sign up, and send Anthony any questions you have.

Don’t forget about the giving tree at the Cleveland Scout Shop: email Paula if you’d like to give, or could use a hand bringing Scouting to your family.

Also, the ACE portal has reopened to new applicants! Unit leaders, please note that charter dues mostly qualify for reimbursement, and that families can get approved for ACE after they pay for recharter, and still get reimbursed. Check out our website for the latest, and email Mike Evano if you have any questions.

Lastly, please note that the Unit Service Center will be closed for Quiet Time – shhhhhhh – next week. Our staff will have the week to spend with their families, as we hope each of you also has the opportunity to be with family next week for Thanksgiving. If something is urgent, during this time, email member care. We can’t promise a quick reply, but your message will be screened.

Otherwise folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Again, best wishes to each of you over the holiday, and I look forward to being back with you on the update the week after next. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you!

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 9, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this week’s Three Minute Update is coming to you from beautiful Bay Village, home to Cahoon Park and the Huntington Reservation, which were both privately owned before turning into public lands. A comfortable cruise down Lake Road will provide you with beautiful views of Lake Erie and homes I can only aspire to own someday. 

Aspiring for a new home aside, we have big news to share with everyone: the ACE program has re-opened to new applicants again! For qualifying families, this is up $1,000 per child that the state reimburses families for, and Scouting registration fees are generally included as a qualifying after school expense! Details can be found at. Questions go to Mike Evano

The Annual Scout Shop Giving Tree will be placed in the Scout Shop starting next week. Any families in need of Scouting supplies can fill out the request form and physically give it to a Scout Shop employee, or email it to Paula Puchajda. Anyone interested in providing a Scouting need to someone can come to the Scout Shop and select an item off the tree, and the Scout Shop staff will coordinate delivery of the item to those who need it. Questions go to Paula, and the drive will end on December 16th. 

  The Scoutbook calendar is migrating to Internet Advancement on November 9th. That means all unit calendaring will happen in internet advancement moving forward, instead of Scoutbook. If you have further questions, please contact LEC Member Care

Register now to take position specific training as a chartered org rep on November 18th. Send your questions to Jake

Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin Collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michelle Cali your questions. 

Speaking of recharter, please note that paying with check or cash to the Lake Erie Council is most advantageous, as edits to your submitted charter can still be made if you pay using this method. Paying online with credit card or e-check does not allow for any changes after the fact. 

Holidays at camp are on the calendar: Register now! Note that the early bird deadline for Holidays at Camp is November 18th, and we do need some Troop assistance in running this program. Interested volunteer troops should contact Jess

  Volunteer Award Nominations for the Silver Beaver, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. Note that the Distinguished Award of Merit is equivalent to other Councils’ district award of merit. 

Catholic Wood Badge is happening at Philmont in August of 2024. Only 36 spots are open for registration, so  if you’re interested! If you don’t need Catholic Wood Badge and can settle for normal Wood Badge, we recommend the Council-run course

Payments for popcorn and Scout’s Own Syrup are due tomorrow, November 10th. Distribution of take order popcorn will happen on November 17th and 18th.  

And that’s a wrap for this week’s Three-Minute Update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - November 2, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m back, COVID can’t keep me down too long! Although I will say, I wish I could’ve gone to Disney last week! 

Ok, just as before and always: all links for the 3-minute update can be found in the script. 

The Scoutbook calendar is migrating to Internet Advancement on November 9th. That means all unit calendaring will happen in internet advancement moving forward, instead of Scoutbook. If you have further questions, please contact LEC Member Care

Register now to take position specific training as a Cub Leader, Troop Committee Member, or Chartered Org Rep. Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about what it means to be chartered by the Lake Erie Council, we recommend you attend the training for Council Unit Representatives, coming up here on the 18th of November. Send your questions to Jake

Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin Collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michelle Cali your questions. 

Speaking of recharter, please note that adult applicants must complete YPT before they can be approved, and the COR is the ONLY person who can approve online applications. Submitted applications that have not been approved will not show up on the recharter, so please make sure they are approved BEFORE posting your recharter! 

Cub fun days and holidays at camp are on the calendar: Register now! Note that the early bird deadline for Holidays at Camp is November 18th, and we do need some Troop assistance in running this program. Interested volunteer troops should contact Jess

  Volunteer Award Nominations for the Silver Beaver, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. 

Finally, note that take-orders for popcorn are due on November 3rd, and that payments for popcorn and Scout’s Own Syrup are due November 10th. Distribution of take order popcorn will happen on November 17th and 18th.  

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - October 26, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m Anthony Dworning, coming to you from the most magical place on Earth: Walt Disney World’s Highway in the Sky, the monorail. Listen closely for our boarding instructions! Now that we’re all on board, let’s go for a journey,  into this week’s three minute update. 

Note that all links for the 3-minute update can be found in the script. 

Now let’s talk about Scoutbook: the Scoutbook calendar is migrating to Internet Advancement on November 9th. That means all unit calendaring will happen in internet advancement moving forward, instead of Scoutbook. If you have further questions, please contact LEC Member Care

Register now to take position specific training as a Cub Leader, Troop Committee Member, or Chartered Org Rep. Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about what it means to be chartered by the Lake Erie Council, we recommend you attend the training for Council Unit Representatives, coming up here on the 18th of November. Send your questions to Jake

Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michelle Cali your questions. 

Speaking of recharter, please note that adult applicants must complete YPT before they can be approved, and the COR is the ONLY person who can approve online applications. Submitted applications that have not been approved will not show up on the recharter, so please make sure they are approved BEFORE posting your recharter! 

Make sure to take full advantage of trick-or-treating by submitting requests for yard signs, stickers, info cards, and much more! 

Note that there’s a Merit Badge University at Firelands, along with a cooking merit badge day, this November. Cub Fun Days are on the calendar, and Holidays at Camp are in December. Register now! 

  Volunteer Award Nominations for the Silver Beaver, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. 

Finally, note that take-orders for popcorn are due on November 3rd, and that payments for popcorn and Scout’s Own Syrup are due November 10th. Distribution of take order popcorn will happen on November 17th and 18th.  

And with that, it’s time to depart. We’re at our next stop! As Jake would say, Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! I’ll see ya next week, take care! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - October 19, 2023

Mornin’, all! Thanks for tuning in to this week’s three minute update. I’m outside the Cleveland Clinic, and I’ve got to tell ya, they’ve got me feeling a lot better than I was last week. Much less dead! Ok, on this week’s update, we have: Training Updates, Event Updates, Recruitment Updates, Recharter Updates, and Popcorn Updates.

But first: some sort of big news about Scoutbook: the Scoutbook calendar is migrating to Internet Advancement on November 9th. That means all unit calendaring will happen in internet advancement moving forward, instead of Scoutbook. If you’d like to learn more, check out this link. If you have further questions, please contact LEC Member Care.

But first, there’s a sale going on at the Cleveland Scout Shop. Buy a uniform top, and get matching bottoms for 10% off. Come Check it out!

If you need position specific training as a Cub Leader, Troop Committee Member, or Chartered Org Rep, you can use these links to register. Send your questions to me!

Wilderness First Aid registrations are open through next week. The course is at Beaumont the first weekend of November.

Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin Collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michelle Cali your questions.

Make sure to take full advantage of trick-or-treating by submitting requests for yard signs, stickers, info cards, and much more! Use this form to request these things.

Also, welcome your new families! Especially those who join from online applications: communicate with them, or like me, you won’t be able to see them again!

Lastly, note that there’s a Merit Badge University at Firelandsalong with a cooking merit badge day, this November. Cub fun days are on the calendar, and holidays at camp are in December. Register now!

Finally, note that Volunteer Award Nominations for the Silver Beaver, Distinguished Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award are due to Jason Setser by December 15th. To learn more about these awards, please go to this link.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s update, folks! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! I’ll see ya next week, take care!

LEC 3 Minute Update - October 12, 2023

Oooohhhh! Good mooooooorning, all! This is the ghost of Jake Brown. I’m haunting the Service Center, my spirit lives here, although my body rests at Beaumont. Actually, there isn’t much rest there, since everyone is working so hard to make Cub Haunted the best weekends of fun they can be. There’s still time to register for weekend 3, if you dare!

On this week’s update, we have: Training Updates, Event Updates, Recruitment Updates, Recharter Updates, and Popcorn Updates.

But first, there’s a sale going on at the Cleveland Scout Shop. Buy a uniform top, and get matching bottoms for 10% off. Come check it out!

If you need position specific training as a Cub Leader, Troop committee member, or Chartered Org Rep, you can use these links to register. Send your questions to me!

Wilderness First Aid registrations are open through next week. The course is at Beaumont the first weekend of November.

Tomorrow is the popcorn amnesty deadline. Get to the service center before 5:00 p.m. to drop off your excess full cases of popcorn. Like me, the deadline is a drop-dead one! Send Heather your questions.

Recharter portals are now open, and recharters must be turned in by December 8th, free of significant error, to avoid the late fee of $100. Begin collecting dues from your returning families now! Send Michele Cali your questions.

Ha! Since I’m dead, time is of no use to me anymore. Nice try, timer!

Make sure to take full advantage of trick-or-treating by submitting requests for yard signs, stickers, info cards, and much more! Use this form to request these things.

Also, welcome your new families! Especially those who join from online applications: communicate with them, or like me, you won’t be able to see them again!

Lastly, note that there’s a Merit Badge University at Firelands, along with a cooking merit badge day, this November. Cub Fun Days are on the calendar, and Holidays at Camp are in December. Register now!

That is all! Thanks for all you did, and thanks for having been you. I’ll be haunting you next week, toooooooo!

LEC 3 Minute Update - October 5, 2023

Mornin’, all! The leaves are starting to change colors, especially out here at Beaumont Scout Reservation. We are getting ready for Cub Haunted as you can see, it’s very spooky here at the Augustus and there is alot of stuff in this week’s three minute update. Here we go! 

Please remember to use our Membership Resources Request form to request flyers, printed materials, giveaways, and other helpful recruitment items for your use! With Halloween coming up just around the corner, you’d be wise to hand out Scout stickers and promos with candy in your neighborhoods. Reach out now for those resources! 

The upcoming Roundtable across the Lake Erie Council for this month will be for our Arrow of Light Scouts to meet the Troops in their service areas. Email Chip for questions.

You can register now for in-person trainings for your positions! Pack Leaders and Troop committee members can join us in Parma, Jefferson, Norwalk, Amherst, downtown, Chesterland, Painesville, or Fairview Park. These are free trainings, and we welcome the newest leaders to the most seasoned veterans: everyone can benefit from attending the latest trainings there are to offer! Let Megan know if you have any questions. 

Rangemaster training is upcoming October 13th. Register here, and email Julia with questions. 

Wilderness First Aid is still open for registrations, but do so soon! The course is the first weekend in November, and participants have until October 20th to register! Send Gary any questions you have about the course. 

Additionally, please note that there will be training for Chartered Organization Representatives of all units offered in November at the Unit Service Center. This is for units chartered to a traditional organization, as well as to the Lake Erie Council. Send me any questions you have, and we hope to see you there! 

There’s still time to register for Cub Haunted as a camper or as a volunteer for weekends two or three. Contact Jess Weaver with your questions! 

Folks selling popcorn, remember that October 13th is the Amnesty deadline. Full cases of product that you need to return must be back to the Unit Service Center before 5:00 p.m. on the 13th. Let Heather McMillan know if you have any questions about this. 

There’s a Cub College on the calendar in November in Chardon, as are there some Cub Fun Days at camp and a Council Raingutter Regatta! It might be getting colder, but that’s no reason to keep your Cub Scouts from having tons of fun! 

Finally, remember that all units must be rechartered by December 8th, with confirmed rosters, money turned in to the Council, and signed approval from your COR by December 8th. This year, the Council is instituting a late fee of $100 for charters submitted after December 8th, or whose charters require significant fixes after December 8th. Key 3 Members and their delegates, you have all been sent an email with instructions and resources. Michelle Cali is happy to take all of your questions for charter renewal. Go to our website to learn more! 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - September 28, 2023

Mornin’, all! The leaves are starting to change colors, we can finally leave our windows open comfortable all day long, and that means there’s a LOT of stuff that’s gotta fit in this week’s three minute update. Here we go! 

Folks, new members are steadily rolling in to Scouting, as they should! So many of you are working crazy hard to get the word out and bring in more new Scouts. Many, many of these new members are hitting your rosters digitally, and this is your friendly reminder that these new families need welcomed and invited to your group once their application has been approved. Please, don’t forget to welcome them and invite them to your next activity! 

If you have questions about how to access your new applications or find new members’ information, head on over to lecbsa.org/membership-resources. Also, use our Membership Resources Request form to request flyers, printed materials, giveaways, and other helpful recruitment items for your use! With Halloween coming up just around the corner, you’d be wise to hand out Scout stickers and promos with candy in your neighborhoods. Reach out now for those resources! 

Those needing Scoutmaster Basic Training can register here: our last weekend course of this year is scheduled for October. You can contact me with your questions! 

You can register now for in-person trainings for your positions! Pack Leaders and Troop committee members can join us in Parma, Jefferson, Norwalk, Amherst, downtown, Chesterland, Painesville, or Fairview Park. These are free trainings, and we welcome the newest leaders to the most seasoned veterans: everyone can benefit from attending the latest trainings there are to offer! Let Megan know if you have any questions. 

Rangemaster training is upcoming October 13th. Register here, and email Julia with questions. 

Wilderness First Aid is still open for registrations, but do so soon! The course is the first weekend in November, and participants have until October 20th to register! Send Gary any questions you have about the course. 

Additionally, please note that there will be training for Chartered Organization Representatives of all units offered in November at the Unit Service Center. This is for units chartered to a traditional organization, as well as to the Lake Erie Council. Send me any questions you have, and we hope to see you there! 

There’s still time to register for Cub Haunted as a camper or as a volunteer. Contact Jess Weaver with your questions! 

Folks selling popcorn, remember that October 13th is the Amnesty deadline. Full cases of product that you need to return must be back to the Unit Service Center before 5:00 p.m. on the 13th. Let Heather McMillan know if you have any questions about this. 

There’s a Cub College on the calendar in November in Chardon, as are there some Cub Fun Days at camp and a Council Raingutter Regatta! It might be getting colder, but that’s no reason to keep your Cub Scouts from having tons of fun! 

Finally, remember that all units must be rechartered by December 8th, with confirmed rosters, money turned in to the Council, and signed approval from your COR by December 8th. This year, the Council is instituting a late fee of $100 for charters submitted after December 8th, or whose charters require significant fixes after December 8th. Michelle Cali is happy to take all of your questions for charter renewal. Go to our website to learn more! 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!