February Scout Bulletin Board

Does your Unit want to promote an opportunity on the LEC Website? Send the information to Anastasia here and it will be posted on the monthly Scout Bulletin Board.

Troop 504 Patrol Based First Aid Meet

Troop 504 is sponsoring a Patrol Based First Aid Meet on Sunday, February 25th from 1pm to 4pm. We would like to invite your troop and patrols to participate in this event.  (flyer attached)

Each Patrol will be challenged with multiple scenarios and will be scored based on their First Aid knowledge and skills. The top three scoring patrols will receive a prize and every scout participating will receive a custom patch. Patrols must bring a patrol sized first aid kit and the supplies needed to create a field stretcher. Each Patrol must also bring one leader or parent for scoring. Adults will not score their own scouts and will be provided with all needed information for fair and impartial scoring. The event is being organized and will be run by Tim Fornadel, our Scoutmaster, who is a registered Nurse. 

Pizza, snacks and beverages will be provided. The cost per scout is $10 each and can be paid when arriving at the event. 

The event will be held at our Sponsoring Organization, VFW Post 1863, 6340 Melbury Avenue, Solon. 

Please register your patrols at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044FABA829AAFD0-47242015-first

Please email myself (jferencie@gmail.com) and Tim (timothy.fornadel@att.net) with any questions. 

Calling all Unit Leaders! Do you want to learn about the newest innovative space at Lake Erie Council? Join us for one of our Open Houses for the new Adventure Lab. Learn how it can serve your Unit. Register Here.

Interested in attending Philmont Scout Ranch? Learn more

LEC 3-Minute Update - February 8, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m coming to you from Sardis City, Alabama, where the news is good: the Alabama possum, better known as Sand Mountain Sam, agrees with his Yankee cousin to the North, Punxsutawney Phil: spring is just around the corner! In fact, Americans across the country turn to 78 large rodents to help predict the turning of winter into Spring. And hey, why not? How could Buckeye Chuck here in Ohio, Concord Charlie in West Virginia, Gertie the Groundhog in Illinois, and all the rest of these little critters’ shadows be any less accurate than most weather reports?

Okay, in this week’s three-minute update, we have updates in: Registration, Training, Special Events, and Camping.

First, effective March 4th, the adult application process will change to require the results of the Criminal Background Check to be received BEFORE a new adult volunteer can assume a leadership role. What does this mean? It means:

Once an adult application is processed (online or paper) the person is put in “pending” status

The adult leader will get an email notice informing them their registration is being processed and they are NOT TO ASSUME ANY LEADERSHIP ROLE UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE CBC PROCESS. The unit key 3 will also get an email.

If the applicant is declined or approved with restrictions, the applicant and unit key 3 are notified by phone and mail.

If the CBC comes back with no items to review, the system will finish registering the person and send an email to the person and unit key 3 that they can now be an active leader.

The turn-around time for criminal background checks (CBC) can be a few days to a few weeks, depending on several factors. The unit should allow at least 2 to 3 weeks for processing from when the application is received and paid. 

If you have any questions about this change, please contact Member Care.

Second, effective on April 1st: Membership fees are changing. Good news: the one-time new member fee for new youth members is going away! Scout Life fees, Exploring fees, the annual charter fee, merit badge counselor fees and local insurance fees are also not changing. Annual registration fees for youth and adults are increasing $5. For questions, please contact Member Care.

Next, in training, note that the LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick. There will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands. BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now!

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes this Sunday, February 4th.

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd.

And speaking of the Celebration, I have some great news to share! The 2023 Silver Beaver Award  recipients are: Erin Bringman, Genny Espinoza, Rob Burnham, Sal Kitko, and Krista Kanuch. Please join me in extending some well-deserved congratulations to these Scouters!

Now in camping, note the Firelands Trading Post will be open from 8:00am-4:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Saturday in conjunction with the Kodiak Klondike. And there’s still time to sign up for the, and the rescheduled Beaumont Klondike! The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Metalworking Merit Badge is upcoming on April 6th, there’s a Beaumont Spring Camporee the last weekend of April, as well as a service and camping opportunity on Kelley’s Island! And with regard to the upcoming solar Eclipse on April 8th, come on out to Firelands to enjoy it with your Scouting family! Send Anthony or Jess your questions.

Finally, the Diocese of Cleveland Catholic Committee on Scouting is hosting a retreat on April 24th at St. Albert the Great Parish in North Royalton. Attendees will spend a day in prayer identifying their God-given gifts and talents, and discerning how best to use them within their Scouting roles. To register or to ask questions, contact the Committee.

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week!

LEC 3-Minute Update - February 1, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this next Firelands Klondike is going to be a real bear! That’s right, the Kodiak Klondike is the weekend after next, and who knows: maybe there will be a real-life bear up there! I heard through the grapevine that there were some at one of the last Klondikes, so hey: one can only hope, right? I love seeing bears! 

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have updates in the worlds of: Training, Special Events, and Camping, and Scholarships! 

First, in training, note that the LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick. Its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now! 

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes this Sunday, February 4th. 

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd. 

And speaking of the Celebration, I have some great news to share! The 2023 Distinguished Award of Merit recipients are: Jason Fredeen, Dan Fyfe, Clay Mastorovich, Joy Rowland, Molly Urban, Greg White, John Poggemeyer, Nicholas Riegelmayer, and Mary Wheatley who is better known to friends and family as “Muffy.” Please join me in extending some well-deserved congratulations to these Scouters! 

Now in camping, Klondikes are almost over, but there’s still time to Sign up for the, and the rescheduled Beaumont Klondike! Troop members can earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge at Kent State on February 18th. The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Metalworking Merit Badge is upcoming on April 6th, there’s a Beaumont Spring Camporee the last weekend of April, as well as a service and camping opportunity on Kelley’s Island

Also, here’s some more BIG news: You only have to travel to Firelands Scout Reservation to witness the upcoming solar Eclipse on April 8th, and have a fun weekend of Scouting leading up to it! It’s big news because the next time it’ll happen in Northeast Ohio is in 2444. Send Anthony or Jess your questions. 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week! Oh look, a pic-in-ic basket! Don’t mind if I do! 

LEC 3-Minute Update - January 25, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and I’m going to the moon! Good news for me, I’ve got a much trustier steed to get there than the Peregrine lander! Golly gee, I can see my house from up here! 

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have updates in the worlds of: Training, Special Events, and Camping, and Scholarships! 

First, in training, note that the LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick. Its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now! 

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes on February 4th. 

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd. 

In fact, I have some great news to share! The 2023 Unit Scouter Award Recipients are known, and here are the recipients: Brian Klett, Jeff Pershing, Jennifer Miller, Kim McCraine, Laura Eizember, Maureen Hirt, Melissa Naymik, and Steven Lynch. Congratulations and a job well done, Scouters! Thanks for all you give this movement! 

Now in camping, Klondikes are almost over, but there’s still time to Sign up for the Firelands Klondike, and the rescheduled Beaumont Klondike! Troop members can earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge at Kent State on February 18th. The next merit badge university is in March at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. 

Also, here’s some more BIG news: this here moon I’m headed to is going to totally eclipse the sun on Monday, April 8th around 3:15 in the afternoon. You only have to travel to Firelands Scout Reservation to be witness it first-hand, and enjoy some Scouting activities on the weekend leading up to it! It’s big news because the next time it’ll happen in Northeast Ohio is 420 years from now. Hopefully I’ll be retired from broadcasting the three minute update by then! Register now and send Anthony or Jess your questions. 

The deadline for the Class of 2023’s Eagle Scout scholarship applications is almost here, on January 31st. Any Eagle Scout from the class of 2023 is eligible to submit an application, regardless of their age. Forms should be mailed to the Council office or emailed to Heather McMillan no later than January 31st. Send Heather your questions about this process. 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week, take care! Now, where’s the next seven-eleven? I could really use a slushie for the rest of this ride. 

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 18, 2024

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, coming to you from Houston, Texas, where all of us Browns fans had our dreams crushed for yet again. It hurts a lot to be here right now, it really does. But we’ve got to push through, keep trying, and never give up hope. Joe Flacco, you’re still our hero.

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have updates in the worlds of: Training, Special Events, and Camping, and Scholarships!

First, here’s BIG NEWS! The LEC is hosting a University of Scouting on Saturday, March 16th. Participants will learn how to be the best den chiefs or den leaders they can be, among other crucial skills! And of course, there are trainings for Scouts BSA and Venturing leaders as well. Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick.

Also in training, its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now!

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes on February 4th.

In other special event news, The Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration will be on February 24th, and the annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd. The theme for that evening is “Scouters make a World of Difference,” and they sure do! We’re excited to announce the worthy recipients of many awards coming up soon!

Now in camping, Klondikes are well under way! Sign up for the remaining Beaumont or Firelands Klondikes today! Also, if you were registered to come out to Beaumont last weekend, you have options: 1) come to the final Beaumont Klondike. 2) Come to the Firelands Klondike. Or 3) come to the rescheduled Klondike at Beaumont from February 16-18. If you have any questions about your Klondike registration, please contact Erica Maze. There’s a Webelos have a Winter challenge offered with the North to Alaska Klondike at Beaumont. Troop members can earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge at either the Holden Arboretum on January 27th or at Kent State on February 18th. The next merit badge university is in April at Beaumont. Sap Camp is March 2nd.  Cub Scouts should attend Winter Mud Day at Firelands on March 9th! On March 17th, Scouts looking to represent Scouting can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information.

The deadline for the Class of 2023’s Eagle Scout scholarship applications is coming soon, on January 31st. Any Eagle Scout from the class of 2023 is eligible to submit an application, regardless of their age. Forms should be mailed to the Council office or emailed to Heather McMillan no later than January 31st. Do send Heather your questions about this process.

Finally, folks, it’s with a heavy heart that our 3 minute update producer, Drew Poschner, is leaving the Lake Erie Council for greener pastures. Drew is the main man making all of my crazy ideas for the three minute update come true, and also helps me stay at three minutes. Although I’m sad that Drew is leaving, his move is definitely for the best. Please join me in wishing Drew the best wishes there are for his future, and also help convince him to keep being a part of the three minute update as a volunteer!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week, take care!

National Parks Klondike Update

Good Afternoon National Parks Klondike Participants, 

We are reaching out to ensure that you are monitoring the weather forecast for this coming weekend.  Ashtabula County,along with Northeast Ohio, is under a winter storm warning through Saturday at 10:00 pm. Models project a potential for 7-11 inches of snow and lower temperatures. As of today, we have NOT canceled the Klondike.  As with any cold weather event, the importance of participants dressing accordingly with layers and additional sets of clothes, gloves, hats, etc. is crucial.  As a reminder, while more than adequate, Troop Lodges are heated only by wood stoves. The Augustus Training Center will be open the entire weekend as a warming shelter. 

Leaders and families from each unit should determine your plan for attendance based on things like preparation, readiness of Scouts and travel.  If you plan to join us at camp, please take precautions, travel at safe speeds, and leave ample room between vehicles.  Check-in has been extended to 10:30 pm on Friday night and will occur on Saturday morning as well.

If your unit decides not to attend this weekend, there are multiple options available.  The High Adventure Klondike has been rescheduled for February 16-18, 2024, at Beaumont Scout Reservation. The Beaumont North to Alaska Klondike is next weekend (January 26-28, 2024) and the Kodiak Klondike at Firelands is on February 9-11, 2024. If you would like to switch to one of these Klondikes, please reach out to us ASAP.  While we are unable to guarantee a cabin (especially the one your unit is currently registered for), we will do our very best to accommodate you.  

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to Anthony Dworning or Erica Maze at any time. 

High Adventures Klondike Rescheduled!

Thank you for your understanding last weekend as we postponed the Klondike. The Lake Erie Council has moved the Klondike and all reservations to February 16-18, 2024, at Beaumont Scout Reservation. If you would like to switch or have already switched to the North to Alaska Klondike on January 26-28, 2024, or the Firelands Kodiak Klondike on February 9-11, 2024, that option is available. Cabins are not guaranteed if you switch to another Klondike.  

Please reach out to Erica Maze, Joe McQuillin or Anthony Dworning with questions. 

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 11, 2024

Mornin’, all! This is Jake Brown, coming to you from Fankenmuth, Michigan! This is Michigan’s little Bavaria, and National Service Territory 9, which encompasses all of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio and of which the LEC is a part of, are just leaving this awesome town from a professional planning conference. Now, let’s be Frankfurt: a work conference in Michigan in January is cold. Most of us said “Brrrr-lin, it’s freezing out here! I wish we could gather around the Bonn-fire, but starting one sounds like too much Erfurt. Let’s hurry up inside for a mighty Rhine time.”

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have: Training updates, Event Updates and Camping Updates, and a note about our next office closure.

First, a reminder of some BIG NEWS! The LEC is hosting a University of Scouting at the Lorain County JVS on Saturday, March 16th. Participants will be able to dive into the details of how to cook in the outdoors, how to engage with your chartered organization for a smooth leadership transition, and much, much more! Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick.

Also in training, its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now!

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes on February 4th.

Moving on to events: Klondikes are about to begin, and in fact, the deadline to register for the National Parks Klondike is this Tuesday the 16th, so sign up today! Do note that Webelos have a Winter challenge being offered in conjunction with the North to Alaska Klondike at Beaumont. Also, upcoming is the Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration on February 24th. The annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd, as well as Sap Camp. That’s a busy day. On March 17th, Scouts looking to represent Scouting can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland, and you can email Julia Hearne for more information. Troop members can earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge at either the Holden Arboretum on January 27th or at Kent State on February 18th. The next merit badge university is in April at Beaumont. Lastly, Cub Scouts should note that the date of the Winter Mud Day at Firelands has changed to March 9th.

Finally, please note that this Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the office will be closed. That means we will all be happy to see you and work with you again on Tuesday the 16th!

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week, take care!

LEC 3 Minute Update - January 4, 2024

Mornin’, all! Happy New Year! I’m Jake brown, coming to you from the West Quoddy Head Light House in Maine, where I’m happy to share that the sun rose a whole 48 minutes earlier on New Years’ Day than it did in Cleveland. I tell ya, the 14 hour drive one way to get here was very worth it! 

Okay, in this week’s three minute update, we have: Training updates, Event Updates and Camping Updates, and a note about annual planning and Journey to Excellence. 

First, here’s some BIG NEWS! The LEC is hosting a University of Scouting at the Lorain County JVS on Saturday, March 16th. Participants will be able to dive into the details of how to cook in the outdoors, learn more about the upcoming Cub Scout program changes that take effect in June, and much much more! In addition, you’ll get to meet Lord Baden-Powell himself, risen from the ashes of time to bring our events’ closing address to us! Registration is live with the event and course descriptions, and you can send questions or inquiries to Dave Sechnick

Also in training, its important to note that there will be a Rangemaster training on February 24th at Firelands, BALOO, Scoutmaster Basic, and Wilderness First Aid Trainings are open upcoming in April, and the Wood Badge and NYLT course registrations are open now! 

And speaking of Wood Badge and NYLT, their annual scholarship fundraiser breakfast will be held on March 9th at Lakewood High School. Come support future participants to Wood Badge and NYLT by attending the fundraiser breakfast, and bid on some great live auction items while there! Send questions to Linda Gray; the Early Bird closes on February 4th. 

Moving on to events: Klondikes are about to begin, and in fact, the deadline to register for the High Adventure Klondike is this Saturday, so sign up today! Also, upcoming is the Class of 2023 Eagle Scout Celebration on February 24th, with Monty Gibson of the Cleveland Browns delivering the keynote address. The annual Celebration of Scouting will be held on March 2nd, in addition to Sap Camp. On March 17th, Scouts looking to represent Scouting can join in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Cleveland. Lastly, Cub Scouts should note that the date of the Winter Mud Day at Firelands has changed to March 9th. 

Finally, I have a note to share about Journey to Excellence: if you are familiar with this planning tool, please note that it is being phased out and replaced. If you have never heard of Journey to Excellence before, please disregard what I’ve said. If you have ears and are involved with Scouting, however, please listen to this: the Lake Erie Council has established a replacement to Journey to Excellence, what will be known in the future as “The Unit Performance Objectives worksheet.” This worksheet is available on the Council website, and should be used by Packs and Troops to assist in planning and executing the ideal year of Scouting. More about this tool will be shared in the coming weeks and months, but be bear aware that there’s a new tool in town, and it’s here! If you have any questions about how to use this tool, send them over to Mike Evano

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! We’ll see you next week, take care! 

LEC 3 Minute Update - December 14, 2023

Good morning, all! And thank you for tuning in to this week’s three minute update. This week, the update is brought to you from the fireplace that I wish my office or living room had. Now, let me share a short wintry tale with you: 

‘Twas the week before quiet time, and all through the service center 
The mice indeed stirring, and so was the registrar. 

By December 15th, 90 percent of units rechartered. 
The field team, ecstatic, now looks forward to slumber. 

In Program, Holidays at Camp are come to an end, 
And in the rest of the office, 2024 is in everyone’s head. 

Next year, many many changes are near. 

Cub Scouts will have new adventures in June, 
And the topic of planning will be pushed very soon. 

Klondikes and Camporees will arrive quick on the calendar
so sign up today to avoid paying more. 

For any final tasks in Scouting that still need attention, 
This week and next are the time said things mention

What a lovely story. Everyone, thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you. I look forward to seeing you next week!